faba -ae, f. the broad bean.
fabalis -e, of beans.
fabella -ae, f. a little story, fable or drama.
faber -bra -brum, ingenious, skillful. M. as subst. faber -bri, a worker, craftsman; 'faber tignarius', a carpenter; 'ferrarius', a blacksmith; milit., 'fabri', the engineers; also a fish, perhaps dory. Adv. fabre, skillfully.
Fabius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.
fabrefacio -facere -feci -factum, to make or fashion skillfully.
fabrica -ae, f. the art of a faber; a device, trick; a workshop.
fabricatio -onis, f. making, framing, construction.
fabricator -oris, m. maker, artificer.
Fabricius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.
fabrico -are, and fabricor -ari, dep. to form, make, forge.
fabrilis -e, relating to an artificer; n. pl. as subst., tools.
fabula -ae, f. (1) talk, conversation; 'fabulam fieri', to get talked about.(2) a tale, story, fable, drama, myth;'fabulae!', nonsense.
fabulor -ari, dep. (1) to talk, converse, chatter. (2) to tell an untruth.
fabulosus -a -um, renowned in story, fabled.
facesso facessere facessi facessitum: transit., to do eagerly, perform, fulfil, accomplish; 'homini negotium', to give trouble to; intrans. to make off, go away, depart.
facetia -ae, f.; sing., wit; plur., wit, drollery, humor.
facetus -a -um, fine, elegant; witty, facetious. Adv. facete, elegantly, wittily, humorously.
facies -ei, f. shape, form, figure, outward appearance; esp. face, countenance. Transf., character, nature; seeming, pretence.
facilis -e, easy to do; easy to manage, convenient, favorable; of movement, easy, mobile; of persons, facile, dexterous, clever; of character, affable, easy, good-natured. N. acc. as adv., facile, easily, without difficulty; indisputably, certainly; 'haud facile', not easily, hardly; 'facile pati', to bear willingly.
facilitas -atis, f. easiness, ease; of character, willingness, friendli- ness, affability, good-nature.
facinorosus -a -um, wicked, criminal.
facinus -oris, n. a deed, action; esp. a bad deed, crime, villainy; hence instrument of crime; in plur., criminals.
facio facere feci factum (the pass. is fio; q.v.). Transit., to make, form, do, perform; of feelings and circumstances, to cause, bring about; esp. 'copiam' or 'potestam', to give a chance, grant permission; with clause as object, esp. with subj., e.g. 'fac sciam', let me know; 'facere non possum quin', I cannot but; of troubles, to experience, suffer; with double acc., to make, appoint, change into; with genit., to make some- thing the property of a person or thing, to bring into the power of, or mentally, to put into the category, to regard, esteem, value; with acc. and infin., to take it, assume or to make out, represent that a thing is so. Intransit., to act; with adverbs, to behave; 'facere cum', or 'ab homine', to act on the side of, support; to sacrifice; to be serviceable, to suit, help, be of service; used instead of repeating another verb, to do so. Hence partic. factus -a -um, done, wrought; n. of compar., factius, nearer to achievement; n. of positive as subst. factum -i, a deed, act, exploit.
factio -onis, f. (1) a making, doing;also the right of making or doing. (2) a party, group; esp. a political party, faction, side.
factiosus -a -um, busy; factious, associated with a faction.
factito -are. (1) to practice, be accustomed to make or do. (2) to appoint openly.
factus -a -um, partic. from facio; q.v.
facula -ae, f. a little torch.
facultas -atis, f. feasibility, opportunity, power, means; capacity, ability; resources, stock, abundance.
facundia -ae, f. eloquence, readiness of speech.
facundus -a -um, eloquent, fluent, ready of speech; adv. facunde.
faecula -ae, f. lees of wine.
faenebris -e, relating to interest.
faeneratio -onis, f. lending at interest, usury.
faenerator -oris, m. money-lender, usurer.
faeneror -ari, dep. and faenero (fenero) -are, to lend at interest; 'pro- vincias', to despoil by usury; 'beneficium', to trade in benefits.
faeneus -a -um, of hay; 'homines', men of straw.
faenilia -ium, n. pl. hay-loft.
faeniseca -ae, m. a mower; a country-man.
faenum (fenum) -i, n. hay.
faenus (fenus) -oris, n. interest on money; 'pecuniam dare faenore', to lend at interest; 'accipere faenore', to borrow. Transf., debt, in- debtedness; capital, usury.
Faesulae -arum, f. town in Etruria (now Fiesole); adj. Faesulanus -a -um.
faex faecis, f. the dregs or lees of liquid, esp. of wine; fig., socially, the dregs, the lower orders.
fagineus -a -um, of beech.
faginus -a -um, of beech.
fagus -i, f. beech tree.
fala (phala) -ae, f. a wooden tower or pillar.
falarica (phalarica) -ae, f. a missile covered with tow and pitch.
falcarius -i, m. a sickle-maker.
falcatus -a -um, furnished with sickles; sickle-shaped.
falcifer -fera -ferum, carrying a scythe or sickle.
Falernus ager, the Falernian country, in Campania; n. of adj. as subst., Falernum -i, Falernian wine.
fallacia -ae, f. deceit, trick, fraud.
fallax -acis, deceitful, treacherous, false; adv. fallaciter.
fallo fallere fefelli falsum, to deceive, lead astray, cause to be mistaken; 'nisi fallor', unless I am mistaken; of abstr. things, to disappoint, fail in; poet., to beguile, wile away; to escape the notice of, be con- cealed from; impers. 'non fallit me', I am not unaware. Hence partic. falsus -a -um. (1) wrong, mistaken, misled; n. as subst., a mistake; abl. as adv., falso, falsely, mistakenly. (2) false, untrue, spurious. (3) deceitful, lying; n. as subst. a lie; Adv. false.
falsidicus -a -um, lying.
falsiloquus -a -um, lying.
falsus -a -um, partic. from fallo; q.v.
falx falcis, f. a sickle, bill-hook, pruning-hook; a sickle-shaped implement of war.
fama -ae, f. talk, report, rumor, tradition; 'fama est', there is a rumor; public opinion; standing in public opinion, repute, good or bad.
famelicus -a -um, hungry, famished.
fames -is, f. hunger, famine; insatiable desire; poverty of expression.
famigerator -oris, m. a rumor-monger.
familia -ae, f. a household (of slaves), establishment; 'pater familias or paterfamilias', the head of a household; 'materfamilias', a married woman or an unmarried woman whose father was dead; 'filiusfamilias'a son still under his father's power. Transf., a family estate; a family, as a subdivision of a gens; any fraternity, group, sect.
