Glossary of Latin Terms D


Daci -orum, m. pl. the Dacians, a warlike people on the Lower Danube. Dacia -ae, f. their country.

dactylicus -a -um, dactylic.

dactyliotheca -ae, f. a casket for rings.

dactylus -i, m. a metrical foot, a dactyl.

daedalus -a -um: act., skilful; '(natura) daedala rerum', quaint artificer; pass., curiously wrought, variegated.

Daedalus -i, m. mythical Athenian, builder of the Cretan labyrinth; adj. Daedaleus and Daedalius -a -um.

Dalmatae (Delmatae) -arum, m. pl. the Dalmatians, inhabitants of Dalmatia.

Damascus -i, f. Damascus, capital of Syria; adj. Damascenus -a -um, Damascene; 'pruna', damsons.

damma (older dama) -ae, f. or m. a fallow-deer, chamois, antelope; as meat, venison.

damnatio -onis, f. condemnation.

damnatorius -a -um, condemnatory.

damno -are, to cause loss or injury to; at law, to condemn, sentence, punish (offence usually genit., punishment genit. or abl.); 'damnari inter sicarios', to be condemned as an assassin; in gen., to condemn, disapprove of; of deities, 'damnari voti' or 'voto', to grant a person's wish, and compel him to discharge his vow; also to assign, devote, make over.

damnosus -a -um: act. causing loss or damage, detrimental; pass. damaged, injured; middle sense, self-injuring. Adv. damnose, ruinously.

damnum -i, n. loss, damage, injury; at law, a fine.

Danae -es, f. mother of Perseus.

Danaus -i, m. son of Belus, who left Egypt for Argos; adj. Danaus -a -um, Argive, Greek; m. pl. Danai -orum, the Greeks; Danaides -um, f. the fifty daughters of Danaus.

danista -ae, m. money-lender.

dano; = old form of do; q.v.

Danuvius -i, m. the river Danube.

Daphne -es, f. daughter of Peneus, changed into a laurel tree.

daphnon -onis, m. a grove of laurels.

daps dapis, f. a sacrificial feast, religious banquet; in gen., meal, feast, banquet.

dapsilis -e, sumptuous, plentiful.

Dardani -orum, m. pl. a warlike Illyrian people.

Dardanus -i, m. son of Jupiter, mythical ancestor of the royal family of Troy; adj. Dardanus and Dardanius -a -um, Trojan; subst. Dardania -ae, f. = Troy; Dardanides -ae, m. a male descendant of Dardanus; Dardanis -idis, f. a Trojan woman.

Dareus -i, m. name of several Persian kings.

datio -onis, f. a giving; legal, right of alienation.

dativus -a -um, to do with giving; '(casus) dativus', the dative case.

dato -are, to give away.

dator -oris, m. giver.

Daunus -i, m. a mythical king of Apulia, ancestor of Turnus; adj. Daunius -a -um, Daunian; f. subst. Daunias -adis, Apulia.

de, prep. with abl. (1) in space, down from, away from. Transf., coming from an origin; taken from a class or stock, made from a material, changed from a previous state; of information, from a source. (2) in time, following from, after; in the course of, during. (3) about a subject; on account of a cause; according to a standard.

dea -ae, f. goddess.

dealbo -are, to whitewash, plaster.

deambulo -are, to take a walk.

dearmo -are, to disarm.

debacchor -ari, dep. to rave, revel furiously.

debellator -oris, m. a conqueror.

debello -are: intransit. to fight to the end, finish a war; transit. to fight out a fight; to conquer an enemy.

debeo -ere -ui -itum, to owe. Lit. of money, etc.: n. of perf. partic. pass. as subst., debitum, -i, a debt. Transf., to be indebted to somebody for anything; with infin., to be due to do a thing, be morally bound to or be bound by logic or necessity or law to; to have to pay because of fate, to be destined to give.

debilis -e, feeble, weak.

debilitas -atis, f. weakness, feebleness.

debilitatio -onis, f. weakening, disabling.

debilito -are, to weaken, enfeeble, disable; to enervate, break down.

debitio -onis, f. owing, debt.

debitor -oris, m. one who owes, a debtor.

debitum -i, subst. from debeo; q.v.

decanto -are: transit. to sing or say repeatedly; intransit. to leave off singing.

decedo -cedere -cessi -cessum. (1) to move away, withdraw, retire; milit., to march away. Transf., to retire, give up; with dat., to yield to, retire in favor of, esp. to depart from life, to die. (2) of things, to retire, abate, cease; 'sol decedens', setting. (3) to go astray, deviate.

decem, indecl. ten.

December -bris, adj. of December (originally the tenth Roman month); December (mensis), December.

decempeda -ae, f. a ten-foot ruler.

decempedator -oris, m. a land-surveyor.

decemprimi -orum, m. pl. the ten chief men in the senate of a municipium or colonia.

decemvir -i, m.; usually plur., a board of ten commissioners at Rome for various purposes.

decemviralis -e, relating to the decemvirs.

decemviratus -us, m. the office of decemvir.

decennis -e, of ten years.

decentia -ae, f. propriety, comeliness.

decerno -cernere -crevi -cretum, to decide, determine; to settle that a thing is so; and of action, to decide to do or give a thing; of a body, to decide, decree; as a member of a body, to move, propose; of combatants, to settle by fighting. Hence partic. decretus -a -um; m. as subst. decretum -i, a resolve, decree; philosoph. doctrine, principle.

decerpo -cerpere -cerpsi -cerptum, to pluck off, pluck away. Transf., to gather; to derive; to take away.

decertatio -onis, f. contest.

decerto -are, to contend, fight to a finish.

decessio -onis, f. a withdrawing, departure; esp. of a governor retiring from his province. Transf., deduction, diminution.

decessor -oris, m. one who retires from an office, a predecessor.

decessus -us, m. withdrawal, departure. Esp. the retirement of an official; death; of water, ebb.

decet -ere -uit, it is proper, it is fitting (physically or morally). Hence partic. decens -entis, proper, fit; adv. decenter.

decido (1) -cidere -cidi, to fall down, to fall dead, die; in gen., to sink, fall.

decido (2) -cidere -cidi -cisum, to cut down, cut off; to cut short, to settle, to arrange.

decies and deciens, ten times.

decim-; see also decum-.

decimus (older decumus) -a -um, tenth; decimum, for the tenth time.

decipio -cipere -cepi -ceptum, to catch; hence to cheat, deceive, beguile (esp. of time).

decisio -onis, f. a settlement, decision.

Decius -a -um, name of a Roman gens; adj. Decianus -a -um.

declamatio -onis, f. loud, violent speaking, declamation; practice in oratory, or a theme for such practice.

declamator -oris, m. a declaimer.

declamatorius -a -um, of declamation, rhetorical.

declamito -are, to speak loudly, declaim; esp. to practice speaking in public; 'causas', to plead for practice.

declamo -are, to speak loudly; esp. to practice speaking in public; with object, to declaim.

declaratio -onis, f. making clear, open expression.

declaro -are, to make clear, explain, reveal, declare; of appointments, to proclaim a person as chosen.

declinatio -onis, f. bending away, turning aside. Transf., an avoiding, declining; rhet. a digression; grammat. inflexion, declension.

declino -are: transit., to bend aside, turn away, deflect. Transf., to avoid, shun; intransit., to deviate, swerve, digress.

declivis -e, inclined downwards, sloping; n. as subst. declive -is, a slope, declivity.

declivitas -atis, f. a declivity.

decocta -ae, f. subst. from decoquo; q.v.

decoctor -oris, m. spendthrift, bankrupt.

decollo -are, to behead.

decolo -are, to trickle away.

decolor -oris, off-color, pale.

decoloratio -onis, f. discoloring.

decoloro -are, to discolor.

decoquo -coquere -coxi -coctum, to boil thoroughly; to boil down, boil away; of metals, to melt away; of property, to waste; commerc., to ruin oneself, become bankrupt. Hence partic. decoctus -a -um, boiled down; of style, insipid; f. as subst. a cold drink.

decor -oris, m. grace, comeliness, beauty.

decoro -are, to embellish, beautify, adorn.

decorus -a -um, physically, graceful, beautiful, comely; morally, proper, fit, becoming. N. as subst. decorum -i, propriety, grace. Adv. decore, fitly, becomingly.

decrepitus -a -um, infirm, decrepit.

decresco -crescere -crevi -cretum, to grow down, become smaller, decrease.

decretum -i, subst. from decerno; q.v.

decuma (decima) -ae, f. a tenth part tithe (as an offering, tax, or largesse).

decumanus (decimanus) -a -um, of the tenth.(1) relating to the provincial tax of a tenth; m. as subst. the farmer of such a tax. (2) belonging to the tenth legion; m. pl. as subst. its members. (3) belonging to the tenth cohort.

decumates -ium, pl. adj. relating to tithes.

decumbo -cumbere -cubui, to lie down, fall, fall down.

decumo (decimo) -are, to take a tithe; milit. to decimate troops.

decuria -ae, f. a body of ten men; a class, division, esp. of jurors; a party, club.

decuriatio -onis, f. a dividing into decuriae.

decuriatus -us, m. a dividing into decuriae.

decurio (1) -are, to divide into bodies of ten, or into classes of ten.

decurio (2) -onis, m. head of a body of ten; milit. company commander in the cavalry; polit., a senator of a municipium or colony.

decurro -currere -cucurri or -curri -cursum, to run down, hasten down; milit. to move down or to manoeuvre. Transf., to run in a race; transit. to run through, traverse a set course; to have recourse to, take refuge in; of ships, to sail downstream or to land; of water, to run down.

decursio -onis, f. milit., a manoeuvre or charge.

decursus -us, m. a running down; milit. a manoeuvre, a charge, attack. Transf., the completion of a course; rhet., rhythmical movement.

decurtatus -a -um, mutilated (of style).

