Glossary of Latin Terms M


Macedo (-on) -onis, m. a Macedonian; subst. Macedonia -ae, f.; adj. Macedonicus, Macedonius -a -um.

macellum -i, n. a provision-market.

macer -cra -crum, lean; thin, poor.

maceria -ae, f. a wall, esp. garden-wall.

macero -are, to soften, make weak, reduce; to torment, tease, vex.

machaera -ae, f. a sword.

machina -ae, f. a machine, contrivance; a crane, windlass, catapult, ballista. Transf. fabric; a device, trick, stratagem.

machinamentum -i, n. machine, instrument.

machinatio -onis, f. contrivance, machinery, mechanism; device, machination.

machinator -oris, m. a maker of machines, engineer; a deviser, contriver.

machinor -ari, dep. to contrive, invent, devise.

macies -ei, f. leanness, thinness, poverty, barrenness.

macresco -ere, to grow lean, become thin.

macrocollum -i, n. paper of the largest size.

mactabilis -e, deadly.

mactatu, abl. sing. m. by a sacrificial stroke.

macte; see mactus.

macto (1) -are, to magnify, honor, glorify.

macto (2) -are, to slay, smite; to afflict, punish.

mactus (1) -a -um, glorified, honored; used only in voc. m. macte, well done! bravo! good luck!.

mactus (2) -a -um, smitten.

macula -ae, f. a spot, mark, stain; sometimes the mesh of a net; a moral stain, blemish.

maculo -are, to spot, stain, defile, pollute.

maculosus -a -um, spotted, speckled, stained, polluted.

madefacio -facere -feci -factum, and pass. madefio -fieri, to make wet, moisten, soak.

madeo -ere, to be wet, to stream; to be drunk; to be boiled. Transf., to be steeped in, abound in.

madesco madescere madui, to become wet.

madidus -a -um, moist, wet; drunk; boiled soft; dyed, steeped. Adv. madide, drunkenly.

mador -oris, m. moisture, wetness.

Maeander and Maeandros (-us) -dri, m. a river in Asia Minor, proverbial for its winding course; a winding.

Maecenas -atis, m. C. Cilnius, the patron of Horace and Vergil.

maena (mena) -ae, f. a small sea-fish.

Maenas -adis, f. a bacchante; a prophetess.

maereo -ere: intransit. to grieve, mourn, lament; transit. to lament, bewail.

maeror -oris, m. mourning, grief, sorrow.

maestitia -ae, f. sadness, dejection, gloom.

maestus -a -um, sad, dejected, gloomy; adv. maestiter.

magalia -ium, n. pl. huts.

mage; see magis.

magicus -a -um, magical.

magis (or mage), more, to a greater extent; rather, for preference; 'non magis..quam', not more..than, just as; 'quo magis..eo magis', the more..the more. Superl. maxime (maxume), in the highest degree, most of all, especially, very much so; 'quam maxime', as much as possi- ble; with tum, cum, just, precisely.

magister -tri, m. master, chief, head, director; 'populi', dictator; 'equitum', master of the horse, the dictator's lieutenant; 'magister ludi', a schoolmaster, teacher; 'societatis', director of a company; 'elephanti', driver; 'navis', master or helmsman. Transf., insti- gator, adviser, guide.

magisterium -i, n. directorship, magistracy; direction, guidance.

magistra -ae, f. a mistress, directress.

magistratus -us, m. a magistracy, official dignity, office. Transf., a magistrate, state official.

magnanimitas -atis, f. greatness of soul, magnanimity.

magnanimus -a -um, high-minded, magnanimous.

magnificentia -ae, f. loftiness of thought or action; grandeur, magnificence, splendor; in bad sense, boasting, pomposity.

magnifico -are, to prize highly, esteem.

magnificus -a -um; compar. magnificentior; superl. magnificentissimus; grand, splendid, fine; in bad sense, boastful, pompous. Adv. magnifice.

magniloquentia -ae, f. lofty or elevated language; pompous or boastful.

magniloquus -a -um, lofty or elevated in language; pompous or boastful.

magnitudo -inis, f. greatness; 'animi', magnanimity.

magnopere and separately magno opere, greatly, very much.

magnus -a -um: compar. maior, maius; superl. maximus (maxumus) -a -um; great, large; of sound, loud; of price or value, high; magno, and magni, at a high price, dear, highly. Transf., of time, long, old; of stand- ing, great, mighty, powerful, important; m. pl. of compar. as subst., maiores, ancestors; 'in maius', to a higher degree; magno opere, see magnopere; for maxime, see magis.

Mago (-on) -onis, m. brother of Hannibal.

magus (1) -i, m. a learned Persian; a magician.

magus (2) -a -um, magical.

Maia -ae, f. the daughter of Atlas, mother of Mercury; adj. Maius -a -um, of Maia; '(mensis) Maia', the month of May.

maiestas -atis, f. greatness, grandeur, dignity, majesty; 'crimen maiestatis', treason.

maior, maiores; see magnus.

Maius -a -um, adj. from Maia; q.v.

maiusculus -a -um, somewhat greater or older.

mala -ae, f. cheekbone, jawbone; jaw, cheek.

malacia -ae, f. a calm at sea.

malacus -a -um, soft, pliable; effeminate, delicate.

maledico -dicere -dixi -dictum (sometimes separately, male dico), to speak ill, abuse; pres. partic. maledicens -entis, abusive; n. of perf. partic. as subst. maledictum -i, cursing, abusive language.

maledictio -onis, f. reviling, abuse.

maledicus -a -um, abusive, scurrilous; adv. maledice.

malefacio -facere -feci -factum (sometimes separately, male facio), to injure; n. of perf. partic. as subst. malefactum -i, an ill deed, injury.

malefactor -oris, m. an evil-doer.

maleficium -i, n. wrongdoing; mischief.

maleficus -a -um, evil-doing, mischievous; adv. malefice.

malesuadus -a -um, ill-advising, seductive.

malevolens -entis, spiteful, ill-disposed.

malevolentia -ae, f. ill-will, spite, malice.

malevolus -a -um, ill-disposed, spiteful, malicious.

malifer -fera -ferum, apple-bearing.

malignitas -atis, f. ill-nature, malignity, spite; stinginess.

