Glossary of Latin Terms S


Saba -ae, f. a town in Arabia, famous for perfumes.

sabbata -orum, n. pl. the Sabbath, the Jewish day of rest.

Sabelli -orum, m. pl. poetic name of the Sabines.

Sabini -orum, m. pl. an ancient people of Italy, northerly neighbors of the Latins.

sabulum -i, n. gravel, sand.

saburra -ae, f. sand used as ballast.

sacco -are, to strain or filter.

sacculus -i, m. a small bag.

saccus -i, m. a sack, bag; esp. a purse.

sacellum -i, n. a small shrine, chapel.

sacer -cra -crum, sacred, holy, consecrated; in bad sense, accursed, devoted to destruction, horrible. N. sing. as subst. sacrum -i, a holy thing or place; a sacrifice or victim; n. pl. sacred rites, worship.

sacerdos -dotis, c. a priest, priestess.

sacerdotalis -e, priestly.

sacerdotium -i, n. priesthood.

sacramentum -i, n.: legal, money deposited by the parties in a suit; hence a civil suit, legal process; milit. oath of allegiance; hence an oath or solemn promise.

sacrarium -i, n. (1) a place where sacred things are kept, sacristy. (2) a place of worship, chapel, shrine.

sacricola -ae, c. a sacrificing priest or priestess.

sacrifer -fera -ferum, carrying sacred things.

sacrificalis -e, of sacrifices.

sacrificatio -onis, f. sacrificing.

sacrificium -i, n. sacrifice.

sacrifico -are, to sacrifice.

sacrificulus -i, m. a sacrificing priest.

sacrificus -a -um, sacrificing, sacrificial.

sacrilegium -i, n. stealing of sacred things, sacrilege, profanation.

sacrilegus -a -um, stealing sacred things, sacrilegious, impious.

sacro -are. (1) to dedicate to a god, consecrate; to devote, allot; to doom, curse. (2) to make holy, make inviolable; to immortalize. Hence partic. sacratus -a -um, holy, consecrated.

sacrosanctus -a -um, consecrated, holy, sacred, inviolable.

sacrum; see sacer.

saecularis -e, relating to a saeculum or age; 'ludi', secular games, (celebrated at intervals of about 100 years).

saeculum -i, n. a generation; the spirit of the age, the times; a hundred years, a century, an age.

saepe, often, frequently; saepenumero, repeatedly, again and again.

saepes (sepes) -is, f. hedge, fence.

saepimentum -i, n. hedge, enclosure.

saepio saepire saepsi saeptum, to hedge in, enclose, surround, confine; n. of partic. as subst. saeptum -i, barrier, wall, enclosure; in plur., the enclosure where the Romans voted at the comitia.

saeta -ae, f. a bristle, stiff hair; part of an angler's line.

saetiger -gera -gerum, having bristles, bristly; m. as subst. a boar.

saetosus -a -um, bristly.

saevidicus -a -um, angrily spoken.

saevio -ire -ii -itum, to rage, be furious, take violent action.

saevitia -ae, f. rage, ferocity.

saevus -a -um, raging, fierce, furious, violent, savage, cruel; adv. saeve and saeviter.

saga -ae, f. a prophetess, fortune teller.

sagacitas -atis, f. keenness, acuteness, shrewdness.

sagatus -a -um, clothed in a sagum; q.v..

sagax -acis, keen, acute; esp. keen-scented; mentally acute, shrewd, clever. Adv. sagaciter.

sagina -ae, f. fattening, cramming; food, nourishment.

sagino -are, to fatten, cram.

sagitta -ae, f. arrow.

sagittarius -a -um, of an arrow; m. as subst. an archer.

sagittifer -fera -ferum, carrying arrows.

sagitto -are, to shoot arrows.

sagmen -inis, n. a bunch of sacred herbs.

sagulum -i, n. a small military cloak.

sagum -i, n. a cloak of coarse wool.