decus -oris, n. distinction, honor, glory, grace; moral dignity, virtue; of persons, pride, glory; plur., decora, distinguished acts.

decutio -cutere -cussi -cussum, to shake down, shake off, knock off.

dedecet -decere -decuit, it is unbecoming, unsuitable, unfitting.

dedecoro -are, to dishonor, bring shame upon.

dedecorus -a -um, shameful, dishonorable.

dedecus -oris, n. shame, dishonor, disgrace; a dishonorable action, crime, vice.

dedicatio -onis, f. consecration.

dedico -are, to dedicate, consecrate; to specify, indicate.

dedignor -ari, dep. to think unworthy, scorn, reject.

dedisco -discere -didici, to unlearn, forget.

dediticius -a -um, relating to surrender; m. plur., dediticii, subjects of Rome without rights.

deditio -onis, f. unconditional surrender, capitulation.

dedo dedere -didi -ditum, to give up, surrender esp. of the conquered. Transf., to give up to, dedicate, devote. Hence partic. deditus -a -um, devoted to, addicted to; 'dedita opera', intentionally.

dedoceo -ere, to cause to unlearn, to unteach; teach not to.

dedoleo -dolere -dolui, to make an end of grieving.

deduco -ducere -duxi -ductum, to lead or bring down; in time, from the past, to trace downwards to the present; in amount, to reduce; from an amount, to subtract; in gen., to lead or draw away; to lead forth colonists, to found a colony; to escort a person to a place; of persons and things,to bring out of one state, opinion, etc. into another; in weaving, to draw threads; hence, to draw out, spin out in speech or writing.

deductio -onis, f. a leading down; a reduction; a leading away of colonists, etc..

deerro -are, to wander from the right path, go astray.

defatigatio -onis, f. exhaustion, fatigue.

defatigo -are, to weary, fatigue.

defatiscor; = defetiscor; q.v.

defectio -onis, f. failure. Hence defection, rebellion; weakening, failing, vanishing. Partic. defectus -a -um, failing, deficient.

defector -oris, m. rebel, deserter.

defectus (1) -a -um, part. of deficio; q.v.

defectus (2) -us, m. a failing, disappearance; esp. a failing of light, eclipse.

defendo -fendere -fendi -fensum. (1) to repel, repulse, ward off, drive away (2) to defend, protect; esp. to defend in court; in argument, to maintain a proposition or statement; to sustain a part.

defensio -onis, f. (2) a warding off. (3) defence.

defensito -are, to defend frequently.

defenso -are, to defend vigorously.

defensor -oris, m. (1) one who wards off or averts. (2) a defender, protector esp. in court.

defero -ferre -tuli -latum, to bring down, carry down; in gen., to bring or carry away, esp. to a particular place; 'deferre rationes', to hand in accounts; fig., to offer, hand over, refer; of news, to communicate, report, esp. to authority; legal, 'deferre nomen', to inform against a person, indict; 'deferre crimen', to bring a charge.

defervesco -fervescere -fervi or -ferbui, to cease boiling; of passion, to cease to rage.

defetiscor (defatiscor) -fetisci -fessus, dep. to become tired, grow weary; esp. in perf. partic. defessus -a -um, weary, tired.

deficio -ficere -feci -fectum: intransit. to do less than one might, to fail; hence, to desert, rebel, revolt; of things, to fail, run short; of sun or moon, to become eclipsed; of fire, to go out; of water, to ebb; of strength, etc., to fail, become weak; 'amimo deficere', to lose heart; transit. to abandon, leave, fail; rarely pass. defici, to be failed. Hence partic. defectus -a -um, feeble, esp. because of age.

defigo -figere -fixi -fixum, to fasten down, fix in; in gen., to secure, plant firmly; of sight or thought, to concentrate, fix upon;of persons, to fix, make motionless, with astonishment, etc.: partic. defixus -a -um, astounded; of enchantment, to bind by a spell.

defingo -fingere -finxi, to form, mold.

definio -ire, to limit, bound, mark out; to set limits to a thing, confine; to set as a limit, appoint, assign; to interpret ideas or words in terms of each other, to understand one thing by another; in logic, to define. Hence partic. definitus -a -um, definite, distinct; adv. definite.

definitio -onis, f. limiting, prescribing; in logic, a definition.

definitivus -a -um, definitive, explanatory.

defit (as from defio), fails.

deflagratio -onis, f. burning, destruction by fire.

deflagro -are, to be burnt down, destroyed by fire; in gen., to be destroyed; of passions, to cease burning, abate, cool. Partic. in pass. sense, deflagratus -a -um, burnt down, destroyed.

deflecto -flectere -flexi -flexum: transit. to bend down or aside; intrans. to turn aside, turn away; in speech, to digress.

defleo -flere -flevi -fletum, to bewail, weep for.

defloccatus -a -um, bald.

defloresco -florescere -florui, to shed blossoms, fade, wither.

defluo -fluere -fluxi. (1) to flow down, slip down, descend; abstr., to come down, esp. of the gifts of heaven. (2) to flow away, disappear, be lost.

defodio -fodere -fodi -fossum, to dig down into; to form by digging, excavate; to dig in, cover, bury, conceal.

deformatio -onis, f. deforming, disfiguring; degradation.

deformis -e. (1) deformed, misshapen, ugly, disgusting. Transf., foul, shameful. (2) formless, shapeless. Adv. deformiter, in an ugly fashion.

deformitas -atis, f. deformity, ugliness; disgrace, dishonor.

deformo -are. (1) to form, fashion; to delineate. (2) to put out of shape, disfigure; to disgrace, dishonor.

defraudo (defrudo) -are, to deceive, cheat; 'genium suum', to deprive oneself of pleasure.

defrenatus -a -um, unbridled, unrestrained.

defrico -fricare -fricui -frictum, to rub down; fig. to satirize, lash.

defringo -fringere -fregi -fractum, to break down, break off.

defrutum -i, n. new wine boiled down.

defugio -fugere -fugi: intransit., to flee away; transit., to fly from, avoid.

defundo -fundere -fudi -fusum, to pour down, pour out.

defungor -fungi -functus, dep. to perform, discharge, have done with; '(vita) defungi', to die.

degener -eris, fallen away from one's origin, unworthy of one's race, degenerate, unworthy, ignoble.

degenero -are: intransit. to become unlike one's kind, to fall off, go bad, degenerate; transit. to cause to degenerate, or disgrace by degeneracy.

degero -ere, to carry off.

dego degere degi, to pass time; absol., to live.

degrandinat, impers. it hails violently, or (perhaps) it ceases to hail.

degravo -are, to weigh down, bring down, lower.

degredior -gredi -gressus, dep. to step down, march down.

degusto -are, to take a taste from, taste; of fire, to lick; of a weapon, to graze; in gen., to try, make a trial of, sound.

dehinc, from here, hence; from this time, henceforth; immediately after that

time, thereupon.

dehisco -ere, to gape, open, split down.

dehonestamentum -i, n. blemish, deformity, disgrace.

dehonesto -are, to dishonor, disgrace.

dehortor -ari, dep. to discourage, dissuade.

deicio -icere -ieci -iectum, to throw, cast, hurl down; with reflex., to rush down; of upright things, to throw to the ground, fell; of persons, to kill, bring down. In gen., to fling away or aside; naut., deici, to be thrown off course; milit., to dislodge;to eject, dispossess; to shift a person from an opinion, attitude; to disappoint. Hence partic. deiectus -a -um, low-lying; dispirited, dejected.

deiectio -onis, f. throwing down; eviction from property.

deiectus (1) -a -um, -partic. from deicio; q.v.

deiectus (2) -us, m. a throwing down; a declivity, steep slope.

deiero -are, to swear.

dein; see deinde.

deinceps, one after the other, successively.

deinde, and abbrev. dein: of space,from that place; of time, thereafter, thereupon, then, afterwards; in enumerations, next, and then.

Deiotarus -i, m. a king of Galatia, defended by Cicero.

deiungo -ere, to disconnect.

delabor -labi -lapsus, dep. to glide down, fall down, sink; of liquids, to flow down. Transf., to sink to, come down to circumstances, etc.; to proceed from, be derived from an origin; to fall unawares among people.

delacero -are, to tear to pieces.

delamentor -ari, dep. to bewail, lament.

delasso -are, to weary, tire out.

delatio -onis, f. reporting, giving information against, denunciation.

delator -oris, m. an informer, denouncer.

delectabilis -e, delightful, pleasant.

delectamentum -i, n. delight, amusement.

delectatio -onis, f. delight, pleasure.

delecto -are, to divert, attract, delight; in pass. with abl., to take delight in; in pass. with infin., to delight in.

delectus -us, m. choosing, choice.

delegatio -onis, f. assignment of a debt.

delego -are, to transfer, commit, assign; to impute, attribute, ascribe.

delenimentum -i, n. what soothes or charms.

delenio (delinio) -ire, to soften down; to soothe or charm.

delenitor -oris, m. one who soothes or cajoles.

deleo -lere -levi -letum, to blot out, efface; in gen., to destroy, annihilate.

deliberabundus -a -um, carefully considering, deliberating.

deliberatio -onis, f. consideration, consultation.

deliberativus -a -um, relating to deliberation.

deliberator -oris, m. one who deliberates.

delibero -are, to weigh carefully, consider, consult about; to ask advice, esp. of an oracle; as a result of deliberation, resolve. Hence partic. deliberatus -a -um, resolved, determined.

delibo -are, to take a little from, to taste; in gen. to extract, derive; to take from so as to enjoy; to take from so as to lessen or spoil.

delibro -are, to peel the bark off.

delibutus -a -um, steeped.

delicatus -a -um, soft, tender; in bad sense, of things, luxurious; of persons, spoilt, effeminate; of tastes, fastidious, dainty, nice. Adv. delicate, luxuriously.

deliciae -arum, f. pl. allurements, charms, delights, fancies; 'esse in deliciis', to be a favorite; concr., darling, sweetheart.

deliciolae -arum, f. pl. a darling.

delictum -i, n. a fault, crime.

deligo (1) -ligere -legi -lectum, to pick, pluck; to choose, select.

deligo (2) -are, to fasten, bind up.

delingo -ere, to lick off, lick up.

delinquo -linquere -liqui -lictum, to fail, be wanting, esp. to fail in duty, commit a crime.

deliquesco -liquescere -licui, to melt, dissolve; to vanish, disappear.

deliquo and delico -are, to clarify; to explain.

deliratio -onis, f. folly, silliness, dotage.

deliro -are, to act crazily, rave.

delirus -a -um, silly, crazy, doting.

delitesco -litescere -litui, to conceal oneself, lie hid, take refuge.

delitigo -are, to scold furiously.