malignus -a -um, ill-disposed, wicked; esp. stingy, niggardly; barren, unfruitful; stinted, scanty. Adv. maligne.

malitia -ae, f. badness, wickedness, vice; esp. craft, cunning, malice.

malitiosus -a -um, wicked; crafty, roguish, knavish; adv. malitiose.

malleolus -i, m. a little hammer; a kind of fire-dart.

malleus -i, m. a hammer, mallet, poleaxe.

malo malle malui, to wish rather, prefer; with dative of person, to be more favorable to.

malobathrum -i, n. a plant, from which ointment was prepared.

malum (1) -i, n.; see malus(1).

malum (2) -i, n. an apple, or other similar fruit.

malus (1) -a -um: comp. peior -us; superl. pessimus -a -um; bad, evil (phy- sically or morally); unfavorable, unsuccessful, ugly. N. as subst. malum -i, an evil; harm, disaster; punishment; as a term of abuse, scoun- drel. Adv. male; compar. peius; superl. pessime, badly, ill; 'male audire', to be ill spoken of; unsuccessfully, unfortunately; with words bad in sense, bitterly, excessively; with words of favorable sense, with negative force, e.g. 'male gratus', unthankful.

malus (2) -i, f. an apple tree.

malus (3) -i, m. the mast of a ship; an upright, pole.

malva -ae, f. the mallow.

Mamers -mertis, m. the Oscan name of Mars; hence Mamertini -orum, m. pl., the name assumed by certain mercenary troops.

mamilla -ae, f. breast, teat.

mamma -ae, f. breast.

manabilis -e, flowing, penetrating.

manceps -cipis, m. a purchaser, farmer, contractor.

mancipium (mancupium) -i, n. a formal purchasing of anything. Transf. a slave acquired by mancipium.

mancipo (mancupo) -are, to sell formally; give up.

mancus -a -um, maimed, crippled, imperfect, defective.

mandatu, abl. sing. m. by order.

mandatum -i, n. subst. from mando; q.v.

mando (2) -are, to commit, entrust; of actions, to order, command, commission. N. of partic. as subst., mandatum -i, a commission, charge, order.

mando (1) mandere mandi mansum, to chew, masticate; to eat, consume.

mandra -ae, f. a stall, cattle pen; a herd of cattle; a draughtboard.

mane, indecl. n.: as subst. morning; as adv. in the morning, early.

maneo manere mansi mansum: intransit. to remain, stay; to stay the night; to endure, last; 'promissis', to abide by; transit., in gen., to wait for, to await.

manes -ium, m. pl. the shades of the departed, spirits of the dead; poet., the lower world, infernal regions; corpse, ashes, remains.

mango -onis, m. a salesman, esp. a slave dealer.

manica -ae, f. a sleeve, serving as a glove; handcuffs, manacles.

manicatus -a -um, having long sleeves.

manicula -ae, f. a little hand.

manifesto -are, to show clearly, reveal.

manifestus -a -um, palpable, clear, visible, evident; caught out, detected. Abl. sing. n. as adv. manifesto, clearly; compar. manifestius.

Manilius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.

manipularis (maniplaris) -e, belonging to a maniple; m. as subst. a private soldier, a fellow-soldier.

manipulatim, in bundles; in maniples.

manipulus (poet. maniplus) -i, m. a handful, bundle; milit. a company of infantry, a division of the Roman army.

Manlius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.

mannulus -i, m. a pony.

mannus -i, m. a pony, cob.

mano -are, to flow, drip, spread; with abl., to drip with; with acc., to exude.

mansio -onis, f. stay, sojourn; station, stage.

mansito -are, to abide, stay.

mansuefacio -facere -feci -factum, pass. mansuefio -fieri -factus sum, to tame; to soften, pacify, civilize.

mansues -is or -etis, tame.

mansuesco -suescere -suevi -suetum: transit. to tame; intransit. to grow tame or soft. Hence partic. mansuetus -a -um, tame, mild, soft; adv. mansuete.

mansuetudo -inis, f. tameness; mildness, gentleness.

mantele -is, n. towel, napkin.

mantelum -i, n. covering, cloak.

mantica -ae, f. wallet, knapsack.

manto -are, to remain, wait, wait for.

Mantua -ae, f. a town in north Italy.

manualis -e, fitted to the hand.

manubiae -arum, f. pl. money from the sale of booty, esp. the general's share; spoils, profit.

manubrium -i, n. haft, handle.

manuf-; see manif-.

manuleus -i, m. and manulea -ae, f. a long sleeve.

manumissio -onis, f. the emancipation of a slave.

manumitto -mittere -misi -missum (or as two words, manu mitto), to manumit, emancipate a slave.

manupretium (manipr-) -i, n. wages, hire, reward.

manus -us, f. hand; 'manus dare', to surrender; 'in manibus', on hand, in preparation; 'servus ad manum', a secretary; abl. 'manu', by hand, artificially. Transf., the strong arm, fist, force, effort; power, jurisdiction; the hand or touch of artist or craftsman; a band or body of men; an elephant's trunk; 'manus ferrea', grappling iron.

mapalia -ium, n. pl. huts, hovels.

mappa -ae, f. a table napkin.

Marcellus -i, m. the cognomen of a family of the gens Claudia.

marceo -ere, to wither, droop, be feeble.

marcesco -ere, to begin to droop, grow feeble.

marcidus -a -um, withering, drooping, enfeebled.

marcor -oris, m. rottenness, decay.

marculus -i, m. a small hammer.

Marcus -i, a Roman praenomen, abbreviated M.

mare -is, n. the sea; 'mare nostrum', the Mediterranean; 'superum', the Adriatic; 'inferum', the Tyrrhenian Sea.

margarita -ae, f. a pearl.

margaritum -i, n. a pearl.

margino -are, to border.

margo -inis, m. and f. a border, edge, boundary.

marinus -a -um, of the sea, marine; 'ros', rosemary.

maritalis -e, conjugal, matrimonial.

maritimus (maritumus) -a -um, of or on the sea, marine; 'praedo', a pirate; n. pl. as subst. the sea coast.

marito -are, to marry, give in marriage; of vines, to bind to a tree, to train.

maritus -a -um, matrimonial, nuptial; of plants, tied or trained toge- ther. As subst. maritus -i, m. husband, lover, suitor; marita -ae, f. wife.

