Cyprus in Smiths Bible Dictionary
an island of Asia in the Mediterranean. It is about 140 miles
long and 50 miles wide at the widest part. Its two chief
cities were Salamis, at the east end of the island, and
Paphos, at the west end. "Cyprus occupies a distinguished
place in both sacred and profane history. It early belonged to
the Phoenicians of the neighboring coast; was afterwards
colonized by Greeks' passed successively under the power of
the Pharaohs, Persians, Ptolemies and Romans, excepting a
short period of independence in the fourth century B.C. It was
one of the chief seats of the worship of Venus, hence called
Cypria. Recently the discoveries in Cyprus by Cesnola have
excited new interest. --Appleton's Am. Encyc. It was the
native place of Barnabas, Ac 4:36 and was visited by Paul. Ac
13:4-13; 15:39; 21:3 See also Ac 27:4
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