Delos -i, f. a small island in the Aegean Sea, birthplace of Apollo and Diana; adj. Deliacus and Delius -a -um, of Delos; as subst. Delius -i, m. = Apollo; Delia -ae, f. = Diana.

Delphi -orum, m. pl. a town in Phocis, famous for its oracle of Apollo; adj. Delphicus -a -um.

delphinus -i and delphin -inis, m. dolphin.

delubrum -i, n. a shrine, temple.

deluctor -ari, dep. and delucto -are, to wrestle.

deludo -ludere -lusi -lusum, to mock, cheat.

delumbo -are, to lame, enervate, weaken.

demadesco -madescere -madui, to become wet through.

demando -are, to entrust, commit.

demens -entis, out of one's mind, insane, senseless; adv. dementer.

dementia -ae, f. senselessness, insanity; in plur., mad actions.

dementio -ire, to be mad, rave.

demereo -ere and demereor -eri, dep. to earn thoroughly, to deserve well of a person, to oblige.

demergo -mergere -mersi -mersum, to sink, plunge into, dip under; 'aere alieno demersus,' over head and ears in debt.

demetior -metiri -mensus, dep. to measure out; partic. demensus -a -um, in pass. sense, with n. as subst., an allowance.

demeto -metere -messui -messum, to mow, reap, cut down or off.

demigro -are, to emigrate, depart. Transf., to die.

deminuo -minuere -minui -minutum, to take away from, diminish, lessen; 'capite se deminuere', to suffer a loss of civil rights.

deminutio -onis, f. lessening, diminution; 'sui', loss of prestige; 'capitis', loss of civil rights; right of alienation.

demiror -ari, dep. to wonder at.

demissio -onis, f. sinking, lowering; 'animi', dejection.

demitigo -are, to make mild, soft.

demitto -mittere -misi -missum, to send down, lower, put down; 'tunica demissa', hanging loosely; 'demissi capilli', growing long; milit. to lead down; naut., to lower gear, or bring a vessel downstream or to land. Transf., to sink, bury, plunge; of spirits, to lower. Hence partic. demissus -a -um, hanging down;of dress and hair, long, loose; of places, low-lying. Transf., feeble, weak; unassuming, modest; downcast, dispirited. Adv. demisse, low, near the ground. Transf., modestly, humbly, meanly.

demo demere dempsi demptum, to take away, subtract.

Democritus -i, m. a philosopher of Abdera (c. 460-370 B.C.). Hence adj. Democriticus -a -um.

demolior -iri, dep. to throw down, demolish.

demolitio -onis, f. throwing down, demolition.

demonstratio -onis, f. pointing out, indication, explanation, description; rhet., oratory concerned with praise and censure.

demonstrativus -a -um, demonstrative; rhet., of oratory, concerned with praise and censure.

demonstrator -oris, m. one who points out or indicates.

demonstro -are, to indicate, explain, describe.

demorior -mori -mortuus, dep. to die, die off; with acc. of person, to die for love of.

demoror -ari, dep.: intransit., to delay, loiter; transit., to stop, delay, retard.

Demosthenes -is (also -i), the Athenian orator (384-322 B.C.).

demoveo -movere -movi -motum, to move away, remove; 'hominem de sententia', to make a person change his opinion.

demugitus -a -um, filled with the noise of lowing.

demulceo -mulcere -mulsi, to stroke down, caress by stroking.

demum, of time, at length, at last; in enumerations, finally, in short; 'id demum', that and that alone.

demurmuro -are, to murmur or mutter over.

demutatio -onis, f. change, alteration, esp. for the worse.

demuto -are: transit., to change, alter a thing, esp. for the worse; intransit., to change one's mind or become different.

denarius -a -um, containing ten; 'denarius nummus', or 'denarius' alone, a Roman silver coin.

denarro -are, to narrate, tell, relate.

denato -are, to swim down.

denego -are, to deny, say no; to deny, refuse, reject a person.

deni -ae -a, ten by ten, ten at a time, by tens.

denicalis -e, releasing from death; 'feriae', a funeral ceremony.

denique: in time, at last, finally; in enumerations, again, further or finally; in short, in fine.

denomino -are, to name.

denormo -are, to make crooked.

denoto -are, to mark out for another, designate precisely; to take note of.

dens dentis, m. a tooth. Transf., things resembling a tooth, e.g., a mattock or sickle; abstr., of anything biting, sharp, destructive.

denseo -ere, to make thick, condense, press together.

denso -are, to make thick, condense, press together.

densus -a -um, thick, close, dense; in time, frequent; in degree, intense, vehement; in style, of work or author, condensed. Adv. dense, densely; of time, frequently.

dentalia -ium, n. pl. the share-beam of a plow.

dentatus -a -um, provided with teeth, toothed; polished by teeth.

dentio -ire, to cut teeth; of teeth, to grow.

denubo -nubere -nupsi -nuptum, to be married off, to marry (of the woman), esp. beneath her.

denudo -are, to lay bare, uncover, reveal. Transf. to rob, plunder.

denuntiatio -onis, f. announcement, declaration, threat.

denuntio -are, to announce, give notice, declare, threaten; 'bellum denuntiare', to declare war; legal, to give notice, serve a summons.

denuo, anew, again; a second time.

deonero -are, to unload, disburden.

deorsum or deorsus, downwards; 'sursum deorsum', up and down, backwards and forwards.

depaciscor; = depeciscor; q.v.

depactus -a -um, fastened down, firmly fixed.

depasco -pascere -pavi -pastum and depascor -pasci, dep. to feed off; in gen., to eat up, consume, reduce.

depeciscor -pecisci -pectus, dep. to make a bargain for or about; to settle for, accept a condition.

depecto -pectere -pexum, to comb down; in comedy, to beat soundly.

depeculator -oris, m. plunderer, embezzler.

depeculor -ari, dep. to rob, plunder.

depello -pellere -puli -pulsum, to drive down, or away, expel, remove; milit., to dislodge; naut., to drive off course; in gen., to drive away, avert; of persons, to dissuade.

dependeo -ere, to hang down; to depend upon; to be derived from.

dependo -pendere -pendi -pensum, to weigh out and pay over.

deperdo -perdere -perdidi -perditum, to lose, waste, destroy; esp. of the effects of love.

depereo -perire -perii, to perish or be ruined utterly; to be desperately in love.

depilo -are, to strip of hair or feathers.

depingo -pingere -pinxi -pictum, to paint, depict, portray.

deplango -plangere -planxi, to bewail, lament.

deplexus -a -um, clasping.

deploro -are: intransit., to weep bitterly, lament; transit., to lament, bewail; to regard as lost, give up.

depluit -pluere, rains down.

depono -ponere -posui -positum. (1) to lay down, put down; esp. to lay as wager or prize. (2) for safekeeping, to put down, deposit; to commit, entrust. (3) to lay aside, have done with. Hence partic. depositus -a -um.(1)laid out; dying, despaired of, dead. (2) entrusted; n. as subst. a deposit.

depopulatio -onis, f. laying waste, ravaging.

depopulator -oris, m. a ravager.

depopulor -ari, dep.; also depopulo -are, to lay waste, ravage, destroy.

deporto -are, to carry down, carry off, take away; to bring home; to banish for life (with loss of rights and property).

deposco -poscere -poposci, to demand, usually for a purpose, esp. for punishment.

depravatio -onis, f. perverting, distorting; 'animi', depravity.

depravo -are, to make crooked, pervert, disfigure; verbally, to distort, misrepresent; morally, to spoil, corrupt. Adv. from partic., depravate, perversely.

deprecabundus -a -um, earnestly entreating.

deprecatio -onis, f. (1) an attempt to avert by entreaty, deprecation. (2) an entreaty against a person, for his punishment.

deprecator -oris, m. (1) one that begs off, an intercessor. (2) one that pleads for.

deprecor -ari, dep. (1) to try to avert by entreaty, to deprecate; to allege in excuse (so as to avoid punishment). (2) to entreat against a person, to curse. (3) to entreat for, beg for, intercede.

deprehendo and deprendo -endere -endi -ensum, to seize upon, catch hold of; esp. to surprise, catch, detect a person in a crime or fault; to disco- ver, detect, observe a thing.

deprehensio -onis, f. detection.

deprimo -primere -pressi -pressum, to press down, depress; esp. to plant deep in the ground, dig deep; of ships, to sink. Hence partic. depressus -a -um, low-lying.

deproelians -antis, struggling violently.

depromo -promere -prompsi -promptum, to take down, produce, fetch out.

depropero -are: intransit., to hasten; transit., to hasten over, produce in haste.

depudet -pudere -puduit, ceases to be ashamed, loses all sense of shame.

depugno -are, to fight hard, fight it out.

depulsio -onis, f. driving away; rhet. defence.

depulsor -oris, m. an averter.

deputo -are. (1) to prune, cut off. (2) to count, estimate.

deque; see susque deque.

derelinquo -linquere -liqui -lictum, to forsake, desert, abandon.

derepente, suddenly.

derepo -repere -repsi, to creep, crawl down.

derideo -ridere -risi -risum, to laugh at, mock, deride.