Marius -a -um, the name of a Roman gens.

marmor -oris, n. marble; marble statue; stone; the white foamy surface of the sea.

marmoreus -a -um, of marble, like marble.

Maro -onis, m. the cognomen of the poet P. Vergilius.

marra -ae, f. a hoe.

Mars Martis, m. (old form, Mavors), Mars, god of agriculture and of war. Transf., war, battle, fight. Adj. Martius and poet. Mavortius -a -um, of Mars; 'Martius (mensis)', the month of March; warlike. Adj. Martialis -e, of Mars; m. as subst. a priest of Mars or soldier of the Legio Martia.

Marsi -orum, m. an ancient people of Latium; adj. Marsicus and Marsus -a -um; 'Marsicum bellum', the Social War.

marsuppium -i, n. a purse, pouch.

Martialis (1) -e, adj. from Mars; q.v.

Martialis (2) -is, m. M. Valerius, Martial, the writer of epigrams.

Martigena -ae, m. offspring of Mars.

Martius -a -um, adj. from Mars; q.v.

mas maris, m. the male; manly, vigorous.

masculus -a -um, male; manly, bold.

Masinissa -ae, m. king of Numidia.

massa -ae, f. a lump, mass.

massicum -i, n. Massic wine.

Massilia -ae, f. a town in Gallia Narbonensis (now Marseilles); adj. Massiliensis -e.

mastigia -ae, m. a scoundrel.

mastruca -ae, f. a sheepskin.

matara -ae and mataris -is, f. a pike, lance.

matellio -onis, m. a small pot, vessel.

mater matris, f. mother; source, origin.

matercula -ae, f. little mother.

materia -ae, f. matter, material, stuff; timber. Transf., subject matter; occasion, cause; natural disposition.

materies -ei, f. matter, material, stuff; timber. Transf., subject matter; occasion, cause; natural disposition.

materio -are, to construct of wood.

materis; = matara; q.v.

maternus -a -um, of a mother, maternal.

matertera -ae, f. maternal aunt.

mathematicus -a -um, mathematical; m. as subst. a mathematician or astrologer; f. mathematica -ae, mathematics or astrology.

matricida -ae, c. a matricide.

matricidium -i, n. slaying of a mother, matricide.

matrimonium -i, n. marriage.

matrimus -a -um, having a mother still living.

matrona -ae, f. a married woman, matron.

Matrona -ae, m. a river in Gaul (now the Marne).

matronalis -e, of a married woman, matronly; n. pl. as subst. Matronalia -ium, a festival held by Roman matrons.

matta -ae, f. a mat of rushes.

mattea (mattya) -ae, f. a dainty dish.

maturesco maturescere maturui, to ripen, become ripe.

maturitas -atis, f. ripeness, maturity; the right moment, fullness of time.

maturo -are: transit. to make ripe, ripen; to quicken, hasten, accelerate; to anticipate, do too soon; intransit. to hasten, make haste.

maturus -a -um, ripe, mature, grown up, developed, perfect; timely, quick, speedy, early. Adv. mature, at the right time, seasonably, opportunely; in good time, betimes, early; too soon, prematurely.

matutinus -a -um, early in the morning, of morning.

Mauri -orum, m. the Moors; adj. Maurus -a -um; subst. Mauritania -ae, f. Mauritania.

mavolo; see malo.

Mavors -vortis, m. archaic and poet. for Mars; adj. Mavortius -a -um.

maxilla -ae, f. jawbone, jaw.

maximitas -atis, f. greatness, size.

maximus, superl. of magnus; q.v.

mazonomus -i, m. or mazonomon -i, n. a charger, large dish.

meatus -us, m. a going, motion; a way, path.

mecastor; see Castor.

meddix -icis, m. an Oscan magistrate.

Medea -ae, f. an enchantress, who helped Jason to obtain the golden fleece.

medeor -eri, dep. to heal, to cure, assist, alleviate; pres. partic. as subst. medens -entis, m. a physician.

Medi -orum, m. the Medes; poet. = the Persians.

mediastinus -i, m. a drudge.

medica -ae, f. lucerne, clover.

medicabilis -e, curable.

medicamen -inis, n. a drug, medicine, remedy; poison; dye, rouge.

medicamentum -i, n. a drug, medicine, remedy; a magic potion; poison; embellishment.

medicatus -us, m. means of enchantment, charm.

medicinus -a -um, of the art of healing; f. as subst. medicina -ae, the art of healing; medicine; cure.

medico -are, to drug; to dye; partic. medicatus -a -um, steeped, drugged.

medicor -ari, dep. to heal, cure.

medicus -a -um, healing, medicinal; m. as subst. medicus -i, a doctor, physician.

medimnum -i, n. and medimnus -i, m. a Greek measure of capacity.

mediocris -e, moderate, middling, ordinary; adv. mediocriter, moderately, tolerably; with moderation.

mediocritas -atis, f. moderation, medium, the mean; mediocrity, insignifi- cance.

Mediolanum and -lanium -i, n. a town in Cisalpine Gaul (now Milan).

meditamentum -i, n. preparation, practice.

meditatio -onis, f. (1) a thinking over, contemplation. (2) practice, exercise, preparation.

mediterraneus -a -um, inland; n. pl. as subst. inland country.

meditor -ari, dep. (1) to think over, consider; esp. to think about doing, to meditate, intend. (2) to practice. Perf. partic. in pass. sense, meditatus -a -um, meditated, considered, prepared; adv. meditate, thoughtfully, thoroughly.

medius -a -um, middle, midmost, mid; intervening, central, neutral, inter- mediate. N. as subst. medium -i, the middle; the public eye, everyday life; the community, common good. Adv. medie, moderately.

mediusfidius; see Fidius.

medulla -ae, f. the marrow of the bones.

Medus; see Medi.

Medusa -ae, f. one of the Gorgons, slain by Perseus.

