Ancient Documents

Ancient History Sourcebook - Mesopotamian Laws

A Collection of Mesopotamian Laws, c. 2250 - 550 BC. (Assyrian and Babylonian Literature)...

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Quotes about the Bible and History

From Bible History Online, many of the quotes are from historical sources....

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Antony By Plutarch

(died 30 B.C.E.) Written 75 A.C.E. Translated by John Dryden [People in History] [Tools and Searches]...

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Caesar By Plutarch

Plutarch's Life of Caesar is one of the most important ancient sources on the life and career of Julius Caesar. It was written in the early 2nd century AD, and it is based on a variety of sources, including Caesar's own writings, the works of other historians, and personal accounts from people who knew Caesar. Plutarch's biography is not simply a c...

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Philo of Alexandria

Resource Pages for Philo of Alexandria. Lots of Resources....

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Duke Papyrus Archive

Collection of 1373 Egyptian Papyri, with background articles [Online Text Archives] [Study Tools] [Collections]...

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On-Line Texts Related to Biblical Study

Related to ancient Near Eastern religions, Hellenistic Mediterranian religions and Biblical Study. [Online Text Archives] [Study Tools] [Collections]...

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On-line primary literature for Biblical Studies

Texts of ANE contracts, Joesphus, Pseudepigrapha, Rabbinic, Early Church Fathers, Magical papyri etc. [Online Text Archives] [Study Tools] [Collections]...

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Extra-biblical references to Jesus and Christianity

The following are early extra-biblical references to Jesus and/or Christians by non-Christian writers (in some cases, Christian writers are quoting non-Christian writers' references to Jesus). Quotes are copied from the accompanying links, unless otherwise noted. Within the text of the article, authors' names are links to encyclopedia articles abou...

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The Electronic New Testament Manuscripts Project

NT manuscripts and transcriptions. The Electronic New Testament Manuscripts Project is an international, scholarly, volunteer effort to make images and transcriptions of New Testament manuscripts available freely on the Internet. University of Western Australia [Online Text Archives] [Study Tools] [Collections]...

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