deridiculus -a -um, very laughable; n. as subst. ridicule; 'esse deridiculo', to be an object of ridicule.

derigo -rigere -rexi -rectum, to set straight, direct; of placing (also in form dirigo), to order, dispose; milit. to draw up; Transf., to direct, aim, guide abstract things.

derigui, perf., grew quite still.

deripio -ripere -ripui -reptum, to tear down, snatch away.

derisor -oris, m. a mocker.

derisus -us, m. mockery, derision.

derivatio -onis, f. turning away or diversion of water.

derivo -are, to turn into another channel, divert.

derogo -are, to modify into a law; in gen. to diminish, detract from.

derosus -a -um, gnawed away.

deruncino -are, to cheat, fleece.

deruo -ruere -rui -rutum, to cast down, make to fall.

deruptus -a -um, broken off; hence precipitous, steep; n. pl. as subst. precipices.

desaevio -ire -ii -itum, to rage violently.

descendo -scendere -scendi -scensum, to climb down, come down, descend; milit., to march down; of things, to sink, pierce, penetrate; of mountains, to slope down; of the voice, to sink. Transf., of per- sons, to lower oneself, stoop; of things, to sink in, penetrate.

descensio -onis, f. going down, descent; 'Tiberina', voyage down the Tiber.

descensus -us, m. going down, descent; way down.

descisco -sciscere -scivi or -scii -scitum, to break away, revolt, withdraw, diverge.

describo -scribere -scripsi -scriptum. (1) to transcribe, copy. (2) to describe, delineate, represent, portray.

descriptio -onis, f. (1) a copy. (2) a representation, description, figure.

deseco -secare -secui -sectum, to hew off, cut off.

desero -serere -serui -sertum, to forsake, abandon, leave; to neglect, disregard. Hence partic. desertus -a -um, forsaken, abandoned; n. pl. as subst., deserts, wildernesses.

desertor -oris, m. one who forsakes; milit., deserter.

deservio -ire, to serve zealously, be a slave to.

deses -sidis, m. (nom. sing. not found), idle, lazy, inactive.

desideo -sidere -sedi -sessum, to sit idle, be slothful.

desiderabilis -e, desirable.

desideratio -onis, f. desire, longing.

desiderium -i, n. desire or longing, grief for the absence or loss of a person or thing; in gen., a desire or request.

desidero -are, to long for what is absent or lost, to wish for; to miss, find a lack of; milit., to lose.

desidia -ae, f. idleness, inactivity, apathy.

desidiosus -a -um, slothful, idle, lazy; adv. desidiose.

desido -sidere -sedi, to sink down, subside, settle. Transf., to deteriorate.

designatio -onis, f. marking out, designation; appointment to an office.

designator -oris, m. = dissignator; q.v.

designo -are, to mark out, trace, plan; in gen., to point out, indicate, signify; to portray, delineate; polit., to nominate, elect; partic. designatus -a -um, elected, designated.

desilio -silire -silui -sultum, to leap down; 'ad pedes', to dismount.

desino -sinere -sii -situm: transit., to cease, desist from; intransit., to cease, stop, end; with in and acc., to end in.

desipientia -ae, f. foolishness.

desipio -sipere, to be foolish, act foolishly.

desisto -sistere -stiti -stitum, to stand away; from a person, to withdraw; from action, etc., to desist, leave off, cease.

desolo -are, to leave solitary, forsake.

despecto -are, to regard from above, look down upon; to despise.

despectus (1) -a -um, partic. from despicio; q.v.

despectus (2) -us, m. a looking down, downward view; an object of contempt.

desperatio -onis, f. hopelessness, despair.

despero -are: intransit., to be without hope, despair; transit., to despair of, give up. Adv. from pres. partic. desperanter, despairingly, hopelessly. Perf. partic. desperatus -a -um; in pass. sense, despaired of; in middle sense, desperate.

despicatio -onis, f. contempt.

despicatus -us, m. contempt.

despicientia -ae, f. looking down upon; contempt.

despicio -spicere -spexi -spectum, to look down, regard from above; to look down upon, despise. Pres. partic. act. despiciens, contemptuous. Perf. partic. pass. despectus -a -um, despised, contemptible.

despicor -ari, to look down upon, despise. Perf. partic. in pass. sense, despicatus -a -um, despised, contemptible.

despolio -are, to plunder, despoil.

despondeo -spondere -spondi -sponsum, to pledge, to promise, esp. to promise in marriage, betroth; in gen. to pledge, devote; with animum or animos, to lose heart, despair.

despumo -are (1) to skim off. Transf. to digest. (2) to drop foam.

despuo -spuere, to spit down, spit on the ground. Transf. to reject.

desquamo -are, to take off the scales, to scale.

desterto -stertere -stertui, to finish snoring or dreaming.

destillo -are, to drip down, distill.

destinatio -onis, f. fixing, determining, appointment.

destino -are, to make fast, fix down; to fix, determine, settle, appoint; with infin., to resolve to do; of persons, to appoint to an office; of things, to fix upon, intend to buy. Hence partic. destinatus -a -um, fixed, determined; n. as subst., an objective or intention; '(ex) destinato', intentionally.

destituo -stituere -stitui -stitutum, to set down, place; esp. to leave in the lurch, forsake, desert.

destitutio -onis, f. forsaking, abandoning.

destringo -stringere -strinxi -strictum. (1) to strip; esp. to draw or bare a sword. Transf., to satirize, censure. (2) to touch lightly, graze. Hence partic. destrictus -a -um, severe.

destruo -struere -struxi -structum, to pull down, dismantle, destroy, ruin.

desubito (or de subito), suddenly.

desudo -are, to sweat violently, exert oneself hard.

desuefio -fieri -factus sum, pass., to made unaccustomed.

desuesco -suescere -suevi -suetum, to become unaccustomed; esp. partic. desuetus -a -um; in pass. sense, disused; in middle sense, unaccus- tomed, unused to.

desuetudo -inis, f. disuse.

desultor -oris, m. a leaper, acrobat. Transf. an inconstant person.

desultorius -a -um, relating to a 'desultor'.

desum -esse -fui, to be down, fall short, fail, be missing or remiss.

desumo -sumere -sumpsi -sumptum, to take out, choose, select.

desuper, from above.

desurgo -surgere -surrexi -surrectum, to rise and go down or out.

detego -tegere -texi -tectum, to uncover, lay bare, disclose.

detendo -tendere -tensum, to unstretch; 'tabernacula', to strike tents.

detergeo -tergere -tersi -tersum. (1) to wipe off, clear away, brush off. (2) to cleanse by wiping.

deterior -ius, genit. -oris, compar. (superl. deterrimus) lower, inferior, poorer, worse. Adv. deterius, worse.

determinatio -onis, f. boundary, end.

determino -are, to bound, fix the limits of, determine.

detero -terere -trivi -tritum, to rub away, wear out; to detract from, weaken.

deterreo -terrere -terrui -territum, to frighten off, deter, discourage.

detestabilis -e, abominable, horrible.

detestatio -onis, f. (1) a cursing, execration.(2) a warding off, averting.

detestor -ari, dep. (1) to pray against; to pray for deliverance from a person or thing, or to curse, execrate. (2) of the gods' action, to avert, remove.

detexo -texere -texui -textum, to make by plaiting; to finish, complete.

detineo -tinere -tinui -tentum, to hold back, detain; to prevent; to engage, occupy exclusively.

detondeo -tondere -totondi and -tondi -tonsum, to shear, clip.

detono -tonare -tonui, to cease to thunder or rage.

detorqueo -torquere -torsi -tortum. (1) to turn away, bend aside. (2) to twist out of shape, distort.

detractio -onis, f. drawing off, withdrawal, taking away; rhet., ellipsis.

detracto; = detrecto; q.v.

detractor -oris, m. detractor, disparager.

detraho -trahere -traxi -tractum. (1) to draw down, drag down; to lower, humiliate. (2) to draw off, drag away, remove; numerically, to subtract; in speech, to detract from a person, disparage, slander.

detrectatio -onis, f. refusal.

detrectator -oris, m. disparager, detractor.

detrecto -are. (1) to decline, refuse, shirk. (2) to disparage, detract from, depreciate.

detrimentosus -a -um, detrimental, hurtful.

detrimentum -i, n. loss, damage, injury; milit., loss, defeat.

detritus -a -um, partic. from detero; q.v.

detrudo -trudere -trusi -trusum, to push down, thrust down; milit., to dislodge; legal, to dispossess, eject. Transf., of persons, to force, compel; of functions, to put off, postpone.

detrunco -are, to lop or cut off; to mutilate.

deturbo -are, to force away, dash down; milit., to dislodge; legal, to eject, dispossess.