Megara -ae, f. (and -orum, n. pl.). (1) a town in Greece. (2) a town in Sicily.

megistanes -um, m. pl. grandees, magnates.

mehercule; see Hercules.

mel mellis, n. honey; sweetness, pleasantness.

melancholicus -a -um, having black bile, melancholy.

melanurus -i, m. small edible sea-fish.

melicus -a -um, musical; lyrical, lyric.

melilotos -i, f. a species of clover.

melimela -orum, n. pl. honey apples.

melior -us, compar. of bonus; q.v.

melisphyllum and melissophyllon -i, n. balm.

Melita -ae, f. the island of Malta; adj. Melitensis -e, of Malta.

meliusculus -a -um, somewhat better; adv. meliuscule, somewhat better, pretty well (in health).

mellifer -fera -ferum, producing honey.

mellitus -a -um, honeyed; sweet as honey.

melos -i, n. a tune, song.

Melos -i, f. an island in the Aegean Sea.

Melpomene -es, f. the Muse of tragic poetry.

membrana -ae, f. a thin skin, film, membrane; prepared skin, parchment.

membratim, limb by limb; piecemeal, singly; in short sentences.

membrum -i, n. a limb, member, part of the body; a clause in a sentence.

memini -nisse, perf. with sense of present, to remember, recollect. Transf. to make mention of, to mention.

memor -oris, mindful, remembering; with a good memory; grateful, thoughtful, prudent; reminiscent, reminding.

memorabilis -e, remarkable, worthy of mention, memorable.

memorandus -a -um, gerundive from memoro; q.v.

memorator -oris, m. a narrator.

memoratus -us, m. mention.

memoria -ae, f. memory, the capacity for remembering, remembrance; record of the past, tradition, history.

memoriola -ae, f. memory.

memoriter, by heart, from memory.

memoro -are, to mention, call to mind, relate; gerundive memorandus -a -um, notable, memorable.

Memphis -is and -idos, f. a city of Egypt.

Menander -dri, m. a Greek comic poet.

menda -ae, f.; see mendum.

mendacium -i, n. lie, falsehood.

mendax -acis, lying, mendacious, false.

mendicitas -atis, f. beggary.

mendico -are and mendicor -ari, dep. to beg, go begging; beg for.

mendicus -a -um, poor as a beggar, beggarly; paltry, pitiful; m. as subst. mendicus -i, a beggar.

mendosus -a -um, full of faults, inaccurate, making mistakes; adv. mendose, faultily.

mendum -i, n. and menda -ae, f. a fault, defect, blemish, mistake.

Menelaus -i, m. brother of Agamemnon, husband of Helen.

mens mentis, f. mind, understanding, intellect, judgment; feelings, disposition; courage; opinion, thoughts; intention, resolve.

mensa -ae, f. a table, counter, altar; a course at a meal.

mensarius -i, m. a financial commissioner.

mensio -onis, f. measuring.

mensis -is, m. a month.

mensor -oris, m. a measurer, surveyor; an architect.

menstruus -a -um, monthly, lasting a month; n. as subst. rations for a month; a month in office.

mensura -ae, f. measuring; measure, standard, capacity; amount, proportion.

menta (mentha) -ae, f. the herb mint.

mentio -onis, f. mention.

mentior -iri, dep. to lie; to deceive, mislead, disappoint; to say falsely, invent; fabricate; to counterfeit, put on, assume. Hence pres. partic. mentiens -entis, lying; m. as subst. a fallacy, sophism; perf. partic. mentitus -a -um, lying, fictitious.

mentum -i, n. the chin.

meo meare, to go, pass.

mephitis -is, f. a noxious exhalation, malaria; personif., the goddess who protects against malaria.

meracus -a -um, pure, unmixed.

mercabilis -e, that can be bought.

mercator -oris, m. a merchant, wholesale trader.

mercatorius -a -um, relating to trade.

mercatura -ae, f. trade, traffic; merchandise.

mercatus -us, m. trade, traffic, business; a market, fair, place of business.

mercedula -ae, f. low wages or rent.

mercennarius (mercenarius) -a -um, hired, paid; m. as subst. a hired servant.

merces -edis, f. hire, pay, wages; a bribe; cost, punishment; interest, rent, income.

mercimonium -i, n. goods, merchandise.

mercor -ari, dep. to carry on trade, to traffic; to buy.

Mercurius -i, m. Mercury, messenger of the gods; adj. Mercurialis -e, of Mercury; m. pl. as subst. a corporation of traders at Rome.

merda -ae, f. excrement.

merenda -ae, f. a luncheon.

mereo -ere -ui -itum, and mereor -eri -itus, dep. to deserve, earn, obtain; esp. to earn pay as a soldier, serve as a soldier. Hence perf. partic. meritus -a -um, deserving; in pass. sense, deserved. N. as subst., meritum -i, desert, merit; a good action, benefit, service; blame, fault, grounds, reason. Abl. as adv. merito, deservedly, rightly.

meretricius -a -um, of a harlot; adv. meretricie.

meretricula -ae, f. a little harlot.

meretrix -icis, f. a harlot.

mergae -arum, f. pl. a two-pronged fork.

merges -gitis, f. a sheaf of corn.

mergo mergere mersi mersum, to dip, plunge into liquid, immerse, sink, overwhelm.

mergus -i, m. a sea-bird, esp. a gull.

meridianus -a -um, of midday, meridian; southern.

meridiatio -onis, f. midday sleep, siesta.

meridies -ei, m. midday, noon; the south.

meridio -are, to take a siesta.

merito (1), adv. from mereo; q.v.

merito (2) -are, to earn regularly.

meritorius -a -um, hired; n. pl. as subst., lodgings.

meritum -i, n., subst. from mereo; q.v.

merops -opis, f. a bird, the bee-eater.

merso -are, to dip in, immerse.

merula -ae, f. a blackbird; a fish, the sea-carp.

merus -a -um, pure, unmixed; complete, sheer; esp. of wine, undiluted; n. as subst. merum -i, wine unmixed with water.

merx (mers) mercis, f. merchandise, goods, wares.

Mesopotamia -ae, f. the country between the Euphrates and the Tigris.

Messana -ae, f.a town in Sicily on the straits between Italy and Sicily.

messis -is, f. harvest, crop; time of harvest, harvest-tide.

messor -oris, m. a reaper, mower.

messorius -a -um, of a reaper.

meta -ae, f. a pyramidal column used as a turning-post or winning-post; any turning point; a goal, end, boundary.

metallum -i, n. a metal; a mine, quarry (esp. pl.).

metamorphosis -is, f. transformation; plur. Metamorphoses -eon, the title of a poem by Ovid.

metaphora -ae, f. metaphor.

metator -oris, m. a measurer, one who marks out.