Saguntum -i, n. and Saguntus (-os) -i, f. a town on the coast of Spain.

sal salis, m. salt; brine, sea water; fig., sing. and pl. wit.

salaco -onis, m. a swaggerer, braggart.

Salamis -minis, f. (1) an island in the Saronic Gulf. (2) a town in Cyprus.

salaputium -i, n. a little man, mannikin.

salarius -a -um, of salt; n. as subst. salt money, an allowance, pay

salax -acis, lustful, lecherous.

salebra -ae, f. jolting; a rough patch of road; of style, ruggedness.

salebrosus -a -um, rugged, rough.

Saliatus -us, m. the office of a priest of Mars; see Salii.

salictum -i, n. a plantation of willows.

salignus -a -um, of willow wood.

Salii -orum, m. a college of 12 priests of Mars Gradivus; adj. Saliaris -e, relating to the Salii; splendid, magnificent.

salillum -i, n. a little saltcellar.

salinae -arum, f. pl. salt-works, brine-pit.

salinum -i, n. a saltcellar.

salio salire salui saltum, to spring, leap, bound; f. pl. of partic. as subst. salientes -ium, fountains.

saliunca -ae, f. wild nard.

saliva -ae, f. spittle, saliva.

salix -icis, f. a willow.

Sallustius -i, m.: C. Sallustius Crispus, the Roman historian Sallust, contemporary of Cicero.

salpa -ae, f. a kind of stock-fish.

salsamentum -i, n. fish-pickle, brine; salted or pickled fish.

salsura -ae, f. salting, pickling.

salsus -a -um, salted, salty; hence sharp, biting, witty; adv. salse.

saltatio -onis, f. a dancing, dance.

saltator -oris, m. a dancer.

saltatorius -a -um, of dancing.

saltatrix -tricis, f. a dancing-girl.

saltatus -us, m. a dancing, dance.

saltem, at least, at all events.

salto -are, to dance, esp. with gesticulation; with acc. to represent in pantomime, to sing with gestures.

saltuosus -a -um, wooded.

saltus (1) -us, m. a spring, leap, bound.

saltus (2) -us, m. a forest or mountain pasture; a pass, dale, ravine, glade.

salubris and saluber -bris -bre, healthful, healthy, wholesome; sound, useful; healthy, vigorous. Adv. salubriter, wholesomely, advantage- ously.

salubritas -atis, f. wholesomeness, soundness, health.

salum -i, n. the open sea.

salus -utis, f. health, soundness; safety, welfare, well-being, salvation; a wish for a person's welfare, salutation, greeting.

salutaris -e, healthful, wholesome, advantageous; n. pl. as subst. remedies, medicines. Adv. salutariter.

salutatio -onis, f. greeting, salutation; a call, ceremonial visit; concr. visitors.

salutator -oris, m. a visitor, caller.

salutatrix -tricis, f. adj. greeting, paying a visit.

salutifer -fera -ferum, health-bringing.

saluto -are, to wish well, greet, call upon, pay respect to, reverence.

salveo -ere, to be well, be in good health; 'salve, salvete',as a greeting, Good day! Good morning!, used also in bidding farewell.

salvus -a -um, safe, unhurt, well, all right; 'salvo iure', without infraction of law. Adv. salve.

sambuca -ae, f. a species of harp.

sambucistria -ae, f. a female harpist.

Samnium -i, n. a region of central Italy; adj. and subst. Samnis -itis, Samnite.

Samos (-us) -i, f. an island in the Aegean Sea; adj. Samius -a -um.