Deucalion -onis, m. son of Prometheus, saved in an ark from a great flood, with his wife Pyrrha.

deunx -uncis, m. eleven-twelfths of a unit.

deuro -urere -ussi -ustum, to burn down; of cold, to destroy, nip.

deus -i, m. a god, deity; 'di meliora (ferant)', God forbid.

devasto -are, to lay waste, devastate.

deveho -vehere -vexi -vectum, to carry away or down; pass. devehi (sc.navi) to sail.

devello -vellere -velli -vulsum, to pluck, tear away.

develo -are, to unveil, uncover.

deveneror -ari, dep. (1) to worship, revere.(2) to avert by prayers.

devenio -venire -veni -ventum, to come to, arrive at, reach.

deverbero -are, to thrash soundly.

deversor (1) -ari, dep. to lodge as a guest.

deversor (2) -oris, m. a guest.

deversoriolum -i, n. a small lodging.

deversorius -a -um, fit to lodge in; n. as subst. an inn, lodging, refuge.

deverticulum (devort-) -i, n. (1) a by-way, by-path; hence digression. (2) an inn, lodging, refuge, resort.

deverto (devorto) -vertere -verti -versum, to turn aside; esp. to turn aside to a lodging to put up at, stay with. Transf., to digress.

devexus -a -um, moving downwards, descending, sinking; of position, sloping down, shelving, steep; of tendency, inclining to.

devincio -vincire -vinxi -vinctum, to bind, tie fast, attach, connect. Hence partic. devinctus -a -um, attached, devoted.

devinco -vincere -vici -victum, to conquer thoroughly, subjugate, overcome.

devitatio -onis, f. avoiding.

devito -are, to avoid.

devius -a -um, off the beaten track, out of the way, solitary, retired in mind, erroneous, unreasonable.

devoco -are, to call down or away; 'devocare in dubium', to bring into danger.

devolo -are, to fly down, hasten down.

devolvo -volvere -volvi -volutum, to roll down; pass., to roll down, fall headlong, sink back.

devoro -are, to swallow, devour, seize upon; of words, to articulate badly, mispronounce; of property, to consume, waste; of disagreeable things, to swallow, accept, put up with.

devorticulum; see deverticulum.

devortium -i, n. a by-way, by-path.

devotio -onis, f. (1) consecrating, devoting. (2) cursing. (3) en- chantment, incantation.

devoto -are, to consecrate or devote to death.

devoveo -vovere -vovi -votum, to consecrate, devote esp. to a god, or to death; to curse, execrate; to bewitch, enchant; in gen., to devote, give up. Hence partic. devotus -a -um, devoted; accursed; attached to a person; m. pl. as subst. faithful followers.

dextella -ae, f. a little right hand.

dexter -tera -terum, or -tra -trum; compar. dexterior -ius, superl. dextimus -a -um; right, on the right hand, on the right side.Transf. dexterous, skillful; propitious, favorable, opportune. F. as subst. dextera or dextra, the right hand;'(a) dextra', on the right; esp. the right hand as a pledge of faith; sometimes, in gen., the hand. Adv. dextere or dex- tre, compar. dexterius; dexterously, skillfully.

dexteritas -atis, f. skillfulness, readiness.

dextrorsum and dextrorsus, on the right, towards the right.

Dia -ae, f. mother of Mercury.

diadema -atis, m. a royal headband, diadem.

diaeta -ae, f. (1) a way of living prescribed by a physician, regimen, diet. (2) a living room.

dialecticus -a -um, of discussion, dialectical; m. as subst., dialecticus -i, a dialectician, logician; f. dialectica -ae, and dialectice -es, the art of dialectic, logic; n. pl. dialectica -orum, dialectical discussion; adv. dialectice, dialectically.

dialis -e, relating to Jupiter; '(flamen) dialis', the priest of Jupiter.

dialogus -i, m. a philosophical conversation.

Diana -ae, f. the virgin goddess of the moon and hunting; adj. Dianius -a -um, belonging to Diana.

diaria -orum, n. pl. a day's allowance of food or pay.

dibaphus -a -um, double-dyed; as f. subst. dibaphus -i, the purple- striped robe of the higher magistrates in Rome.

dica -ae, f. law-suit, action in a Greek court.

dicacitas -atis, f. wit, satire, raillery.

dicatio -onis, f. settling as a citizen in another state.

dicax -acis, ready of speech; witty, satirical, sarcastic.

dichoreus -i, m. a double trochee.

dicio -onis, f. power, sovereignty, authority.

dicis (genit.); 'dicis causa, dicis gratia', for form's sake, for the sake of appearances.

dico (1) -are, to consecrate, dedicate, devote to the gods; to deify, place among the gods; to inaugurate. Transf., to devote, give up, set apart; 'se civitati', or 'in civitatem', to become a citizen.

dico (2) dicere dixi dictum, to indicate; to appoint; most commonly, to say, speak, tell, mention; in pass. with infin., to be said to; imper- sonally, dicitur, it is said that;of ideas,to express, put into words; 'ius', to administer law, give rulings; of persons or things, to men- tion, speak of, tell of, relate; to name, call; to mean, refer to. N. of partic. as subst. dictum -i, a word, saying, speech; a witty saying, a bon mot; a prediction; an order, command.

dicrotum -i, n. a vessel with two banks of oars.

dictamnus -i, f. dittany, a plant.

dictator -oris, m. a dictator; in Rome, an extraordinary magistrate, elected in emergency and granted absolute power; elsewhere, a chief magistrate.

dictatorius -a -um, belonging to a dictator, dictatorial.

dictatura -ae, f. the office of dictator, dictatorship.

dictio -onis, f. saying, speaking, talk, oratory.

dictito -are, to say often, reiterate, assert repeatedly; 'dictitare causas', to plead frequently.

dicto -are, to say often; to say over, dictate a thing to be written; hence to get written down.

dictum -i, n. subst. from dico (2); q.v.

Dido -us, f. the founder of Carthage, also called Elisa or Elissa.

dido didere dididi diditum, to divide, distribute, spread round.

diduco -ducere -duxi -ductum, to draw apart, separate; milit., to divide, distribute, also to scatter, disperse.

diecula -ae, f. a little day, a short time.

dierectus -a -um, an abusive expression, like go and be hanged!.

dies -ei, m. or f. daytime, day; a day, period of twenty-four hours; 'diem ex die', from day to day; 'in dies', daily, esp. of a continuing pro- cess of change; 'in diem vivere', to live for the day; meton., the bus- iness or events of the day; in gen., time. Esp. a particular day, fixed date; a historic day; day of death; anniversary, esp. birthday.

Diespiter -tris, m. a name for Jupiter.

diffamo -are, to spread evil reports about, to defame.

differentia -ae, f. difference, distinction.

differitas -atis, f. difference.

differo differre distuli dilatum. Transit., to carry in different directions, spread abroad, scatter; to spread news; to harass, disturb, discredit a per- son; in time, to delay, postpone business, to put off persons. Intrans. to differ, be different; 'nihil differt', there is no difference.

differtus -a -um, stuffed full, crammed.

difficilis -e, difficult; of character, hard to deal with, morose, obstinate. Adv. difficiliter and difficulter, with difficulty.

difficultas -atis, f. difficulty, need, trouble, distress; of character, obstinacy, moroseness.

diffidentia -ae, f. want of confidence, distrust, despair.

diffido -fidere -fisus sum, to have no confidence, mistrust, despair; partic. diffidens -entis, distrustful, diffident; adv. diffidenter.

diffindo -findere -fidi -fissum, to split, cleave, open; legal, 'diem', to postpone business.

diffingo -ere, to form again, forge anew; fig., to change.

diffiteor -eri, dep. to deny, disavow.

difflo -are, to blow apart.

diffluo -fluere -fluxi -fluxum, to flow in different directions, to dissolve, melt away.

diffringo -fringere -fractum, to shatter.

diffugio -fugere -fugi -fugitum,to fly in different directions,to disperse.

diffugium -i, n. dispersion.

diffundito -are, to scatter.

diffundo -fundere -fudi -fusum, to pour in different directions, to spread out, diffuse, extend; esp. to make relax, brighten up, gladden. Hence partic. diffusus -a -um, spread out, extensive, wide; adv. diffuse, copiously, diffusely.

diffusilis -e, capable of spreading, elastic.

digero -gerere -gessi -gestum, to carry in different directions, to separate, spread; esp. in orderly fashion, to arrange.

digestio -onis, f. arrangement, distribution.

digestus -a -um, partic. from digero; q.v.

digitulus -i, m. a little finger; the touch of a finger.

digitus -i, m. (1) a finger; 'digitus pollex', the thumb; 'index', the forefinger; as a measure, a finger's breadth, an inch. (2) a toe.

digladior -ari, dep. to flourish the sword; to fight, struggle fiercely; in words, to dispute.

dignatio -onis, f. esteem; dignity, reputation, honor.

dignitas -atis, f. worth, worthiness, merit. Transf., dignified appear- ance or style; dignified position, esteem, honor; esp. official rank; plur. dignitates, persons of rank.

digno -are, and dignor -ari, dep. to consider worthy; with infinit., to deign to.

dignosco (dinosco) -noscere -novi, to recognize as different,to distinguish.

dignus -a -um. (1) worthy, deserving; esp. of persons, usually with abl. or genit. (2) of things, worth having, deserved, suitable, fitting; 'dignum est', foll. by infin. it is proper. Adv. digne.

digredior -gredi -gressus, dep. to go apart, depart, deviate; in speech, to digress.

digressio -onis, f. separation, departure; in speech, digression.

digressus -us, m. separation, departure; in speech, digression.

diiudicatio -onis, f. judging, decision.

diiudico -are. (1) to judge between parties, to decide, determine. (2) to distinguish, find a difference between.

diiun-; see disiun-.

dilabor -labi -lapsus, dep. to glide apart; of solids, to fall to pieces, fall down, melt, dissolve; of liquids, gases, etc., to flow apart, run away; of persons in groups, to break up, slip away; in gen., to break up, vanish; of time, to go by.

dilacero -are, to tear to pieces.

dilamino -are, to split in two.

dilanio -are, to tear in pieces.

dilapido -are, to demolish.

dilargior -iri, dep. to hand round, give liberally.

dilatio -onis, f. putting off, postponing.

dilato -are, to spread out, extend;'litteras', to pronounce broadly.

dilator -oris, m. a dilatory person, loiterer.

dilatus, partic. from differo; q.v.

dilaudo -are, to praise highly.

dilectus (1) -a -um, partic. from diligo; q.v.

dilectus (2) -us, m.: in gen., choosing, choice, selection; milit., a levy, recruiting of troops, conscription; meton., troops so raised.

diligens -entis, partic. from diligo; q.v.

diligentia -ae, f. carefulness, attentiveness, accuracy; esp. care in management, economy.

diligo -ligere -lexi -lectum, to choose out; to prize, love, esteem highly. Hence pres. partic. diligens -entis, attentive, careful; esp. careful in housekeeping, economical, saving; adv. diligenter, attentively, care- fully.

dilorico -are, to tear open.