familiaris -e. (1) belonging to the slaves of a house; as subst. familiaris -is, m. a servant, slave. (2) belonging to a family or household; known in the house or family, intimate, friendly; m. and f. as subst.a familiar friend. (3) in augury, 'fissum familiare', or 'pars familiaris', the part of the entrails relating to the persons sacrificing. Adv. familiariter, familiarly, intimately.
familiaritas -atis, f. confidential friendship, intimacy; meton., familiar friends.
famosus -a -um: pass., much spoken of, renowned; in bad sense, infamous, notorious; act., libellous, defamatory.
famul, famula; see famulus.
famularis -e, relating to servants or slaves.
famulatus -us, m. servitude, slavery, service; meton., an establishment of slaves.
famulor -ari, dep. to be a servant, to serve.
famulus -a -um, serving, servile; as subst. m. famulus (famul) -i, a servant, slave, attendant; f. famula -ae, a female slave, handmaid.
fanaticus -a -um, inspired; enthusiastic, frenzied.
fanum -i, n. a temple with the land round it, a holy place.
far farris, n. spelt, grain, meal.
farcio farcire farsi fartum, to fill full, stuff full.
farina -ae, f. meal, flour.
farrago -inis, f. mixed fodder for cattle, mash; a medley, mixture.
farratus -a -um, provided with grain; made of corn.
farreus -a -um, made of spelt or corn.
fartim (fartem), acc. sing., stuffing, minced meat.
fartor -oris, m. a fattener of fowls.
fas, n. indecl. divine command or law; sometimes fate, destiny; in gen. right, that which is allowed, lawful; 'fas est', it is allowed, it is lawful.
fascia -ae, f. a bandage, band, girdle, girth.
fasciculus -i, m. a little bundle or packet; 'florum', a nosegay.
fascino -are, to bewitch; to envy.
fasciola -ae, f. a little bandage.
fascis -is, m. a bundle, packet; plur., fasces, bundles of sticks with an axe projecting, carried by lictors before the chief Roman magistrates;hence high office, esp. the consulate.
fasti -orum, m.; see fastus -a -um.
fastidio -ire, to loathe, feel distaste for, dislike.
fastidiosus -a -um, squeamish, nice, dainty, fastidious; with genit. sick of, disgusted with, impatient of; in act. sense, disgusting, loathsome. Adv. fastidiose, fastidiously, with disgust.
fastidium -i, n. loathing, squeamishness, disgust, dislike; hence scorn, haughtiness, disdain.
fastigatus -a -um, pointed or sloping down; adv. fastigate, slantingly.
fastigium -i, n. the gable end, pediment of a roof; hence a slope, either up or down; of measurements looking up, height; looking down, depth; abstract, high rank, dignity; principal point in a subject.
fastus (1) -a -um: 'dies fastus', plur. 'dies fasti', or simply 'fasti', day on which the praetor could administer justice, court-days. Transf. a list of these days, with festivals, etc., the Roman calendar; a regis- ter, record; a list of magistrates.
fastus (2) -us, m. pride, haughtiness, arrogance.
fatalis -e, relating to destiny or fate; fated, destined by fate; in bad sense, deadly, fatal. Adv. fataliter, according to fate.
fateor fateri fassus, dep. to confess, admit, allow; to reveal, make known.
faticanus and -cinus -a -um, prophetic.
fatidicus -a -um, announcing fate, prophetic; m. as subst.a prophet.
fatifer -fera -ferum, deadly, fatal.
fatigatio -onis, f. weariness, fatigue.
fatigo -are, to weary, fatigue; to vex, harass; to tease, importune, worry.
fatiloqua -ae, f. a prophetess.
fatisco -ere and fatiscor -i, dep. to gape, crack, open; to become weak, droop.
fatuitas -atis, f. foolishness, silliness.
fatum -i, n. an utterance, esp. a divine utterance; hence destiny, fate, the will of a god; personif. Fata, the Parcae or Fates; doom, fate, misfortune, ruin, calamity.
fatuus -a -um, foolish, idiotic, silly.
Faunus -i, m. a mythic deity of the forests.
faustitas -atis, f. prosperity.
faustus -a -um, favorable, lucky, auspicious; adv. fauste.
fautor -oris, m. patron, promoter, partisan.
fautrix -icis, f. a patroness.
faux, f.; usually plur. fauces -ium, gullet, throat, jaws. Transf., a chasm, gorge, defile; an isthmus, neck of land; straits.
faveo favere favi fautum, to favor, be favorable to, help, support, with dat.; with infin., to be inclined to do. Esp. as religious t.t., to speak no words of bad omen; hence to be silent.
favilla -ae, f. glowing ashes, esp. of the dead; a spark.
favitor -oris, m. = fautor; q.v.
Favonius -i, m. = zephyrus, the west wind.
favor -oris, m. favor, good-will, support, inclination; esp. applause at the theater, acclamation.
favorabilis -e, in favor, popular.
favus -i, m. honeycomb.
fax facis, f. (1) a torch, esp. as carried at weddings and funerals. (2) a firebrand; of persons, instigator; of things, stimulus. (3) light, flame, esp. of heavenly bodies; fig., brilliance or pas- sion.
febricula -ae, f. a slight fever, feverishness.
febris -is, f. fever.
Februarius -i, m. or Ferbruarius Mensis, the cleansing month, February; 'Kalendae Februariae', the 1st of February.
februum -i, n. religious purification; Februa -orum, pl. the Roman feast of purification on the 15th of February.
fecialis; = fetialis; q.v.
fecunditas -atis, f. fruitfulness, fecundity.
fecundo -are, to fructify, fertilize.
fecundus -a -um, fruitful, prolific; abundant, full, plentiful; with genit. rich in, abounding in; act., making fruitful.
fel fellis, n. the gall-bladder, gall, bile; poison, venom; bitterness.
feles -is, f. a cat; hence a thief.
felicitas -atis, f. happiness, good fortune, success; personif., Good Fortune as a goddess.
felix -icis, fruitful, fertile. Transf., of good omen, favorable, bring- ing good luck; fortunate, lucky, successful; Felix, the Lucky One, sur- name of Sulla. Adv. feliciter, fruitfully; auspiciously, favorably; luck- ily, successfully.
femella -ae, f. young woman, girl.
femen; = femur; q.v.
femina -ae, f. a female, woman; of animals, the female.
femineus -a -um, female, feminine; womanish, effeminate.
femur -oris or -inis, n. the thigh.
fenestra -ae, f. a window; a breach, loophole.
fera -ae, f.; see ferus.
feralis -e, relating to the dead, funereal; deadly, fatal; mournful; n. pl. as subst. the festival of the dead, in February.