Samothrace -es, Samothraca -ae and Samothracia -ae, f. Samothrace, an island in the northern Aegean.

sanabilis -e, curable.

sanatio -onis, f. healing, curing.

sancio sancire sanxi sanctum (sancitum), to consecrate, hallow, make invi- olable, confirm, ratify, decree; also to forbid on pain of punishment, provide against. Hence partic. sanctus -a -um, consecrated, holy, sacred; pure, virtuous. Adv. sancte, solemnly, conscientiously.

sanctimonia -ae, f. sanctity, sacredness; purity, chastity, virtue.

sanctio -onis, f. a clause in a law defining a penalty.

sanctitas -atis, f. inviolability, sanctity; purity, chastity.

sanctitudo -inis, f. sanctity.

sanctor -oris, m. an enacter.

sanctus; see sancio.

sandalium -i, n. a slipper, sandal.

sandapila -ae, f. a bier used for poor people.

sandyx -dycis, f. vermilion.

sanguinans -antis, bloodthirsty.

sanguinarius -a -um, of blood; bloodthirsty, savage.

sanguineus -a -um, of blood, bloody; blood-red.

sanguinolentus -a -um, stained with blood, bloody; wounding, injuring; blood-red.

sanguis -inis, m. (and sanguen, n.) blood. Transf. blood-relationship, race, family, progeny; life-blood, strength, vigor.

sanies -ei, f. corrupted blood, matter; slaver, venom, poison.

sanitas -atis, f. health, soundness; good sense, sanity; of style, correctness, purity.

sanna -ae, f. a mocking grimace.

sannio -onis, m. a buffoon.

sano -are, to heal, cure, restore, repair.

sanus -a -um, sound, healthy, uninjured; of sound mind, rational, sane; of style, correct. Hence adv. sane, rationally, sensibly. Transf., really, indeed, to be sure; with imperatives, then, if you will; 'sane quam', exceedingly, extremely.

sapa -ae, f. must or new wine.

sapientia -ae, f. wisdom, good sense, discernment; esp. proficiency in philosophy, science, etc..

sapio sapere sapivi or sapii. (1) to taste; with acc. to taste or smell of. (2) to have taste, be able to taste. (3) mentally, to discern, be sensible, be wise, think. Hence partic. sapiens -entis, wise, sensible, judicious; as subst., a sensible, judicious person; also wise man, philosopher, sage. Adv. sapienter.

sapor -oris, m. taste, flavor, flavoring; sense of taste; taste in style or conduct.

Sappho -us, f. a lyric poetess of Mytilene in Lesbos.

sarcina -ae, f. a bundle, pack, burden, load.

sarcinarius -a -um, of burdens or baggage.

sarcinator -oris, m. cobbler.

sarcinula -ae, f. a little bundle.

sarcio sarcire sarsi sartum, to mend, patch, repair, make good. Hence partic. sartus -a -um; 'sartus (et) tectus', in good condition, well-preserved.

sarcophagus -i, m. coffin, grave.

sarculum -i, n. a light hoe.

Sardes (Sardis) -ium, f. pl. Sardis, the old capital of Lydia; adj. Sardianus -a -um.

Sardi -orum, m. pl. the Sardinians; adj. Sardus, Sardonius, Sardous -a -um, Sardinian; subst. Sardinia -ae, f. Sardinia.

sardonyx -nychis, m. and f. a precious stone, sardonyx.

sargus -i, m. a salt-water fish, the sargue.

sarisa -ae, f. the long Macedonian pike.

sarisophorus -i, m. a Macedonian pikeman.

Sarmata -ae, m. a Sarmatian; subst. Sarmatia -ae, f. Sarmatia; adj. Sarmaticus -a -um, Sarmatic; adv. Sarmatice; f. adj. Sarmatis -idis.

sarmentum -i, n. twigs, brushwood.

sarracum; = serracum; q.v.

sarrio (sario) -ire -ui and -ivi, to hoe, weed.

sartago -inis, f. frying pan.

sartus; see sarcio.

sat, see satis.

satagito, see satis.

satago; see satis.

satelles -itis, c. a guard, attendant; an accomplice; plur. escort, suite, train.

satias -atis, f. sufficiency, abundance; satiety.

satietas -atis, f. sufficiency, abundance; satiety.

satine; = satisne; see satis.

satin; = satisne; see satis.

satio (1) -are, to satisfy, fill; to cloy, satiate.