diluceo -ere, to be clear, evident.

dilucesco -lucescere -luxi, to grow light, become day; to become clear.

dilucidus -a -um, clear, lucid, plain; adv. dilucide.

diluculum -i, n. the break of day, dawn.

diludium -i, n. an interval, breathing-space.

diluo -luere -lui -lutum. (1) to wash apart, separate, dissolve; of troubles, to remove, resolve; of puzzles, to clear up. (2) to dilute, temper; to weaken, lessen, impair.

diluvies -ei, f. washing away, inundation.

diluvio -are, to flood, inundate.

diluvium -i, n. flood, deluge, inundation.

dimano -are, to flow in different directions, spread abroad.

dimensio -onis, f. measuring.

dimetior -metiri -mensus, dep. to measure out.

dimeto -are and dep. dimetor -ari, to measure out.

dimicatio -onis, f. a fight, struggle, battle.

dimico -are, to brandish weapons; hence to fight, contend, struggle.

dimidiatus -a -um, halved, divided, half.

dimidius -a -um, halved, divided in half; 'dimidia pars', half. N. as subst. dimidium -i, half; 'dimidio minus', less by half.

diminutio; see deminutio.

dimissio -onis, f. (1) a sending out. (2) a dismissing, discharging.

dimitto -mittere -misi -missum. (1) to send forth, send in different direc- tions; without object, to send (word) round. (2) to send away, let go, let fall; milit., to disband or to detach; of a gathering, to break up, dismiss; of places, to give up, leave; of abstr. things, to give up, renounce, abandon.

dimminuo -ere, to dash to pieces.

dimoveo -movere -movi -motum. (1) to move asunder, part, divide. (2) to separate, remove, take away.

dinosco; = dignosco; q.v.

dinumeratio -onis, f. enumeration.

dinumero -are, to count, esp. to count money, to pay.

dioecesis -eos and is, f. a district under a governor.

dioecetes -ae, m. a revenue official or treasurer.

Diomedes -is, m. (1) a hero of the Trojan War, son of Tydeus. (2) king of the Bistones in Thrace.

Dione -es, and Diona -ae, f. (1) the mother of Venus; (2) Venus. Adj. Dionaeus -a -um.

Dionysus (-os) -i, m. the Greek name of Bacchus. Hence Dionysia -orum, n. pl. the feast of Dionysus. 3

diota -ae, f. a two-handled wine jar.

diploma -atis, m. (1) a letter of introduction given to travellers. (2) a government document conferring privileges.

diremptus -us, m. a separation.

direptio -onis, f. plundering, pillaging.

direptor -oris, m. plunderer, pillager.

diribeo -ere -itum, to sort tablets when taken out of the ballot box.

diribitio -onis, f. sorting of voting tablets.

diribitor -oris, m. the officer who sorted voting tablets.

dirigo -rigere -rexi -rectum, to arrange, direct. Hence partic. directus -a -um, straight, direct; straightforward, plain, simple. Abl. as adv. directo and adv. directe, straight, directly. See also derigo.

dirimo -imere -emi -emptum, to part, separate, divide. Transf., to break off, interrupt, stop temporarily or permanently.

diripio -ripere -ripui -reptum, to snatch apart, tear to pieces; of spoil, to divide. hence, milit., to pillage, lay waste; to tear away.

diritas -atis, f. misfortune, disaster; cruelty, fierceness.

dirumpo -rumpere -rupi -ruptum, to break apart or to pieces, shatter; of friendships, etc., to sever, break up; in pass., dirumpi, to burst with envy, grief, anger.

diruo -ruere -ui -utum, to pull apart, demolish, destroy, break up; financially, to ruin.

dirus -a -um, fearful, horrible, frightful, cruel. N. pl. dira -orum, and f. pl. dirae -arum, as subst., unlucky omens, curses; Dirae -arum, a name for the Furies.

Dis Ditis, m. a name of Pluto, god of the Lower World.

dis ditis (contracted from dives), rich; having or containing or bringing wealth.

discedo -cedere -cessi -cessum. (1) to go asunder, part, separate. (2) to depart, go away; milit., to march away; 'discedere ab signis', to break the ranks; 'ab armis', to lay down arms; to come out of a contest, to come off; in gen., to depart, pass away; to deviate, swerve, digress; polit., of the senate, 'in sententiam discedere', to support a resolution.

disceptatio -onis, f. debate, discussion, controversy.

disceptator -oris, m. an arbitrator.

disceptatrix -tricis, f. an arbitrator.

discepto -are. (1) to decide, settle, determine. (2) to dispute, debate, discuss.

discerno -cernere -crevi -cretum, to sever, separate, set apart. Transf., to distinguish, discern.

discerpo -cerpere -cerpsi -cerptum, to pluck to pieces, dismember.

discessio -onis, f. (1) going separate ways, separation; polit., in voting, a division in the senate. (2) a going away, departure.

discessus -us, m. (1) parting, separation. (2) departure, going away; milit., marching off; banishment.

discidium -i, n. tearing apart; separation, division; separation in feelings, disagreement.

discido -ere, to cut in pieces.

discindo -ere -scidi -scissum, to cleave asunder, split.

discingo -cingere -cinxi -cinctum, to take off the girdle, ungird. Partic. discinctus -a -um, ungirt; at ease, careless, dissolute.

disciplina -ae, f. instruction, teaching; training, education; esp. mili- tary training. Transf., results of training, discipline, ordered way of life; that which is taught, learning, body of knowledge, science; a rhetori- cal or philosophical school or system.

discipula -ae, f. a female pupil.

discipulus -i, m. a pupil, apprentice.

discludo -cludere -clusi -clusum, to shut away, separate, divide.

disco discere didici, to learn, get to know; 'discere fidibus', to learn to play on the lyre; in gen., to receive information, find out; to become acquainted with, learn to recognize.

discolor -oris, of different colors; in gen., different.

disconvenio -ire, to disagree, not to harmonize.

discordabilis -e, disagreeing.

discordia -ae, f. dissension, disagreement; milit., mutiny, sedition.

discordiosus -a -um, full of discord, mutinous.

discordo -are, to be at discord, disagree, be opposed; milit., to be mutinous.

discors -cordis, disagreeing, inharmonious, opposed, different.

discrepantia -ae, f. disagreement, difference.

discrepatio -onis, f. disagreement, disunion.

discrepito -are, to be quite unlike.

discrepo -are -ui, to differ in sound, be discordant; to disagree, be different; 'res discrepat', or impers., 'discrepat', people are not agreed; with acc. and infin., it is inconsistent that.

discribo -scribere -scripsi -scriptum, to mark out, arrange, classify, define; to allot, fix, appoint. Hence partic. discriptus -a -um, classified, arranged; adv. discripte.

discrimen -inis, n. (1) dividing line, distinction, difference, interval. (2) turning-point, critical moment; crisis, hazard, danger.

discrimino -are, to separate, sunder, divide.

discriptio -onis, f. an arrangement, definition, distribution.

discrucio -are, to torture, torment, esp. mentally.

discumbo -cumbere -cubui -cubitum, (1) to recline at table. (2) to go to bed.

discupio -cupere (colloq.), to long.

discurro -currere -cucurri and -curri -cursum, to run about, run to and fro.

discursus -us, m. a running about, running to and fro.

discus -i, m. a discus.

discutio -cutere -cussi -cussum, to shatter. Transf., to disperse, scatter, break up.

disertus -a -um, eloquent, expressive; adv. diserte and disertim.

disicio disicere disieci disiectum, to throw in different directions, cast asunder; of buildings, etc., to throw down; of military formations, to break up, disperse; of abstract things, to break up, frustrate.

disiecto -are, to toss about.

disiectus (1) -a -um, partic. from disicio; q.v.

disiectus (2) -us, m. scattering, dispersing.

disiunctio -onis, f. separation, estrangement; in logic, a disjunctive proposition.

disiungo (diiungo) -iungere -iunxi -iunctum, to unbind, loosen, separate, remove, distinguish. Hence partic. disiunctus -a -um, separated, apart, distant, remote; of speech, disconnected; in logic, disjunctive. Compar. adv. dis- iunctius, rather in disjunctive fashion.

dispando -pandere -pandi -pansum or -pessum, to expand, stretch out.

dispar -paris, unlike, dissimilar, unequal.

disparilis -e, unlike, dissimilar, unequal.

disparo -are, to separate, part, divide; n. of partic. as subst., disparatum -i, rhet. the contradictory proposition.

dispartio; = dispertio; q.v.

dispello -pellere -puli -pulsum, to drive in different directions, scatter.

dispendium -i, n. expenditure, expense, loss.

dispenno; = dispando; q.v.

dispensatio -onis, f. weighing out; management, administration; the office of a treasurer.

dispensator -oris, m. steward, bailiff, treasurer.

dispenso -are, to weigh out or pay out; in gen., to distribute, to arrange.

disperdo -dere -didi -ditum, to squander, ruin, spoil.

dispereo -ire -ii, to perish utterly, be squandered, ruined.

dispergo -spergere -spersi -spersum, to scatter, disperse. Adv. from perf. partic. disperse, dispersedly, here and there.

dispertio -ire, and dep. dispertior -iri, to separate, divide, distribute.

dispicio -spicere -spexi -spectum, to see clearly, esp. by an effort; to make out, discern, perceive; to reflect upon, consider.

displiceo -ere, to displease; 'displicere sibi'to be dissatisfied with oneself, be out of spirits.

displodo -plodere -plosi -plosum, to burst noisily.

dispono -ponere -posui -positum, to put in different places, to distribute, put in order; milit., to station at intervals. Hence partic. dispositus -a -um, arranged, orderly; adv. disposite, in order, methodically.

dispositio -onis, f. regular arrangement or order in a speech.

dispositu, abl. sing. m., in or by arranging.

dispositura -ae, f. arrangement, order.

dispudet -ere -uit, it is a great shame.