ferax -acis, fruitful, fertile, prolific; compar. adv. feracius, more fruitfully.
ferculum -i, n. a frame, litter, bier, tray; of food, a course or dish.
fere. (1) almost, nearly; with negatives, scarcely, hardly. (2) just, exactly. (3) as a rule, generally, usually.
ferentarius -a -um, a light-armed soldier.
feretrum -i, n. a bier for carrying a corpse.
feriae -arum, f. pl. festivals, holidays.
feriatus -a -um, keeping holiday, idle, at leisure.
ferinus -a -um, relating to a wild beast, wild; f. as subst. flesh of wild animals, game.
ferio -ire, to strike, knock, smite, hit; esp. to strike dead, slay, kill; colloq., to cheat.
feritas -atis, f. wildness, savageness.
ferme. (1) almost, nearly; with negatives, hardly, scarcely. (2) usually.
fermentum -i, n. leaven, yeast; a kind of beer. Transf. anger, passion.
fero ferre tuli latum. (1) to bear, bring, carry; 'prae se ferre', to display, make public; often, to endure, submit to; esp. with adv., 'ferre aegre', to take ill, be vexed at. (2) to bring forth, produce. (3) to bring to a place or a person, fetch, offer; 'suffragium, sententi- am', to vote; 'legem', to propose a law; 'ferre ut', to propose that; commercial, 'expensum ferre', to set down in an account-book as paid; to cause, bring about; to report to others, spread abroad, speak of; 'fama fert', the story goes; esp. to publish a person's praises (4) to bear away, carry off; 'ferre et agere', to plunder. Transf., to win, get; 'centuriam, tribus', to gain the votes of. (5) to bear along, move forward, put in motion; milit., 'signa ferre', to march. Transf., to move, impel, carry away; without object, to lead, tend.
ferocia -ae, f. high spirit, courage; in bad sense, arrogance, ferocity.
ferocitas -atis, f. courage, untamed spirit; in bad sense, arrogance.
ferox -ocis, courageous, high-spirited, warlike; in bad sense, wild, unbridled, arrogant; adv. ferociter.
ferramenta -orum, n. pl. tools made of, or shod with, iron.
ferrarius -a -um, of iron; m. as subst. a blacksmith; f. pl. as subst. iron mines.
ferratilis -e, in irons; of slaves.
ferratus -a -um, furnished or covered with iron; 'servi', in irons; m. pl. as subst. soldiers in armor.
ferreus -a -um, of iron; made of iron or like iron; hard, unfeeling, cruel; immovable, firm.
ferriterium -i, n. = ergastulum; q.v.
ferrugineus -a -um, rust-colored, dun.
ferruginus -a -um, rust-colored, dun.
ferrugo -inis, f. iron rust; the color of rust.
ferrum -i, n. iron; hence any iron instrument; plow, axe, scissors, and esp. sword.
fertilis -e, fruitful, fertile, productive; fertilizing, making fruitful.
fertilitas -atis, f. fruitfulness, fertility.
fertum (ferctum) -i, n. a sacrificial cake.
ferula -ae, f. (1) the herb fennel. (2) a stick, cane, esp. to punish slaves and children.
ferus -a -um, wild, uncultivated, uncivilized, rough, cruel; m. and f. as subst., a wild animal.
fervefacio -facere -feci -factum, to make hot, boil, melt.
ferveo fervere ferbui (and fervo fervere fervi), to be boiling hot, to boil, seethe, glow. Transf., to be in quick movement, to seethe; to be excited by passion, rage. Hence partic. fervens -entis, glowing, hot, heated; of character or feeling, heated, fiery. Adv. ferventer, hotly, warmly.
fervesco -ere, to become hot, begin to glow or boil.
fervidus -a -um, boiling, seething, foaming; of character or feelings, fiery, passionate, excited.
fervo; = ferveo; q.v.
fervor -oris, m. boiling heat, seething, foaming; ardor, passion.
Fescennia -ae, f. a town in Etruria, famous for verse dialogues. Adj. Fescenninus -a -um.
fessus -a -um, weary, tired, exhausted; 'fessa aetas', old age; 'res fessae', distress.
festinatio -onis, f. haste, speed, hurry.
festino -are: intransit., to hasten, hurry; transit., to hasten, accele- rate. Hence adv. festinanter and festinato, hastily.
festinus -a -um, hastening, hasty.
festivitas -atis, f. gaiety, jollity; of speech or writing, cheerfulness, humor.
festivus -a -um, of a holiday, festive; merry, good-humored, cheerful; adv. festive.
festuca -ae, f. a stalk, stem, straw. Transf., a rod used in the manu- mission of slaves.
festus -a -um, of a holiday, festive; of people, keeping holiday; n. as subst. a feast.
fetialis -is, m. one of a college of priests responsible for formally making peace or declaring war; as adj. = belonging to the fetiales.
fetura -ae, f. the bringing forth of young, breeding; meton., brood, offspring.
fetus (1) -a -um, (1) pregnant; fruitful, fertile; teeming with, full of. (2) that has brought forth, newly delivered.
fetus (2) -us, m. the bringing forth or hatching of young; of the soil, bearing, producing. Transf., that which is brought forth; offspring, brood; of plants, fruit, produce, shoot.
fibra -ae, f. a fiber, filament; the entrails of an animal.
fibula -ae, f. a buckle, brooch, clasp; an iron clamp.
ficedula -ae, f. a small bird, the becafico.
fictilis -e, shaped; hence earthen, made of clay; n. as subst., esp. pl. earthenware, earthen vessels.
fictio -onis, f. forming, feigning; assumption.
fictor -oris, m. an image-maker, a molder; in gen., maker, contriver.
fictrix -icis, f. she that forms or fashions.
fictura -ae, f. forming, fashioning.
fictus -a -um, partic. from fingo; q.v.
ficulneus -a -um, of the fig tree.
ficulnus -a -um, of the fig tree.
ficus -i, and -us, f. a fig tree, a fig.
fideicommissum -i, n. legal, a trust.
fidelia -ae, f. an earthenware pot or vase.
fidelis -e, trusty, steadfast, faithful; m. as subst., esp. pl., confi- dants, faithful friends. Adv. fideliter, faithfully; securely, without danger.
fidelitas -atis, f. faithfulness, trust, fidelity.