satio (2) -onis, f. a sowing or planting; in plur. sown fields.

satira; see satur.

satis or sat, enough, sufficient; as adv. enough, sufficiently, fairly, quite; compar. satius, better, more advantageous; satine satin=satisne, introducing questions; satis (or sat) ago or satago -agere, to satisfy or pay a creditor; to have enough to do, have one's hands full; satisdo -dare, to give bail or security; satis accipio accipere, to take bail or se- curity; satis facio or satisfacio -facere, to give satisfaction, satisfy, pay up, make amends; also to prove sufficiently.

satisdatio -onis, f. a giving bail or security.

satisdo -dare, see satis.

satisfacio -facere, see satis.

satisfactio -onis, f. amends, reparation, apology.

satius; see satis.

sator -oris, m. a sower, planter, begetter, father, producer.

satrapes -is: plur. satrapae -arum; m. the governor of a Persian province, viceroy.

satur -ura -urum, full, sated, rich, copious. F. as subst. satura -ae, a dish of various ingredients, a medley; 'per saturam', indiscrimi- nately; satura (or satira), 'satire', as a literary form.

satureia -ae, f., plur. satureia -orum, n.; the herb savory.

saturitas -atis, f. satiety, abundance.

Saturnalia, etc.; see Saturnus.

Saturnus -i, m. (1) the planet Saturn. (2) a mythical king of Latium. Hence adj. Saturnius -a -um and Saturnalis -e; n. pl. as subst. Saturnalia -ium and -iorum, a festival of Saturn, beginning on the December 17.

saturo -are, to satisfy, fill.

satus (1) -a -um, partic. from sero; q.v.

satus (2) -us, m. sowing, planting; begetting, origin.

satyrus -i, m. a satyr. Transf. Greek satyric drama.

sauciatio -onis, f. wounding.

saucio -are, to wound, hurt.

saucius -a -um, wounded, hurt, distressed.

saviolum -i, n. a little kiss.

savior -ari, dep. to kiss.

savium (suavium) -i, n. a kiss.

saxetum -i, n. a rocky place.

saxeus -a -um, of rock, stony.

saxificus -a -um, petrifying.

saxosus -a -um, full of rocks, rocky.

saxulum -i, n. a little rock.

saxum -i, n. a rock, stone; esp. the Tarpeian rock.

scabellum (scabillum) -i, n. footstool; a musical instrument played with the foot.

scaber -bra -brum, scabby; rough.

scabies -ei, f. scab, mange, itch; roughness; itching desire.

scabiosus -a -um, scabby, mangy.

scabo scabere scabi, to scratch.

scaena (scena) -ae, f. stage, scene, theater; natural background; publicity, the public eye.

scaenalis -e, theatrical.

scaenicus -a -um, of the stage, theatrical; m. as subst. a stage-hero, an actor.

Scaevola -ae, m. the left-handed, a surname of the gens Mucia.

scaevus -a -um, left, on the left. Transf. awkward.

scalae -arum, f. pl. a flight of stairs, ladder; milit. scaling- ladders.

scalmus -i, m. a thole-pin, rowlock.

scalpellum -i, n. a lancet, scalpel.

scalpo scalpere scalpsi scalptum, to carve, scrape, scratch.

scalprum -i, n. a chisel; a penknife.

scammonea (-monia) -ae, f. the plant scammony.

scamnum -i, n. a bench, stool.

scando scandere scandi scansum, to climb, mount, rise.

scapha -ae, f. a small boat, skiff.

scaphium -i, n. a pot, bowl, drinking vessel.

scapulae -arum, f. p. the shoulder-blades; the shoulder, back.

scapus -i, m. a weaver's beam, or perhaps leash-rod.

scarus -i, m. a salt-water fish, perhaps parrot-fish.

scatebra -ae, f. a spouting up, bubbling up.

scateo -ere and scato -ere, to gush, spout up; to teem, abound.

scaturrigo -ginis, f. a bubbling spring.