Metaurus -i, m. a river in Umbria.

metior metiri mensus, dep. to measure; to traverse, pass over; to estimate, judge.

meto metere messui messum, to reap, mow, gather, harvest; to mow down, cut off.

metor -ari, dep. and meto -are, to measure off, lay out.

metreta -ae, f. a Greek liquid measure.

metrum -i, n. a measure; meter.

metuculosus -a -um, timid; frightful.

metuo -uere -ui -utum, to fear, be afraid.

metus -us, m. fear, dread; reverence, awe.

meus -a -um, my, mine; 'Nero meus', my friend Nero.

mica -ae, f. a crumb, morsel, grain.

mico -are -ui, to move rapidly to and fro, vibrate, flicker; to shine, glitter, sparkle.

Midas (Mida) -ae, m. a king of Phrygia, who turned to gold everything that he touched.

migratio -onis, f. removal, change of home.

migratu, abl. sing. m. in transport.

migro -are: intransit. to migrate, depart; to change; transit. to move, transport; to transgress.

miles -itis, c. a soldier; a private soldier, infantryman; coll. soldiery.

militaris -e, of a soldier, military; m. as subst. a soldier; adv. militariter, in a soldierly manner.

militia -ae, f. military service, warfare; 'domi militiaeque', at home and abroad, at peace and in war; meton., the military, soldiery.

milito -are, to serve as a soldier, be a soldier.

milium -i, n. millet.

mille, a thousand; plur. milia (millia) -ium, thousands; 'mille passuum', a thousand paces, a Roman mile.

millensimus (millesimus) -a -um, thousandth.

milliarium (miliarium) -i, n. a milestone.

milliarius (miliarius) -a -um, containing a thousand.

millies (milliens), a thousand times.

milvinus (miluinus) -a -um, of a kite.

milvus (miluus) -i, m. a kite; a fish, the gunard.

mima -ae, f. an actress.

mimicus -a -um, farcical; adv. mimice.

mimula -ae, f. a little actress.

mimus -i, m. a mimic actor; a mime, farce.

mina (1), f. adj. smooth, hairless.

mina (2) -ae, f. a Greek weight; also a Greek coin.

minae -arum, f. battlements, parapets. Transf. threats, menaces.

minatio -onis, f. a threatening, menace.

minax -acis, projecting, overhanging. Transf., threatening. Adv. minaciter, threateningly.

mineo -ere, to project, overhang.

Minerva -ae, f. goddess of wisdom and patroness of arts and sciences. Transf., wit, art, skill; esp. working in wool.

miniatus -a -um, colored with red lead, painted vermilion.

minime; see parvus.

minimus; see parvus.

minister -tri, m. servant, attendant, assistant.

ministerium -i, n. service, attendance, employment; in plur., attendants, retinue.

ministra -ae, f. servant, attendant, assistant.

ministrator -oris, m. a servant, attendant, assistant.

ministratrix -icis, f. a servant, attendant, assistant.

ministro -are, to serve, wait, esp. at table; to attend to, take care of, direct; to serve, supply, provide.

minitabundus -a -um, threatening.

minito -are and minitor -ari, dep. to threaten.

minium -i, n. native cinnabar; red lead, vermilion.

minor (1) -ari, dep. to jut out, project. Transf., to threaten, menace (with dat.). Adv. from partic. minanter, threateningly.

minor (2) -oris, compar. from parvus; q.v.

Minos -ois and -onis, m. king of Crete; after his death, a judge in Tartarus.

Minotaurus -i, m. a monster, half-bull, half-man, slain by Theseus.

minume; see mimime.

minumus; see minimus.

minuo -uere -ui -utum, to make smaller, lessen, diminish; to cut to pieces. Hence partic. minutus -a -um, small, petty, insignificant; adv. minute.

minus; see parvus, parum.

minusculus -a -um, rather small.

minutal -alis, n. a dish of minced meat.

minutatim, bit by bit, gradually.

minutia -ae, f. smallness.

minutus -a -um, partic. from minuo; q.v.

mirabilis -e, wonderful, extraordinary, unusual; adv. mirabiliter.

mirabundus -a -um, wondering.

miraculum -i, n. a wonderful thing, prodigy, miracle; wonder, surprise.

miratio -onis, f. wonder, astonishment.

mirator -oris, m. an admirer.

miratrix -icis, f. adj. wondering.

mirificus -a -um, causing wonder, wonderful, astonishing; adv. mirifice.

mirmillo (murm-) -onis, m. a kind of gladiator.

miror -ari, dep. to wonder, be astonished at; to admire, look on with admiration; gerundive mirandus -a -um, wonderful.

mirus -a -um, wonderful, astonishing, extraordinary; adv. mire.

miscellanea -orum, n. pl. a hash, hotchpotch.

misceo miscere miscui mixtum, to mix, mingle; to combine, unite; to prepare by mixing; to confuse, confound.

misellus -a -um, miserable, wretched, little.

Misenus -i, m. the trumpeter of Aeneas; Misenum -i, n. a promontory and town in Campania.

miser -era -erum, wretched, unhappy, sad; adv. misere.

miserabilis -e, sad, wretched, mournful, plaintive; adv. miserabiliter.

miseratio -onis, f. pity, compassion; a pathetic speech or tone.

misereo -ere and misereor -eri, dep. to pity (with genit.); impers., miseret and dep. miseretur, it excites pity, one pities.

miseresco -ere, to pity, have compassion on (with genit.).

miseria -ae, f. wretchedness, unhappiness, distress.

misericordia -ae, f. pity, compassion, mercy; an appeal to pity.

misericors -cordis, f. pitiful, compassionate.

miseror -ari, dep. to bewail, deplore; to pity, have compassion on; gerundive miserandus -a -um, pitiable, lamentable.

missicius -a -um, discharged from military service.

missilis -e, that can be thrown; n. as subst. a missile.

missio -onis, f. a sending off, letting go, releasing, discharge; cessation, termination.

missito -are, to send repeatedly.

missus (1) -us, m. a letting go, sending, throwing; a shot, the distance shot; in races, a course or heat.

missus (2) -a -um, partic. from mitto; q.v.

mitesco -ere, to become mild, soft, or ripe; to be allayed, to subside.