Fidenae -arum, and Fidena -ae, f. a town in Latium; adj. Fidenas -atis.
fidens -entis, partic. from fido; q.v.
fidentia -ae, f. confidence, boldness.
fides (1) -ei, f. trust, confidence, reliance, belief, faith; 'fidem face- re', to create confidence, cause belief; as mercantile t.t., credit. Transf., that which produces confidence; faithfulness, conscientiousness; 'fidem praestare', to be loyal; '(ex) bona fide', in good faith, with sincerity; of things, credibility, actuality, fulfillment; a promise, assurance, word of honor, engagement; 'fidem fallere', to break a pro- mise;'servare', to keep a promise; 'fide mea', on my word of honor; 'fides (or fides publica)', a promise of protection, safe-conduct; hence, in gen., faithful protection, constant help.
fides (2) -is, f., usually plur. a gut-string for a musical instrument; hence a lyre, lute, harp.
fidicen -cinis, m. a player on the harp, lyre, lute; poet., a lyric poet.
fidicina -ae, f. a female player on the lute or harp.
fidicinus -a -um, of lute playing.
fidicula -ae, f., usually plur. a little lyre or lute; an instrument for torturing slaves.
Fidius -i, m. a surname of Jupiter; esp. in phrase, 'medius fidius', So help me God!.
fido fidere fisus sum, to trust, believe, confide in; with dat. or abl. Hence partic. fidens -entis, without fear, confident, courageous; adv. fidenter.
fiducia -ae, f. (1) confidence, trust, assurance; with sui, or absol., self-confidence, self-reliance, courage. (2) fidelity.
fiduciarius -a -um, entrusted, committed.
fidus -a -um, trusty, true, faithful, sure; superl. adv. fidissime.
figo figere fixi fixum. (1) to fix, fasten, make fast, attach, affix; esp. with oculos, to fix the gaze. (2) to thrust home a weapon, etc. so as to fix fast. (3) to transfix. Hence partic. fixus -a -um, fixed, firm, immovable.
figularis -e, of a potter.
figulus -i, m. a worker in clay, potter.
figura -ae, f. form, shape, figure, size; an atom; shade of a dead person; in the abstr., kind, nature, species; rhet., a figure of speech.
figuro -are, to form, mold, shape; rhet., to adorn with figures.
filatim, thread by thread.
filia -ae, f. a daughter.
filicatus -a -um, adorned with ferns; embossed with fern leaves.
filiola -ae, f. little daughter.
filiolus -i, m. little son.
filius -i, m. son.
filix -icis, f. fern.
filum -i, n. a thread; 'pendere filo (tenui)', to hang by a thread; a wooden fillet. Transf. form, shape; of speech or writing, tex- ture, thread.
fimbriae -arum, f. pl. fringe, border, edge.
fimbriatus -a -um, fringed.
fimus -i, m. and fimum -i, n. dung, dirt.
findo findere fidi fissum, to split, cleave, divide, halve. Hence partic. fissus -a -um, split, cloven; n. as subst., a split, cleft; in augury, a divided liver.
fingo fingere finxi fictum, to shape, fashion, form, mold; also to ar- range, put in order; to represent, imagine, conceive; to feign, fabricate, devise; 'fingere vultum', to put on an artificial expression. Hence partic. fictus -a -um, feigned, false; n. as subst. a false- hood.
finio -ire, to bound, limit, enclose, restrain; to define, determine, appoint; to put an end to, conclude, finish; esp. to finish speaking, or to die; pass., to end, cease. Perf. partic. finitus -a -um; of a phrase, well-rounded; adv. finite, moderately, within bounds.
finis -is, m. (sometimes f.) boundary, limit, border; summit, end; object, aim; in pl. enclosed area, territory.
finitimus and finitumus -a -um, neighboring, adjacent; related to, resembling, similar. M. pl. as subst. neighbors.
finitor -oris, m. one who determines boundaries, a land surveyor. Transf., the horizon.
fio fieri factus sum, used as pass. of facio. (1) of persons and things, to be made, come into existence; with predicate, to become, be appointed; with genit., to be valued at. (2) of actions, to be done; of events, to happen; with abl., 'quid illo fiet ?', what will happen to him ?; 'fieri ut', to come about that; 'fieri non potest quin', it must be that.
firmamen -inis, n. support, prop.
firmamentum -i, n. a means of support, prop; the main point in an argu- ment.
firmator -oris, m. one who makes firm or establishes.
firmitas -atis, f. firmness, stability; strength of mind, constancy.
firmitudo -inis, f. firmness, stability; strength of mind, constancy.
firmo -are, to make firm, strengthen; to make durable, make secure; of spirits, to encourage, cheer, animate; of ideas, to prove, establish, also to assert, maintain.
firmus -a -um, firm, strong, stout; lasting, valid; morally strong. Adv. firme and firmiter, firmly, strongly, steadfastly.
fiscella -ae, f. a small basket.
fiscina -ae, f. a small basket.
fiscus -i, m. a basket; hence a money-bag, purse; the state treasury; under the empire, the emperor's privy purse (opposite 'aerarium', the state treasury).
fissilis -e, that can be split; also split.
fissio -onis, f. splitting, cleaving, dividing.
fistuca -ae, f. a rammer, mallet.
fistula -ae, f. a water-pipe; a reed-pipe, shepherd's pipe; 'eburneola', a pitchpipe of ivory.
fistulator -oris, m. one who plays the reed-pipe.
fixus -a -um, partic. from figo; q.v.
flabellum -i, n. a small fan.
flabilis -e, airy.
flabra -orum, n. pl. blasts of wind, breezes.
flacceo -ere, to be flabby; to fail or flag.
flaccesco flaccescere flaccui, to begin to flag, become flabby.
flaccidus -a -um, flabby; weak, languid.
flaccus -a -um, flabby; of men, flap-eared.
Flaccus; see Horatius, and Valerius.
flagello -are, to whip, scourge, beat.
flagellum -i, n. a whip, scourge; the thong of a javelin; a young sprout, vine-shoot; plur. the arms of a polypus; fig., the sting of con- science.
flagitatio -onis, f. an earnest entreaty or demand.
flagitator -oris, m. one who earnestly demands or entreats.
flagitiosus -a -um, shameful, disgraceful, infamous; adv. flagitiose.
flagitium -i, n. a disgraceful action, shameful crime; shame, disgrace; meton., scoundrel, rascal.
flagito -are, to entreat, ask, demand earnestly; to demand to know; to summon before a court of justice.
flagrantia -ae, f. burning, blazing, glittering.
flagritriba -ae, m. one that wears out whips, whipping boy.
flagro -are, to blaze, burn, glow, flame, also to glitter. Transf., to glow or burn with passion; to suffer from, with abl. Hence partic. flagrans -antis, blazing, burning, glittering. Transf., passionate, ardent. Adv. flagranter.
flagrum -i, n. scourge, whip.
flamen (1) -inis, m. the priest of some particular god.
flamen (2) -inis, n. a blowing, blast.
flaminica -ae, f. the wife of a flamen.