scaturrio -ire, to gush, bubble over.

scaurus -a -um, with swollen ankles.

scazon -ontis, m. an iambic trimeter with a spondee or trochee in the last foot.

scelero -are, to pollute with guilt. Partic. sceleratus -a -um, polluted with guilt; impious, wicked; tiresome, noxious; adv. scelerate, impious- ly, wickedly.

scelerosus -a -um, guilty, wicked.

scelestus -a -um, guilty, wicked, accursed; adv. sceleste.

scelus -eris, n. a crime. Transf. misfortune, calamity. As a term of abuse, scoundrel, rascal.

scen-; see scaen-.

sceptrifer -fera -ferum, scepter-bearing.

sceptrum -i, n. a scepter; poet. dominion, kingdom.

sceptuchus -i, m. wand-bearer, a court official.

scheda and scida -ae, f. a strip of papyrus bark; a leaf of paper.

schema -ae, f. and -atis, n. shape, figure, form.

schoenobates -ae, m. a rope-walker.

schola -ae, f. learned leisure; conversation, debate; a lecture, dissertation; a school; a sect.

scholasticus -a -um, of a school; esp. rhetorical; m. as subst. a student or teacher of rhetoric.

scida; = scheda; q.v.

scientia -ae, f. knowing, knowledge, acquaintance, skill.

scilicet, evidently, certainly, of course; ironically, no doubt; in answers, certainly; explanatory, namely.

scilla (squilla) -ae, f. a sea-leek, squill; a crayfish or prawn.

scin; = scisne; see scio.

scindo scindere scidi scissum, to cut, rend, split; to divide, separate. Partic. scissus -a -um, torn, rent; of the voice, harsh.

scintilla -ae, f. a spark; a glimmer.

scintillo -are, to sparkle, glitter.

scintillula -ae, f. a little spark.

scio scire scivi or scii scitum, to know, understand; with infin. to know how to do;with adv., 'scire Graece', to understand Greek. Hence partic. sciens -entis, knowing, aware; understanding, versed in, acquainted with (with genit.); adv. scienter; for scitus -a -um, see scisco.

scipio -onis, m. a staff, wand.

Scipio -onis, m. a family in the gens Cornelia; Scipiades -ae, one of the family of the Scipios, a Scipio.

scirpeus (sirpeus) -a -um, of rushes; f. as subst. basket-work.

scirpiculus (sirpiculus) -a -um, of rushes; m. and f. as subst. a rush- basket.

scirpus (sirpus) -i, m. a rush, bulrush.

sciscitor -ari, dep. and sciscito -are, to inquire, examine, investigate.

scisco sciscere scivi scitum, to investigate, inquire; polit. to vote, ordain, resolve. Hence partic. scitus -a -um, knowing, shrewd, judicious; pretty, fine; adv. scite, skillfully; n. of partic. as subst. decree, statute; 'plebis scitum', a decree of the people of Rome.

scissus; see scindo.

scitor -ari, dep. to seek to know, inquire, ask.

scitu, abl. sing. m. by a decree.

scitus; see scisco.

sciurus -i, m. a squirrel.

scobis -is, f. filings, chips, shavings, sawdust.

scomber -bri, m. a mackerel.

scopae -arum, f. pl. a besom, broom.

scopulosus -a -um, rocky, craggy.

scopulus -i, m. a rock, crag, cliff; danger, ruin.

scorpio -onis and scorpius (-os) -i, m. a scorpion; milit. an engine for throwing missiles; a salt-water fish, perhaps the sculpin.

scorteus -a -um, leathern, made of leather; f. as subst. a leather garment.

scortor -ari, dep. to whore, go with harlots.

scortum -i, n. a harlot, prostitute.

screo -are, to clear the throat, hawk, hem.

scriba -ae, m. a clerk, secretary, notary.

scriblita -ae, f. a kind of pastry.