Mithridates -is, m. name of several kings of Pontus.

mitigatio -onis, f. assuaging, appeasing.

mitigo -are, to make mild, or ripe; to soothe, appease, pacify.

mitis -e, mild, soft, ripe; gentle; of style, mellow; compar. adv. mitius; superl. mitissime.

mitra -ae, f. a headdress, turban.

mitratus -a -um, wearing the mitra.

mitto mittere misi missum, to send, dispatch; to send as a gift; to fling; to shed; to utter; to let go, release, give up; to dismiss, discharge; to pass over a subject.

mitulus (mytulus, mutulus) -i, m. an edible mussel.

mixtura -ae, f. a mixing, mixture.

mna; = mina; q.v.

Mnemonides -um, f. pl. the Muses.

Mnemosyne -es, f. Mnemosyne, mother of the Muses.

mnemosynum -i, n. a souvenir, memorial.

mobilis -e, moveable, easy to move; pliable, flexible; active, rapid; changeable, inconstant. Adv. mobiliter, quickly, easily.

mobilitas -atis, f. mobility; inconstancy, changeableness.

mobilito -are, to set in motion.

moderabilis -e, moderate, restrained.

moderamen -inis, n. a means of guiding; 'rerum', management, government.

moderatim, moderately, gradually.

moderatio -onis, f. moderating, restraining; moderation, restraint.

moderator -oris, m. a governor, controller, manager; 'equorum', a driver.

moderatrix -icis, f. she that governs or controls.

moderor -ari, dep. (and modero -are), to keep within bounds; to regulate, restrain; to control, govern, direct. Hence, from pres. partic. adv. moderanter, with controlling force; perf. partic. moderatus -a -um, restrained, controlled; adv. moderate, with restraint.

modestia -ae, f. moderation; restraint, propriety, orderliness; respect, obedience to authority.

modestus -a -um, moderate, within bounds; orderly, restrained;adv. modeste.

modicus -a -um, moderate, within bounds, limited; temperate; ordinary, undistinguished. Adv. modice, moderately; to a limited extent; tem- perately, with restraint.

modificatus -a -um, measured.

modius -i, m. a Roman grain measure; 'pleno modio', in full measure, abundantly.

modo, by measure; hence only, merely, but, just; 'si modo, modo si', or 'modo' alone with subj., provided that, if only; 'modo ne', pro- vided that...not; 'modo non', all but, nearly; 'non modo...sed etiam', not only...but also. Of time, just, lately; soon, directly; 'modo... modo', at one another....

modulatio -onis, f. rhythmical measure.

modulator -oris, m. a musician.

modulor -ari, dep. to measure; in music, to modulate, to sing to the accompaniment of an instrument; to play an instrument. Adv. from partic. modulate, in time (of music).

modulus -i, m. a little measure.

modus -i, m. a measure, standard of measurement; in music, rhythm, measure, time; in plur., strains, numbers. Transf., limit, boun- dary; rule; manner, mode, way, method; 'servorum modo', after the manner of slaves; 'eius modi', in that manner, of that kind.

moecha -ae, f. an adulteress.

moechor -ari, dep. to commit adultery.

moechus -i, m. an adulterer.

moenera; = munera; see munus.

moenia -ium, n. pl. the walls or fortifications of a city, ramparts, bulwarks; poet., castle, dwelling.

Moesi -orum, m. pl. a people between Thrace and the Danube; Moesia -ae, f. their country.

mola -ae, f. a millstone; plur., a mill. Transf., grits, coarse meal or flour.

molaris -e, of a mill; to do with grinding; m. as subst. a millstone; a molar tooth, grinder.

moles -is, f. a shapeless mass, e.g. of rock; a massive construction, e.g. dam, mole, large building; 'moles belli', large military machines. Transf., a mass of men; greatness, might, power; trouble, difficulty.

molestia -ae, f. annoyance, troublesomeness; of style, affectation, stiffness.

molestus -a -um, burdensome, troublesome, irksome; of style, affected, labored. Adv. moleste, with annoyance; 'moleste fero', I take it badly, am annoyed; of style, affectedly.

molimen -inis, n. great effort, exertion, endeavor.

molimentum -i, n. great effort, exertion, endeavor.

molior -iri, dep.: transit. to stir, displace, work at; to construct labori- ously, build, erect, contrive; to strive after; to destroy laboriously, un- dermine; intransit. to toil, struggle, exert oneself.

molitio -onis, f. effort, laborious undertaking; demolition.

molitor -oris, m. a builder, contriver.

mollesco -ere, to become soft or gentle.

molliculus -a -um, soft, tender; effeminate.

mollio -ire, to make soft, pliable, supple; to make gentle or effeminate; to alleviate trouble; to ease a gradient.

mollipes -pedis, soft-footed.

mollis -e, soft, tender, pliant, supple; of weather, mild; of gradients, easy; of character, tender, gentle, sensitive, or effeminate; of circumstances, easy, mild, pleasant; of speech, tender, moving. Adv. molliter, softly, easily, gently, mildly; effeminately.

mollitia -ae, f. softness, flexibility; tenderness, mildness, sensibility; effeminacy.

mollities -ei, f. softness, flexibility; tenderness, mildness, sensibility; effeminacy.

mollitudo -inis, f. softness, pliability; tenderness, sensibility.

molo -ere -ui -itum, to grind in a mill.

Molossi -orum, m. a people in Epirus. Adj. Molossus -a -um, 'pes', a metrical foot, consisting of three long syllables; m. as subst. a Molossian hound.

moly -yos, n. the herb moly.

momen -inis, n. movement; a moving mass; momentum, impulse.

momentum -i, n. movement, motion; change, alteration; a cause of motion, impulse; mental impulse, influence; weight, importance; of time, a turning point, minute, moment.

Mona -ae, f. the isle of Man; also the isle of Anglesey.

monedula -ae, f. jackdaw.

moneo -ere, to remind, admonish, warn, advise, instruct. N. pl. of partic. as subst. monita -orum, warnings; prophecies.

moneris -is, f. a vessel with one bank of oars.