Flamininus, a surname in the patrician gens Quinctia; see Quinctius.
flaminium -i, n. the office of a flamen.
Flaminius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.
flamma -ae, f. a flame, blazing fire; Transf.a source of light, torch, star, lightning; luster, glitter; the fire or glow of passion; devouring flame, destruction.
flammeolum -i, n. a small bridal veil.
flammesco -ere, to become inflamed.
flammeus -a -um, fiery, flaming; flashing, fiery-red; n. as subst. flammeum -i, a (flame-colored) bridal veil.
flammifer -fera -ferum, flaming, fiery.
flammo -are: intransit., to flame, blaze, burn; transit., to set on fire, inflame.
flammula -ae, f. little flame.
flatus -us, m. blowing, blast, breathing. Transf. haughtiness, arrogance, gen. in plur.
flavens -entis, yellow or gold-colored.
flavesco -ere, to become yellow or gold-colored.
Flavius -a -um, name of a Roman gens, to which the emperors Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian belonged.
flavus -a -um, gold-colored, yellow.
flebilis -e: pass., lamentable, wretched, deserving tears; act., tearful, doleful. Adv. flebiliter.
flecto flectere flexi flexum, to bend. (1) to alter the shape of, to bow, twist, curve. Transf., to change, alter, influence. (2) to alter the direction of, to turn, wheel; 'vocem', to modulate.
fleo flere flevi fletum: intransit., to weep; to drip, trickle; transit., to weep for, lament, bewail; flendus, to be lamented.
fletus (1) -a -um, partic. of fleo; q.v.
fletus (2) -us, m. weeping, bewailing.
flexibilis -e, that can be bent, flexible; of speech or the voice, adap- table; in bad sense, fickle, changeable.
flexilis -e, flexible, pliant, supple.
flexiloquus -a -um, equivocal, ambiguous.
flexio -onis, f. bending; 'vocis' or 'modorum', modulation of the voice; 'deverticula flexionesque', twists and turns.
flexipes -pedis, crooked-footed, twining.
flexuosus -a -um, full of windings and turnings, crooked.
flexura -ae, f. bending.
flexus (1) -a -um, partic. of flecto; q.v.
flexus (2) -us, m. bending, turning; of the voice, modulation. Transf. change, alteration.
flictus -us, m. striking together, dashing against.
fligo -ere, to beat or dash down.
flo flare flavi flatum, to blow; intransit., of winds, persons and instru- ments; transit., to blow, blow forth; to blow on an instrument; to cast metals, to coin.
floccus -i, m. a flock of wool;'flocci non facere', to think nothing of.
Flora -ae, f. the goddess of flowers, and Spring; adj. Floralis -e, be- longing to Flora; n. pl. as subst. the festival of Flora.
Florentia -ae, f. a town in Etruria (now Florence); adj. Florenitinus -a -um.
floreo -ere -ui, to bloom, flower. Transf., to be in one's prime, to prosper, flourish, be in repute; with abl. to abound in, swarm with. Hence partic. florens -entis, blooming, flourishing.
floresco -ere, to begin to blossom or flourish.
floreus -a -um, made of flowers; rich in flowers, flowery.
floridus -a -um, flowery, blossoming; made of or rich in flowers; of age, fresh, blooming; of speech, flowery, florid.
florifer -fera -ferum, flower-bearing.
florilegus -a -um, culling flowers.
flos floris, m. a flower, blossom. Transf., the prime, flower of any- thing, the best, the pride; on the face, first beard, down; 'vini', bouquet; of speech, ornament.
flosculus -i, m. a little flower. Transf., best part, pride; of speech, ornament.
fluctifragus -a -um, wave-breaking.
fluctuatio -onis, f. moving backwards and forwards, fluctuation; indecision, wavering.
fluctuo -are, to be wave-like, move up and down; sometimes of a glitter- ing effect; of persons and passions, to be tossed about, to waver.
fluctuor -ari, dep. to toss about, waver.
fluctuosus -a -um, full of waves, stormy.
fluctus -us, m. a streaming, flowing. Transf., commotion, disturbance.
fluentum -i, n. running water, a stream.
fluidus -a -um, flowing, fluid. Transf. lax, languid; relaxing.
fluito -are, to flow hither and thither, to float, swim, sail, move up and down, be tossed about. Transf., lax, languid; relaxing.
flumen -inis, n. flowing; hence a river, stream; 'flumine secundo', downstream; 'flumine adverso', upstream; fig., a stream of blood, tears, etc..
flumineus -a -um, of a river.
fluo fluere fluxi fluxum: of fluids, to flow; of a solid object, to flow, drip with any liquid. Transf., in gen., to flow, stream, pour;of abstr. things, to proceed, issue, spread; of circumstances, to tend; of lan- guage, to flow; to sink, droop. Hence pres. partic. fluens -entis, flowing; hence lax; of speech, fluent or diffuse; adv. fluenter, in a flowing manner. Past par- tic. fluxus -a -um, flowing; hence leaky; of solid objects, wa- ving, fluttering, loose; of character, lax, loose, weak; of abstr. things, fleeting, unstable.
fluto -are, to flow, float, swim.
fluvialis -e, of a river.
fluviatilis -e, of a river.
fluvidus -a -um, flowing, fluid.
fluvius -i, m. flowing water; a stream, river.
fluxus -a -um, partic. from fluo; q.v.
focale -is, n. a wrapper for the neck.
focillo -are, to warm up, refresh by warmth.
focula -orum, n. pl. stoves.
foculus -i, m. a brazier.
focus -i, m. a fireplace, hearth; meton., house, family, home; some- times altar-fire or funeral pyre.
fodico -are, to dig, jog; 'latus', to dig in the ribs.
fodio fodere fodi fossum, to dig; also to dig out; to excavate. Transf. to prick, prod, jog.
foecundus, foecundo = fecundus, fecundo; q.v.
foederatus -a -um, confederate, allied.
foedifragus -a -um, treaty-breaking.
foeditas -atis, f. foulness, filthiness.
foedo -are, to make foul, make filthy, defile, disfigure; morally, to dishonor, disgrace.
foedus (1) -a -um, foul, filthy, horrible, disgusting; adv. foede.
foedus (2) -eris, n. a league between states; a compact, covenant, agree- ment. Transf., a law.
foen-; see faen-.
foeteo -ere, to have a bad smell.
foetidus -a -um, having a bad smell, stinking.
foetor -oris, m. a bad smell, stink.
foliatus -a -um, leafy; n. as subst. a salve or oil of spikenard leaves.
folium -i, n. a leaf.
folliculus -i, m. a little sack or bag.
follis -is, m. a leather bag; a pair of bellows; a purse; a puffed-out cheek.
fomentum -i, n. a poultice, fomentation. Transf., alleviation.
fomes -itis, m. touchwood, tinder.
fons fontis, m. a spring, fountain; fresh or spring water. Transf. spring, origin, source.
fontanus -a -um, of a spring or fountain.