disputatio -onis, f. arguing, debating.

disputator -oris, m. debater, disputant.

disputo -are, to reckon up; to debate, discuss, argue.

disquiro -ere, to inquire into, investigate.

disquisitio -onis, f. inquiry, investigation.

dissaepio -saepire -saepsi -saeptum, to hedge off, separate, divide; n. of perf. partic. as subst. dissaeptum -i, barrier, partition.

disseco -secare -secui -sectum, to cut up.

dissemino -are, to spread abroad, disseminate.

dissensio -onis, f. difference in feeling or opinion; disagreement, variance, conflict, opposition.

dissensus -us, m. disunion, disagreement.

dissentaneus -a -um, disagreeing, different.

dissentio -sentire -sensi -sensum, to be of different feeling or opinion, to be opposed, not to agree.

disserenat -are, impers., it is clearing up all round, of the weather.

dissero (1) -serere -sevi -situm, to scatter seed, sow; to spread.

dissero (2) -serere -serui -sertum to set in order; hence to examine, treat of, discuss.

disserpo -ere, to creep about, spread.

dissertio -onis, f. a severance.

disserto -are, to treat of, discuss, argue.

dissideo -sidere -sedi -sessum, to sit apart, be distant, disagree, be opposed; of clothes, to sit unevenly.

dissido -sidere -sedi, to fall apart, disagree.

dissignatio -onis, f. arrangement.

dissignator -oris, m. one that arranges, a supervisor.

dissigno -are, to arrange, regulate, manage.

dissilio -silire -silui, to leap apart, break asunder.

dissimilis -e, unlike, dissimilar; adv. dissimiliter, differently.

dissimilitudo -inis, f. unlikeness, difference.

dissimulatio -onis, f. a concealing, dissembling, esp. of irony.

dissimulator -oris, m. dissembler, concealer.

dissimulo -are. (1) to dissemble, disguise, keep secret; pass. with middle force, 'dissimulata deam', concealing her divinity.(2) to ignore, leave unnoticed.Adv. from pres. partic. dissimulanter,in a dissembling manner.

dissipabilis -e, that can be scattered.

dissipatio -onis, f. scattering.

dissipo or dissupo -are, to scatter, disperse; milit., to break up, rout; to break up, destroy, squander. Hence partic. dissipatus -a -um, disconnected.

dissitus, partic. from dissero; q.v.

dissociabilis -e: act., separating; pass. unable to be united.

dissociatio -onis, f. separation, parting.

dissocio -are, to separate, sever, divide; in feeling, to estrange.

dissolubilis -e, dissoluble, separable.

dissolutio -onis, f. breaking up, dissolution, destruction ; 'naturae', death; 'navigii', shipwreck; 'criminum', refutation; rhet., want of connection.

dissolvo -solvere -solvi -solutum, to loosen, break up, undo, destroy; 'glaciem', to melt; 'animam', to die; 'criminationem', to refute; of debts, to pay, discharge; to release a person from difficulties, to unravel, explain a difficulty. Hence partic. dissolutus -a -um, loose; 'navigium', leaky; of style, disconnected; of character, wanting in energy, lax; pro- fligate, dissolute. Adv. dissolute, disconnectedly, loosely; care- lessly, negligently, without energy.

dissonus -a -um, discordant, different, disagreeing.

dissors -sortis, having a different lot or fate.

dissuadeo -suadere -suasi -suasum, to advise against, oppose by argument.

dissuasio -onis, f. advising to the contrary, one who speaks against.

dissuasor -oris, m. one who advises to the contrary, one who speaks against.

dissulto -are, to leap apart, burst asunder.

dissuo -suere -sui -sutum, to unstitch, undo.

distaedet -ere, causes boredom or disgust.

distantia -ae, f. distance, difference, diversity.

distendo (distenno) -tendere -tendi -tentum, to stretch apart, expand, esp. to fill full, distend. Transf., to distract, perplex. Hence partic. distentus -a -um, distended, full.

distermino -are, to separate by a boundary, divide.

distichon distichi, n. a poem of two lines, distich.

distinctio -onis, f. a distinction, difference; the finding of a difference, the act of distinguishing, discriminating; rhet. a division in a speech; a pause, stop.

distinctus (1) -a -um, partic. from distinguo; q.v.

distinctus (2) -us, m. difference, distinction.

distineo -tinere -tinui -tentum, to hold asunder, keep apart, separate. Transf., to divide in feeling; to distract; to keep away, prevent a thing from happening. Hence partic. distentus -a -um, distracted, occupied.

distinguo -stinguere -stinxi -stinctum, to mark off, distinguish, divide. Transf., to separate, distinguish; gram., to punctuate; to set off, decorate, adorn. Hence partic. distinctus -a -um,separate, distinct; set off, diversified, adorned. Adv. distincte, clearly, distinctly.

disto -are, to be apart, be distant; to differ, be distinct; impers., distat, there is a difference.

distorqueo -torquere -torsi -tortum, to twist apart, distort; to torture. Hence partic. distortus -a -um, distorted, deformed; of speech, per- verse.

distortio -onis, f. distortion.

distractio -onis, f. pulling apart, separation, disunion.

distraho -trahere -traxi -tractum, to pull apart or pull to pieces; of associations, to break up, dissolve; of persons, to draw away, es- trange, also to distract; of property, to sell up; gram., to leave a hiatus in a verse.

distribuo -uere -ui -utum, to distribute, divide. Adv. from partic. distribute, methodically, with logical arrangement.

distributio -onis, f. division, distribution.

distringo -stringere -strinxi -strictum, to draw apart, stretch out, to engage at different points, divert, occupy. Hence partic. districtus -a -um, occupied, busy, engaged.

disturbatio -onis, f. destruction.

disturbo -are, to drive apart in confusion; to destroy, raze to the ground; to bring to naught, frustrate, ruin.

ditesco -ere, to become rich.

dithyrambicus -a -um, dithyrambic.

dithyrambus -i, m. a dithyrambic poem(originally in honor of Bacchus).

ditio; = dicio; q.v.

ditior, ditissimus; see dis.

dito -are, to enrich, make wealthy.

diu, adv. (1) by day. (2) for a long time. (3) a long time ago. Compar. diutius, longer, too long. Superl. diutissime.

diurnus -a -um, belonging to a day or lasting for a day; n. as subst., a journal, account-book or a daily allowance.

dius -a -um, divine, god-like; hence fine, noble; also (apparently) out of doors, in the open air.

diutinus -a -um, lasting a long time, long; adv. diutine.

diutius, diutissime; see diu.

diuturnitas -atis, f. long duration.

diuturnus -a -um, lasting a long time, of long duration.

divarico -are, to stretch apart, spread out.

divello -vellere -velli -vulsum (-volsum), to pluck apart, tear asunder, break up, destroy, interrupt; to distract, pull away, remove, separate.

divendo -vendere -venditum, to sell in separate lots.

diverbero -are, to strike apart, cleave, divide.

diverbium -i, n. dialogue on the stage.

diversitas -atis, f. contrariety, contradiction; difference, diversity.

diversorium; see deversorius.

diverto (divorto) -vertere -verti -versum, to turn different ways; hence to differ. Hence partic. diversus -a -um, turned away, turned in different direc- tions; of places, out of the way, remote; of character, fluctua- ting, irresolute; in gen., different, unlike, opposed, hostile. Adv.

diverse, differently, diversely.

dives -vitis, rich, wealthy; with abl. or genit., rich in.

divexo -are, to tear asunder;hence to destroy, plunder, to distract.

dividia -ae, f. division, trouble.

divido -videre -visi -visum. (1) to divide up, separate into parts; esp. to divide among persons, distribute, allot; polit., 'sententiam', to divide a resolution into parts so that each part can be voted on; in mu- sic, to accompany. (2) to separate from one another, to distinguish; to set off, adorn. Hence partic. divisus -a -um, separate.

dividuus -a -um, divisible; divided, parted; fig., distracted.

divinatio -onis, f. the gift of prophecy, divination; legal, the selection of the prosecutor.

divinitas -atis, f. divine nature, divinity; the power of prophecy or divination; excellence, surpassing merit.

divinitus, divinely, by divine influence; by inspiration, by means of divination; admirably, nobly.

divino -are, to foretell, prophesy, forebode.

divinus -a -um. (1) belonging or relating to a deity, divine; 'res divina', the service of the gods; n. as subst. a sacrifice; in plur. divine things or attributes. (2) divinely inspired, prophetic; 'vates', a poet; m. as subst., a seer. (3) noble, admirable. Adv. divine, divinely, by divine power; by divine inspiration, prophetically; admirably, excellently.

divisio -onis, f. division, distribution.

divisor -oris, m. a divider; a distributor,esp. of lands; a hired bribery agent.

divisui, dat. sing. m. for division.

divitiae -arum, f. pl. riches, wealth; ornaments, rich offerings; of soil, richness.

divortium -i, n. divergence, separation; of things, a boundary, parting of the ways; or persons, separation, divorce.

divorto; see diverto.

divulgo -are, to make common, publish, spread abroad. Hence partic. divulgatus -a -um, spread abroad, made common.

divus -a -um: as adj., divine or deified; as subst., m. a god and f. a goddess (often as epithet of dead and deified emperors); 'sub divo'(neuter), in the open air.

do dare dedi datum. (1) to offer, give, grant, bestow, lend; to hand over, commit, devote; of letters, to give for dispatch; 'vela dare ventis', to sail; 'poenas', to pay a penalty; 'verba', to give words only, i.e., to cheat; of news, to tell, communicate. (2) to cause, bring about, put.

doceo docere docui doctum, to teach, instruct (with acc. of person and/or thing); with clause, to inform that or how; 'docere fabulam', to teach a play to the actors, to bring out, exhibit. Hence partic. doctus -a -um, taught; learned, instructed, well-informed; experienced, clever, shrewd. Adv. docte, learnedly, skillfully; clever- ly, shrewdly.

dochmius -i, m. a metrical foot, the dochmiac.

docilis -e, teachable, docile.

docilitas -atis, f. teachableness, docility.

doctor -oris, m. a teacher.

doctrina -ae, f. teaching, instruction; knowledge, learning.

doctus -a um, partic. from doceo; q.v.

documen -inis, n. example, pattern, warning, proof.

documentum -i, n. example, pattern, warning, proof.

dodrans -antis, m. three fourths; as a measure of length, nine inches.

dogma -atis, n. a philosophical doctrine.