Moneta -ae, f. (1) the mother of the Muses. (2) a surname of Jove. (3) the mint; money.

monetalis -e, of the mint.

monile -is, n. necklace, collar.

monimentum; = monumentum; q.v.

monitio -onis, f. reminding, warning.

monitor -oris, m. one who reminds or prompts; an adviser, instructor.

monitus -us, m. warning, admonition.

monogrammos or -us -i, m. adj. sketched, shadowy.

monopodium -i, n. a table with one foot.

mons montis, m. a mountain; a mass; a great rock.

monstrator -oris, m. a pointer-out; an inventor.

monstro -are, to show, point out; to ordain, appoint; to inform against, denounce.

monstrum -i, n. a wonder, portent.

monstruosus (monstrosus) -a -um, strange, wonderful; adv. monstruose.

montanus -a -um, of a mountain, or mountainous; m. as subst. a mountain- eer; n. pl. as subst. mountainous country.

monticola -ae, c. a highlander.

montivagus -a -um, wandering over the mountains.

montuosus (montosus) -a -um, mountainous.

monumentum (monimentum) -i, n. a memorial, monument; a commemorative building; written memorials, annals, memoirs.

mora (1) -ae, f. delay, hindrance; any space of time.

mora (2) -ae, f. a division of the Spartan army.

moralis -e, moral, ethical.

morator -oris, m. a delayer; an advocate who talks against time.

moratus (1), partic. from moror; q.v.

moratus (2) -a -um, having certain manners or morals; adapted to a charac- ter, in character, characteristic.

morbidus -a -um, sickly, diseased, unwholesome.

morbus -i, m. disease, sickness.

mordax -acis, biting, snappish; stinging, pungent; satirical. Compar. adv. mordacius, more bitingly.

mordeo mordere momordi morsum, to bite; to cut into; to nip, sting; to vex, hurt, pain.

mordicus, with the teeth, by biting.

moretum -i, n. a salad.

moribundus -a -um, dying, expiring; subject to death, mortal; causing death, deadly.

morigeror -ari, dep. (and morigero -are), to comply with, gratify.

morigerus -a -um, compliant, accommodating.

morior mori mortuus moriturus, dep. to die; to die away, wither away, decay. Hence partic. mortuus -a -um, dead; decayed, extinct; half- dead; m. as subst. a corpse.

morologus -a -um, talking like a fool.

moror (1) -ari, dep. to delay; intransit. to linger, loiter, stay; transit. to retard, detain, hinder; 'nihil (nil) morari', to care nothing for.

moror (2) -ari, dep. to be foolish.

morositas -atis, f. peevishness, fretfulness.

morosus -a -um, peevish, captious, fretful; adv. morose.

Morpheus -eos, m. god of dreams.

mors mortis, f. death, a corpse; a cause of death or destruction.

morsus -us, m. a bite, biting; pungency; a verbal attack; in gen. pain, vexation.

mortalis -e, subject to death, mortal; transitory, perishable; human, earthly; m. as subst. a mortal man.

mortalitas -atis, f. liability to death.

mortifer or mortiferus -fera -ferum, causing death, fatal, deadly; adv. mortifere.

mortualia -ium, n. pl. funeral songs, dirges.

mortuus -a -um, partic. from morior; q.v.

morum -i, n. a mulberry; a blackberry.

morus (1) -a -um, silly, foolish.

morus (2) -i, f. a mulberry tree.

mos moris, m. the will, inclination; 'morem homini gerere', to humor a person; custom, usage, wont, rule; in plur. ways, conduct, character, morals.

Mosa -ae, f. a river in Gaul (now Meuse).

Mosella -ae, f. a river in Gaul (now Moselle).

motio -onis, f. movement.

moto -are, to move about.

motus (1) -a -um, partic. from moveo; q.v.

motus (2) -us, m. motion, movement; 'terrae', an earthquake; mental activity, emotion; political movement, rebellion, rising, riot.

moveo movere movi motum, to move, set in motion, stir; to remove, dis- possess, dislodge; 'se movere', and in middle sense, 'moveri', to move oneself; milit. 'movere signa, movere castra', to march away; to move mentally, influence, affect, excite; to cause a result; to change, shake; politically, to arouse, disturb.

mox, soon, presently; then, thereupon.

mucidus -a -um, snivelling; moldy, musty.

Mucius -a -um, name of a Roman gens; adj. Mucianus -a -um.

mucro -onis, m. a sharp point or edge; a sword.

mucus -i, m. mucous matter.

mugil (mugilis) -is, m. a fish, perhaps mullet.

muginor -ari, dep. to loiter, dally.

mugio -ire, to bellow, roar, low, rumble, groan.

mugitus -us, m. lowing, bellowing, rumbling, groaning.

mula -ae, f. a female mule.

mulceo mulcere mulsi mulsum, to stroke; to soothe, appease, charm.

Mulciber -eris and -eri, m. surname of Vulcan; meton., fire.

mulco -are, to thrash; to handle roughly.

mulctra -ae, f. milk pail.

mulctrarium -i, n. milk pail.

mulctrum -i, n. milk pail.

mulgeo mulgere mulsi, to milk.

muliebris -e, of a woman, feminine; effeminate; adv. muliebriter.

mulier -eris, f. a woman; a wife, matron.

mulierarius -a -um, womanish.

muliercula -ae, f. a little woman.

mulierositas -atis, f. love of women.

mulierosus -a -um, fond of women.

mulinus -a -um, of a mule, mulish.

mulio -onis, m. a mule-keeper, mule-driver.

mulionius -a -um, of a muleteer.

mullus -i, m. the red mullet.

mulsus -a -um, honeyed; as sweet as honey; n. as subst. wine sweetened with honey, mead.

multa -ae, f. a fine, mulct.

multangulus -a -um, many-cornered.

multaticius -a -um, relating to a fine.

multatio -onis, f. fining.

multesimus -a -um, very small.

multicavus -a -um, porous.

multicia -orum, n. pl. finely woven garments.

multifariam, on many sides, in many places.

multifidus -a -um, cloven into many parts.

multiformis -e, having many shapes.

multiforus -a -um, pierced with many holes.