Fonteius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.
fonticulus -i, m. a little fountain or spring.
for fari fatus, dep. to speak, say; also to speak of.
forabilis -e, that can be bored through, penetrable.
foramen -inis, n. hole, opening, aperture.
foras, out of doors, forth, out; '(scripta) foras dare', to publish.
forceps -cipis, m. and f., a pair of tongs, pincers.
forda -ae, f. a cow in calf.
fore, forem, used as fut. infin. and imperf. subj. of sum; q.v.
forensis -e, relating to the market or forum; hence of the business of the Roman forum, esp. legal.
forfex -ficis, f. a pair of shears or scissors.
foris (1) -is, f. a door; plur. fores, folding-doors. Transf., any opening, entrance.
foris (2) adv. (1) situated out of doors, outside, without; sometimes, abroad, outside Rome. (2) from without, from abroad.
forma -ae, f. form, figure, shape; beautiful shape, beauty; image, likeness; a shape serving as a model, e.g. a shoemaker's last; a mold, stamp; abstr., form, manner, type; in logic, species; outline, general notion.
formalis -e, formal, having a set form.
formamentum -i, n. conformation.
formator -oris, m. a fashioner.
formatura -ae, f. forming, shaping.
Formiae -arum, f. town on the coast of Latium; adj. Formianus -a -um.
formica -ae, f. ant.
formidabilis -e, fearful, formidable.
formido (1) -are, to be terrified, to dread.
formido (2) -inis, f. dread, terror; meton., source of fear, dreadful- ness, awfulness; a scarecrow.
formidolosus -a -um: act., causing dread, terrible, fearful; pass., fear- ful, timid. Adv. formidolose, dreadfully, terribly.
formo -are, to form, shape, fashion; to arrange, order, regulate, dispose.
formositas -atis, f. beauty.
formosus -a -um, beautifully formed, beautiful; adv. formose.
formula -ae, f. physical beauty; legal, set form, formula; esp. the form of an alliance; in gen., rule, principle.
fornacalis -e, of an oven.
fornacula -ae, f. a little oven.
fornax -acis, f. oven, furnace, kiln; 'Aetnae', the crater.
fornicatus -a -um, arched, vaulted.
fornix -icis, m. arch, vault; arcade; milit., an arched sallyport.
fornus; = furnus; q.v.
foro -are, to bore, pierce.
fors, chance, luck; in nom. fors, also forsit (fors sit), forsan (fors an), and forsitan (fors sit an), perhaps, perchance; abl. forte, by chance, accidentally, as it happened.
fortasse (fortassis), perhaps.
forte; see fors.
forticulus -a -um, fairly bold.
fortis -e, physically, strong, powerful, robust; morally, brave, courage- ous, steadfast; 'fortes fortuna adiuvat', fortune favors the brave; in bad sense, bold, audacious. Adv. fortiter, strongly, bravely.
fortitudo -inis, f. physical strength, moral bravery, courage; plur., deeds of bravery.
fortuitus -a -um, accidental, casual, fortuitous, unpremeditated; n. pl. as subst. chance occurrences. Abl. sing. as adv. fortuito, by chance, fortuitously.
fortuna -ae, f. chance, fate, lot, luck, fortune; 'fortuna prospera, secunda', good fortune; 'adversa', misfortune. Transf., lot, condition, state, mode of life; property, possessions.
fortuno -are, to make happy, bless, prosper. Hence partic. fortunatus -a -um, blessed, lucky, fortunate; well off, wealthy, rich. Adv. fortunate, happily, fortunately.
foruli -orum, m. a bookcase.
forum -i, n. an open square, marketplace; 'forum bovarium', or 'boarium', the cattle-market; 'forum holitorium', the vegetable-market; 'forum piscarium', or 'piscatorium', fish-market; in gen., a place of public business, commercial, political and judicial, esp. in Rome. Transf., of the business transacted in a forum; 'forum agere', to hold an assize; 'forum attingere', to apply oneself to public business.
forus -i, m. the gangway of a ship; a block of seats in the theater; plur., tiers of cells in a beehive.
fossa -ae, f. ditch, trench, channel.
fossio -onis, f. digging, excavation.
fossor -oris, m. a digger, delver; a boor, clown.
fossura -ae, f. digging.
fotus, partic. of foveo; q.v.
fovea -ae, f. a pit, esp. a trap for game, a pitfall.
foveo fovere fovi fotum, to warm, keep warm, caress; fig., to stay con- stantly in a place; in gen., to foster, cherish, support, encourage.
fractus -a -um, partic. from frango; q.v.
fraga -orum, n. pl. strawberries.
fragilis -e, crackling; easily broken, fragile. Transf., fleeting, transitory; weak, feeble.
fragilitas -atis, f. frailty, weakness.
fragmen -minis, n. a breaking; hence, usually plur., fragments, remains, ruins.
fragmentum -i, n. a piece broken off, fragment.
fragor -oris, m. a breaking; a noise of breaking, crack, crash.
fragosus -a -um, crashing, roaring; fragile; broken, rough.
fragro -are, to emit a smell, esp. a sweet smell; pres. partic. fragrans -antis, sweet-smelling, fragrant.
fragum; see fraga.
frango frangere fregi fractum, to break, break in pieces, shatter; 'gulam laqueo', to strangle; 'fruges saxo', to grind; 'diem morantem mero', to shorten; of persons, passions, etc., to master, subdue, humble; 'frangi animo', to be discouraged. Hence partic. fractus -a -um, broken, humbled, enfeebled.
frater -tris, m. a brother; 'frater germanus', own brother; 'fratres', brothers and sisters; also a cousin or brother-in-law; Transf., a comrade, compatriot, ally.
fraterculus -i, m. little brother.
fraternitas -atis, f. brotherhood, fraternity.
fraternus -a -um, of a brother, brotherly, fraternal; sometimes of a cousin. Transf., of a related person; of some thing related to another. Adv. fraterne, in a brotherly manner, like a brother.
fratricida -ae, m. one who kills a brother, a fratricide.
fraudatio -onis, f. deceit, fraud, swindling.
fraudator -oris, m. deceiver, swindler.
fraudo -are, to cheat, defraud, swindle; to steal, embezzle.
fraudulentia -ae, f. deceitfulness.
fraudulentus -a -um, deceitful, fraudulent.
fraus fraudis, f: act., deceit, fraud; 'sine fraude', honorably; in gen., a crime, offence; delusion, error; damage, harm; 'sine fraude', without harm.
fraxineus -a -um, of ash wood, ashen.
fraxinus (1) -i, f. an ash tree; meton., a spear or javelin, with a shaft of ash wood.
fraxinus (2) -a -um, of ash wood, ashen.