Dolabella -ae, m. a Roman family name in the gens Cornelia.

dolabra -ae, f. a pick-axe.

doleo dolere dolui, to suffer pain, physical or mental, to be pained, to grieve; of things, to cause pain. Hence partic. dolens, painful;adv. dolenter,painfully, sorrowfully.

dolium -i, n. a wine-jar, cask.

dolo (1) -are, to hew with an axe, to work roughly; 'caput fuste', to cudgel.

dolo (2) or dolon -onis, m. (1) a pike, sword-stick. (2) a small foresail.

dolor -oris, m. pain, physical or mental; esp. disappointment, resentment. Transf., cause of sorrow; rhet., pathos.

dolosus -a -um, crafty, deceitful, cunning; adv. dolose.

dolus -i, m. a device, artifice; fraud, deceit, guile; a trap.

domabilis -e, tameable.

domesticus -a -um. (1) belonging to house or family, domestic; m. as subst. esp. plur., members of one's family. (2) native; 'crudelitas', to- wards citizens; 'bellum', civil war.

domicilium -i, n. place of residence, dwelling.

domina -ae, f. mistress of a household; wife, mistress, lady; of abstr. things, ruler, controller.

dominatio -onis, f. mastery, control; irresponsible power, despotism.

dominator -oris, m. ruler, governor.

dominatrix -icis, f. a female ruler, mistress.

dominatus -us, m. mastery, absolute power.

dominium -i, n. (1) rule, power, ownership. (2) a feast, banquet.

dominor -ari, dep. to rule, be supreme, domineer.

dominus -i, m. master of a house, lord, master. Transf., husband or lover; a master, owner, possessor; employer; ruler, lord, controller.

domiporta -ae, f. one with her house on her back, the snail.

Domitianus -i, m. son of Vespasian, brother of Titus, emperor from 81 to 96 A.D..

Domitius -a -um, name of a plebeian gens in Rome.

domito -are, to tame, subdue, break in.

domitor -oris, m. tamer, conqueror, victor.

domitrix -icis, f. she who tames.

domitus -us, m. taming.

domo domare domui domitum, to tame, break in, conquer, subdue.

domus -us, f. a house, home; locative domi, at home, in the house; 'domi habere', to have at home, to possess; domum, home, homewards; domo, from home. Transf., dwelling, abode; native country; household; philosophical school or sect.

donarium -i, n. (1) a temple, shrine, altar. (2) a votive offering.

donatio -onis, f. giving, donation.

donativum -i, n. an imperial largess.

donec (older donicum). (1) up to the time when, until. (2) so long as, while.

dono -are. (1) 'rem homini', to give as a present, to present, grant, bestow, give up; esp. to remit a debt or obligation; to forgive, pardon. (2) 'hominem re', to present with.

donum -i, n. a gift, present; 'dono dare', to give as a present; esp. a votive offering.

dorcas -adis, f. gazelle, antelope.

Dores -um, m. the Dorians, one of the Hellenic tribes; adj. Doricus and Dorius -a -um, Dorian, Greek. F. Doris -idis: as adj., Dorian; as subst., the country of the Dorians; the wife of Nereus; meton., the sea.

dormio -ire, to sleep; to rest, be inactive.

dormito -are, to be sleepy, begin to sleep, nod; to dream, be lazy; of a lamp, 'iam dormitante lucerna', just going out.

dormitorius -a -um, for sleeping.

dorsum -i, n. the back, of men, animals or things; 'immane dorsum mari summo', a reef; a mountain ridge.

dos dotis, f. a dowry, marriage portion; a gift, quality, endowment.

dotalis -e, belonging to or forming a dowry.

doto -are, to provide with a dowry, endow; partic. dotatus -a -um, richly endowed.

drachma (drachuma) -ae, f. a drachma, a small Greek coin.

draco -onis, m. a kind of snake, dragon.

draconigena -ae, c. dragon-born.

drapeta -ae, m. a runaway slave.

Drepanum -i, n. and Drepana -orum, plur.a town on the west coast of Sicily.

dromas -adis, m. a dromedary.

Druentia -ae, f. a river in Gaul (now Durance).

Druides -um and Druidae -arum, m. the Druids.

Drusus -i, m. a cognomen of the gens Livia; hence adj. Drusianus and Drusinus -a -um, of Drusus; subst. Drusilla -ae, f. the name of several females of the gens Livia.

Dryas -adis, f. a wood nymph, Dryad.

dubitabilis -e, doubtful, uncertain.

dubitatio -onis, f. doubt, uncertainty; hesitation, irresolution.

dubito -are. (1)to doubt, waver in opinion, be uncertain.(2) to waver as to action, be irresolute, hesitate. Adv. from partic. dubitanter, doubtingly.

dubius -a -um, doubtful. (1) act., wavering; in opinion, doubting; uncertain; as to action, hesitating, irresolute. (2) pass., uncer- tain, doubted, doubtful; n. as subst.; 'in dubium vocare', to call in question; 'procul dubio', without doubt. (3) fig., doubtful, dange- rous, critical. Adv. dubie, doubtfully; 'haud dubie', certainly.

duceni -ae -a, a group of two hundred, or two hundred each.

ducentesima -ae, f. the two hundredth part, one-half percent.

ducenti -ae -a, two hundred.

ducenties (ducentiens), two hundred times.

duco ducere duxi ductum. (1) to draw; to draw along or away; hence to shape anything long, to construct; 'carmina', to make verses; of time either to spend or to delay, protract. Transf., to charm, influence, mislead; to derive. (2) to draw in; 'aera spiritu', to inhale; 'pocula', to quaff. (3) to lead; in marriage, to marry a wife; milit., either to lead on the march, or to command.(4) to calcu- late, reckon; to esteem, consider.

ductim, by drawing; in a stream.

ductito -are, to lead, esp. to lead home a wife. Transf. to cheat.

ducto -are, to lead, esp. to lead home a wife. Transf. to cheat.

ductor -oris, m. a leader, commander, a guide.

ductus -us, m. (1) drawing, drawing off. (2) shaping, shape; 'oris', the lineaments of the face; 'muri', line of a wall. (3) leading, command, leadership.

dudum, some time ago; a little while ago, not long since; a long while ago or for a long time.

duellum, duellicus, duellator = bellum, bellicus, bellator; q.v.

Duilius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.

dulcedo -inis, f. sweetness, pleasantness, charm.

dulcesco -ere, to become sweet.

dulciculus -a -um, somewhat sweet.

dulcis -e, sweet; 'unda', fresh water; in gen., pleasant, delightful, agreeable; of persons, friendly, dear. N. acc. dulce and adv. dulciter, sweetly.

dulcitudo -inis, f. sweetness.

dum. (1) adv., joined as an enclitic with other words; 'nondum', not yet; 'vixdum', scarcely yet; 'nedum', not to say; 'age dum', come now; (2) conj.: while, during the time that; so long as, provided that; until.

dumetum -i, n. a thorn brake, thicket.

dummodo, provided that, so long as.

dumosus -a -um, covered with thorn bushes, bushy.

dumtaxat. (1) at least, not less than. (2) at most, not more than.

dumus -i, m. a thorn bush, bramble.

duo -ae -o, irreg. num. two.

duodecies (duodeciens), twelve times.

duodecim, indecl. num. twelve.

duodecimus -a -um, twelfth.

duodeni -ae -a, twelve at a time or twelve each.

duodequadragesimus -a -um, thirty-eighth.

duodequadraginta, thirty-eight.

duodequinquagesimus -a -um, forty-eighth.

duodetricies (duodetriciens), twenty-eight times.

duodetriginta, twenty-eight.

duodeviceni -ae -a, eighteen each.

duodeviginti, eighteen.

duoetvicesimani -orum, m. soldiers of the 22nd legion.

duoetvicesimus -a -um, twenty-second.

duplex -plicis, double, doubled, twofold. Transf. (1) plur., both. (2) two-faced, deceitful, equivocal. Adv. dupliciter, doubly.

duplicarius -a -um: 'miles', a soldier who gets double pay.

duplico -are, to double; of words, to repeat; also to form compound words. Transf., to bend double; in gen., to lengthen, increase.

duplus -a -um, twice as much, double; n. as subst. double, esp. a double penalty.

dupondius -i, m. a coin of two asses.

durabilis -e, lasting, durable.

duramen -inis, n. hardness.

durateus -a -um, wooden.

duresco durescere durui, to grow hard; of water, to freeze.

duritas -atis, f. harshness, unfriendliness.

duritia -ae, f. hardness; fig., austerity, harshness, severity.

durities -ei, f. hardness; fig., austerity, harshness, severity.

duro -are: transit., to make hard or hardy, to inure; intransit., to become hard or dry; to be hard or callous; to endure, hold out; to last, remain, continue.

durus -a -um, hard, harsh; tough, strong, enduring; in demeanour or tastes, rough, rude, uncouth; in character, hard, austere,sometimes brazen, shameless; of things, hard, awkward, difficult, adverse. Adv. dure and duriter, hardly, hardily; roughly, rudely; harshly, unpleasantly, severe- ly.

duumvir and duovir -viri, m. usually pl., a pair of magistrates, a commission of two.

dux ducis, c. (1) a guide, conductor. (2) a leader, ruler, commander.

dynastes -is, m. ruler, prince.

Dyrrhachium -i, n. a port in Illyria.