multigeneris -e, of many kinds.

multigenus -a -um, of many kinds.

multiiugus -a -um, yoked many together; manifold, of many sorts.

multiiugis -e, yoked many together; manifold, of many sorts.

multiloquax -acis, talkative.

multimodis, in many ways, variously.

multiplex -plicis, having many folds, winds or turnings; having many parts, manifold, many-sided, versatile; many times as large.

multiplico -are, to increase many times, multiply.

multitudo -inis, f. a large number, multitude, crowd; common people, mob.

multo -are, to punish.

multus -a -um: sing., much, great; plur., many, numerous; multi, the common herd; 'ne multa', briefly, in brief; 'ad multum diem', till late in the day; 'in re multus', prolix on a subject, busy in a matter; occ., in sing., many a; n. acc. sing. as adv. multum, much, greatly; abl. multo, by much, by far. Compar. plus: in sing. n. only, more; genit. of value pluris, at a higher price, of more value; in plur. plures plura, more numerous, several, many. Superl. plurimus, most, very many; in sing., of a large number, like the English full many a; of energy, etc., strong; genit. of value plurimi, at the highest price or value.

mulus -i, m. a mule.

Mulvius pons, a bridge across the Tiber.

Mummius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.

Munda -ae, f. town in Hispania Baetica.

mundanus -i, m. a citizen of the world.

munditia -ae, f. cleanness, neatness, spruceness, elegance.

mundities -ei, f. cleanness, neatness, spruceness, elegance.

mundus (1) -a -um, clean, neat, elegant.

mundus (2) -i, m. (1) toilet things, adornment. (2) the universe, world; mankind.

munero -are and muneror -ari, dep. to give, present.

munia -iorum, n. pl. duties, functions; esp. official.

municeps -cipis, c. the citizen of a municipium; a fellow citizen, fellow countryman.

municipalis -e, belonging to a municipium, municipal;

municipium -i, n. a borough, free town, municipal town.

munificentia -ae, f. generosity.

munifico -are, to present generously.

munificus -a -um, generous, liberal; of wealth, splendid; adv. munifice.

munimen -inis, n. a protection, defence.

munimentum -i, n. a fortification, defence, protection.

munio (moenio) -ire, to build, esp., to build a wall; also to surround with a wall; to fortify; to secure, defend, protect. Hence partic. munitus -a -um, fortified, secured.

munitio -onis, f. fortifying, building up, paving, bridging; concr., a fortification.

munito -are, to pave, make passable.

munitor -oris, m. a builder of fortifications, sapper, engineer.

munus (moenus) -eris, n. an office, function, duty; a charge, tax; a service, favor, gift; a public show, esp. of gladiators; a public building.

munusculum -i, n. a small gift.

muralis -e, of a wall, mural; 'corona', the crown given to the first man over the wall of a besieged city.

murena (muraena) -ae, f. a sea-fish, the murry or lamprey.

Murena -ae, m. a cognomen in the gens Licinia.

murex -icis, m. the purple-fish; purple dye; a sharp stone, projecting rock.

muria -ae, f. brine, pickle.

murmillo; see mirmillo.

murmur -uris, n. a murmur, humming, roaring, rumbling, crashing.

murmuro -are, to murmur, roar, crash.

murra (1) (myrrha) -ae, f. the myrrh tree; myrrh.

murra (2) (myrrha) -ae, f. a mineral, perhaps flourspar.

murreus (1) (myrrheus) -a -um, perfumed with myrrh; myrrh-colored.

murreus (2) (myrrheus) -a -um, made of flourspar.

murus -i, m. a wall, bank or dike; fig., protection, defence.

mus muris, c. a mouse or rat.

Musa -ae, f. a muse; a goddess of music, literature and the arts.

musaeus -a -um, poetical, musical.

musca -ae, f. a fly.

muscarium -i, n. a fly trap.

muscipula -ae, f. a mouse trap.

muscipulum -i, n. a mouse trap.

muscosus -a -um, mossy.

musculus -i, m. a little mouse; a sea-mussel; milit., a shed, mantelet.

muscus -i, m. moss.

museus; = musaeus; q.v.

musicus -a -um, belonging to poetry or music, musical; m. as subst. a musician; f. sing. musica -ae and musice -es, music, poetry, learned studies; adv. musice.

mussito -are: intransit. to grumble, mutter; transit. to keep quiet about a thing.

musso -are, to murmur, mutter, whisper; to keep quiet about a thing; to be at a loss.

mustaceum -i, n. and mustaceus -i, m. a must-cake, a sort of wedding cake.

mustela (mustella) -ae, f. a weasel.

mustus -a -um, young, new, fresh; n. as subst. new wine, must.

mutabilis -e, changeable, variable, inconstant.

mutatio -onis, f. changing, change, alteration; mutual change, exchange.

mutilo -are, to maim, mutilate, cut off; to curtail, diminish.

mutilus -a -um, maimed, mutilated.

Mutina -ae, f. town in Cisalpine Gaul (now Modena).

mutio (muttio) -ire, to mutter, mumble.

muto -are: transit. to move, shift; to change, alter; to exchange, barter; with abl., to give or to get one thing in exchange for another; intrans. to change, alter.

mutuatio -onis, f. borrowing.

mutuor -ari, dep. to borrow.

mutus -a -um, inarticulate, dumb, mute, silent, still, quiet.

mutuus -a -um. (1) interchanged, mutual, reciprocal; n. as subst. reci- procity, equal return; abl. as adv. mutuo, mutually, reciprocally. (2) borrowed, lent; 'pecuniam dare mutuam', to lend; n. as subst. a loan.

myoparo -onis, m. a small piratical galley.

myrice -es, f. and myrica -ae, f. the tamarisk.

myrtetum (murtetum) -i, n. a grove of myrtle trees.

myrteus (murteus) -a -um, of myrtle; adorned with myrtle.

myrtum -i, n. myrtle berry.

myrtus -i and -us, f. the myrtle tree; also a myrtle shaft.

mystagogus -i, m. a priest who showed sacred places to strangers.

mysteria -orum, n. pl. mysteries, secrets, esp. of worship.

mystes or mysta -ae, m. a priest at the mysteries.

mysticus -a -um, secret, mystic.