Fregellae -arum, f. town of the Volsci, in Latium.
fremebundus -a -um, roaring, murmuring.
fremitus -us, m. roaring, murmuring, growling.
fremo -ere -ui -itum, to roar, murmur, growl; with acc. to murmur out something, grumble, complain.
fremor -oris, m. roaring, murmuring.
frendo -ere: intransit., to gnash the teeth; transit., to crush, bruise, grind.
freni -orum, m.: see frenum.
freno -are, to bridle, curb, restrain, check.
frenum -i, n., usually plur. frena -orum, n.: also freni -orum, m. bridle, reins, bit, curb. Transf., restraint.
frequens -entis, crowded, numerous, full; of places, full, frequented, populous; of time, repeated, frequent, constant; of persons, often doing a thing; of things, often done or used. Adv. frequenter, in large numbers; frequently, often.
frequentatio -onis, f. frequency, crowding.
frequentia -ae, f.: of persons, a large concourse, numerous assembly, popu- lation; of things, a large number, abundance.
frequento -are, to crowd; of number, to collect in large numbers; to fill a place with people or things; to do a thing in crowds or with a crowd; of time, to do or use a thing frequently; 'domum', to visit often; 'Hymenaee! frequentant', they repeat.
fretum -i, n. a strait, sound, estuary, firth, channel; 'fretum Siciliae, fretum Siciliense', or 'fretum', the Straits of Messina; the sea in gen., usually plur.; fig., disturbance, turmoil.
fretus (1) -a -um, relying on, confiding in, with abl.
fretus (2) -us, m. a strait; an interval, difference.
frico fricare fricui frictum and fricatum, to rub, rub down.
frigeo -ere, to be cold; to be inactive, lifeless, dull; colloq., to be coldly received, fall flat.
frigesco -ere, to become cold or dull.
frigidulus -a -um, somewhat cold or faint.
frigidus -a -um, cold, cool, chilly; f. sing. as subst. cold water. Transf., in act. sense, chilling, causing cold; fig., cold, dull, lifeless; of speech, flat. Adv. frigide, coldly; languidly, feebly.
frigo frigere frixi frictum, to roast, parch.
frigus -oris, n. cold, coolness; the cold of winter; a cold place; the cold of death or fright. Transf., coldness in action, dullness, indolence; a cold reception, coolness, disfavor.
friguttio -ire, to stammer.
frio -are, to rub, crumble.
fritillus -i, m. a dice-box.
frivolus -a -um, trifling, worthless; n. pl. as subst. sticks of furniture.
frondator -oris, m. a pruner of trees.
frondeo -ere, to be in leaf, be leafy.
frondesco -ere, to come into leaf, put forth leaves.
frondeus -a -um, leafy.
frondifer -fera -ferum, leaf-bearing, leafy.
frondosus -a -um, full of leaves, leafy.
frons (1) frondis, f. a leaf, foliage; meton., a chaplet or crown of leaves.
frons (2) frontis, f. the forehead, brow; 'frontem contrahere', to frown. Transf., in gen., the front, forepart; milit., the van; the outside end of a book roll; frontage (in measuring land).
frontalia -ium, n. pl. the frontlet of a horse.
fronto -onis, m. a man with a broad forehead.
fructuarius -a -um, fruit-bearing, fruitful.
fructuosus -a -um, fruitful, fertile.
fructus -us, m.: abstr., enjoyment, enjoying; concr., proceeds, profit, produce, income; esp. the fruits of the earth.
frugalis -e, frugal, economical, honest; adv. frugaliter.
frugalitas -atis, f. frugality, economy, honesty; of style, restraint.
frugi; see frux.
frugifer -fera -ferum, fruitful, fertile; profitable, advantageous.
frugiferens -entis, fruitful, fertile.
frugilegus -a -um, collecting grain.
frugiparus -a -um, fruitful, prolific.
frumentarius -a -um, of grain or corn; 'res', the supply of corn; m. as subst. a corn-merchant.
frumentatio -onis, f. a foraging; a distribution of corn.
frumentator -oris, m. a forager or a provider of corn.
frumentor -ari, dep. to forage, fetch corn.
frumentum -i, n. corn, grain.
fruor frui fructus and fruitus, dep. to have the benefit of, to enjoy, usually with abl.; 'votis', to obtain one's wishes; as legal t.t., to have the use and enjoyment of.
frustillatim, bit by bit.
frustra, in error; 'frustra esse', to be deceived, mistaken. Transf., in vain, without effect; wantonly, without reason.
frustramen -inis, n. deception.
frustratio -onis, f. deception, disappointment, frustration.
frustro -are and frustror -ari, dep. to disappoint, deceive, trick.
frustum -i, n. a bit, piece, morsel.
frutex -ticis, m. a shrub, bush; as a term of reproach, blockhead.
fruticetum, -i, n. a thicket.
frutico -are and fruticor -ari, dep. to shoot out, become bushy.
fruticosus -a -um, bushy or full of bushes.
frux frugis, f., usually plur. fruges -um, fruits of the earth; in gen., fruits, success; 'ad bonam frugem se recipere', to improve oneself. Dat. sing. frugi, used as adj., useful, honest, discreet, moderate.
fuco -are, to color, paint, dye; fig., to color, embellish. Hence partic. fucatus -a -um, painted; counterfeited, simulated.
fucosus -a -um, painted; simulated, counterfeited.
fucus (1) -i, m. red or purple dye; red or purple color; rouge; in gen., paint, dye of any color; bee-glue. Transf., deceit, pretence.
fucus (2) -i, m. a drone bee.
Fufius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.
fuga -ae, f. flight, running away; esp. flight from one's country, exile, banishment. Transf., swift course, speed; avoiding (with genit.).
fugax -acis, ready to flee, flying; speeding, fleeting, transitory; with genit., avoiding. Hence compar. adv. fugacius.
fugio fugere fugi fugitum, to flee. Intransit., to take to flight, run away; to pass away, disappear. Transit., to flee from, run away from, avoid; with infin., 'fuge quaerere', do not seek; of things, to es- cape the notice of a person. Hence partic. fugiens -entis, fleeing; avoiding, with genit.; flee- ting, deteriorating.
fugitivus -a -um, flying, fugitive; m. as subst., a fugitive, esp. a runaway slave.
fugito -are, to flee; transit., to fly from, avoid, shun. Hence partic. fugitans -antis, fleeing; with genit., avoiding.
fugo -are, to put to flight, chase away; drive into exile, to dismiss, avert.
fulcimen -inis, n. a prop, support, pillar.
fulcio fulcire fulsi fultum, to prop up, support; to strengthen, secure; morally, to support, stay, uphold.
fulcrum -i, n. the post or foot of a couch.
fulgeo fulgere fulsi, to flash, to lighten; in gen., to shine, glitter gleam; fig., to be distinguished, to shine.
fulgidus -a -um, shining, gleaming, glittering.
fulgo -ere = fulgeo; q.v.
fulgor -oris, m. lightning; in gen., glitter, brightness; fig., brightness, glory.
fulgur -uris, n. a flash or stroke of lightning; sometimes an object struck by lightning; in gen., brightness.
fulguralis -e, relating to lightning.
fulgurator -oris, m. a priest who interpreted omens from lightning.
fulguritus -a -um, struck by lightning.
fulguro -are, to lighten; to shine, be brilliant.
fulica -ae, f. a coot.
fuligo -inis, f. soot; powder for darkening the eyebrows.
fullo -onis, m. a cloth-fuller.
fullonica -ae, f. the art of fulling.
fulmen -inis, n. a stroke of lightning, a thunderbolt. Transf., a crushing calamity; mighty or irresistible power.
fulmineus -a -um, of lightning; like lightning, rapid or destructive.
fulmino -are, to lighten.
fultura -ae, f. support, prop, stay.
Fulvius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.
fulvus -a -um, tawny, yellowish brown.
fumeus -a -um, smoky, full of smoke.
fumidus -a -um, smoky, full of smoke.
fumifer -fera -ferum, smoky.
fumificus -a -um, causing smoke.
fumo -are, to smoke, steam, reek.
fumosus -a -um, smoked.
fumus -i, m. smoke, steam, vapor.
funalis -e, attached to a rope. N. as subst. funale -is, the thong of a sling; a wax torch.
funambulus -i, m. a rope-dancer.
functio -onis, f. performance, execution.
funda -ae, f. a sling; a sling-stone; a casting-net.
fundamen -inis, n. usually plur., a foundation, basis.
fundamentum -i, n. usually plur., a foundation, basis.
fundator -oris, m. founder.
fundito -are, to sling.
funditor -oris, m. a soldier with a sling, a slinger.
funditus, from the bottom; completely, entirely; at the bottom, below.
fundo (1) fundere fudi fusum: of liquids, to pour, pour out; of metals, to melt, cast. Transf., to pour out, shower, give abundantly; to squander; 'se fundere', to rush, stream; of sounds, to utter; with emphasis on distribution, to spread, extend, scatter; milit., to rout, defeat, scatter, put to flight. Hence partic. fusus -a -um, spread out, extended; 'crines', flowing free; of speech, diffuse; adv. fuse, widely, copiously.
fundo (2) -are, to lay the foundation of, to found; also to make firm, to strengthen. Hence partic. fundatus -a -um, founded, firm.
fundus -i, m. ground; the bottom or base of anything; a farm, estate.
funebris -e, of a funeral, funereal; deadly, destructive.
funereus -a -um, of a funeral, funereal; fatal, ill-omened.
funero -are, to bury solemnly, inter with the funeral rites; partic. funeratus -a -um, done to death.
funesto -are, to defile or pollute with death.
funestus -a -um: pass., filled with mourning, defiled by death; act., fatal, disastrous, deadly.
funginus -a -um, of a mushroom.
fungor fungi functus, dep. to occupy oneself with anything, to perform, execute, undergo, usually with abl.; absol. in special sense, to be affected, suffer.
fungus -i, m. a mushroom, fungus; a dull, stupid fellow; a 'thief' in the wick of a candle. a candlesnuff.
funiculus -i, m. thin rope, cord, string.
funis -is, m. rope, cord, line.
funus -eris, n. a funeral, burial. Transf., the corpse; death; destruc- tion, ruin; a cause of ruin.
fuo fui futurus, etc.; see sum.
fur furis, c. a thief.
furax -acis, inclined to steal, thievish. Hence superl. adv. furacissime, most thievishly.
furca -ae, f. a (two-pronged) fork, a pitchfork; a fork-shaped prop or pole; an instrument of punishment, with two prongs to which the arms were tied; geograph., a narrow pass.
furcifer -fera -ferum, carrying the furca as a punishment; applied to slaves, gallows-bird.
furcilla -ae, f. a little fork.
furcillo -are, to support.
furcula -ae, f. a little fork; a fork-shaped prop; geograph., a narrow pass, esp. of the Caudine forks.
furfur -uris, m. bran; scales, scurf on the skin.
furia -ae, f., usually plur., rage, frenzy, madness, passion; personif., of the mythological Furies, avenging deities; fig., of persons.
furialis -e, furious, raging, frenzied; belonging to the Furies; adv. furialiter, furiously, madly.
furibundus -a -um, raging, furious, inspired.
furio -are, to make furious, madden; partic., furiatus -a -um, raging.
furiosus -a -um, raging, raving, mad, furious; adv. furiose.
Furius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.
furnus -i, m. an oven, bakehouse.
furo -ere, to rage, rave, be mad; often of impassioned persons, to rave, be frantic; 'furere aliqua', to be madly in love with.Adv. from partic. furenter, furiously.
furor (1) -ari, dep. to steal, pilfer; fig., to steal away, withdraw; to counterfeit, personate.
furor (2) -oris, m. madness, raving, insanity; furious anger, martial rage; passionate love; inspiration, poetic or prophetic frenzy; meton., an ob- ject of passion.
furtificus -a -um, thievish.
furtim, adv. by stealth, stealthily.
furtivus -a -um, stolen; secret, concealed, furtive. Adv. furtive.
furtum -i, n. theft, robbery; in plur., stolen property; fig., under- hand methods, trick, deceit, esp. secret or stolen love.
furunculus -i, m. a sneak thief, pilferer.
furvus -a -um, dark-colored, black.
fuscina -ae, f. a three-pronged fork, trident.
fusco -are, to darken, blacken.
fuscus -a -um, dark-colored; of the voice, indistinct.
fusilis -e, molten, liquid, soft.
fusio -onis, f. pouring out, outpouring.
fustis -is, m. a stick, cudgel, club.
fustuarium -i, n. cudgelling to death.
fusus (1) -a -um, partic. from fundo; q.v.
fusus (2) -i, m. a spindle.
futatim, abundantly.
futtilis and futilis -e, brittle; vain, worthless, good for nothing.
futtilitas and futilitas -atis, f. worthlessness, folly, silliness.
futurus -a -um, used as future partic. of sum; q.v.