scribo scribere scripsi scriptum, to engrave, draw lines, write, write on, write about; polit. to draw up laws, etc.; legal, 'dicam scribere', to bring an action; with double acc. to appoint in writing; milit., to enrol. N. of partic. as subst. scriptum -i, a mark or line; a com- position, piece of writing; esp. a decree, law.

scrinium -i, n. a case for books or papers.

scriptio -onis, f. the act of writing; authorship, composition; wording.

scriptito -are, to write often.

scriptor -oris, m. a scribe, clerk, secretary; a writer, author, composer.

scriptula -orum, n. pl. the lines on a draughtboard.

scriptum; see scribo.

scriptura -ae, f. a piece of writing, composition; a testamentary disposi- tion; a rent paid on public pastures.

scripulum (scrupulum, scriptulum) -i, m. a small weight or measure.

scrobis -is, c. a ditch; a grave.

scrofa -ae, f. a breeding sow.

scrupeus -a -um, of sharp stones, rugged, rough.

scruposus -a -um, of sharp stones, rugged, rough.

scrupulosus -a -um, full of stones, rough, rugged. Transf. exact, scrupulous, precise.

scrupulum; see scripulum.

scrupulus -i, m. a small stone. Transf. an anxiety, doubt, scruple.

scrupus -i, m. a sharp stone. Transf. a worry, anxiety.

scruta -orum, n. pl. frippery, trash.

scrutor -ari, dep. to search through, investigate, examine.

sculpo sculpere sculpsi sculptum, to carve, cut, chisel.

sculptilis -e, carved.

sculptor -oris, m. a sculptor.

scurra -ae, m. a dandy, man-about-town; a jester, buffoon.

scurrilis -e, like a buffoon; mocking, jeering.

scurrilitas -atis, f. buffoonery.

scurror -ari, dep. to play the buffoon.

scutale -is, n. the thong of a sling.

scutatus -a -um, armed with a shield.

scutella -ae, f. a flat dish, saucer.

scutica -ae, f. a whip.

scutula (1) -ae, f. a little square-shaped dish.

scutula (2) -ae, f. a roller, cylinder.

scutulata -orum, n. pl. checked cloths, checks.

scutulum -i, n. a little shield.

scutum -i, n. a large quadrangular shield.

Scylla -ae, f. a rock at the straits between Italy and Sicily, opposite to Charybdis; adj. Scyllaeus -a -um.

scymnus -i, m. cub, whelp.

scyphus -i, m. a drinking cup, goblet.

scytala -ae and scytale -es, f. = scutula; q.v.

Scythes (Scytha) -ae, m. a Scythian; Scythia -ae, f. Scythia.

se or sese, acc. sing. and plur.; sui, genit.; sibi, dat.; se or sese, abl.; strengthened forms, sepse, semet; reflexive pronoun of the third person, himself, herself, itself, themselves; 'sibi velle', to mean; secum = cum se; 'inter se', reciprocally.

sebum -i, n. tallow, fat.

secedo -cedere -cessi -cessum, to go apart, withdraw.

secerno -cernere -crevi -cretum, to separate, part, sunder; to distinguish; to set aside, reject. Hence partic. secretus -a -um, separate, alone, special; retired, soli- tary; hidden, secret; with abl. deprived of. N. as subst. secretum -i, retirement, solitude; a secret, mystery. Abl. as adv. secreto, apart, secretly.

secessio -onis, f. a going apart, withdrawal, secession.

secessus -us, m. a going apart, withdrawal, retirement; a retreat, recess.

secius; see secus.

secludo -cludere -clusi -clusum, to shut off; to confine, to separate from others.

seco secare secui sectum, to cut, amputate; to wound, hurt; to divide, part; hence to settle disputes; to cut out, make by cutting.

secretus; see secerno.

secta -ae, f. a way, mode of life, procedure; a school of thought.

sectator -oris, m. a follower, hanger-on; plur. train, retinue.

sectilis -e, cut; able to be cut.

sectio -onis, f. cutting. Transf. the buying up of state property; concr. auctioned property, a lot.

sector (1) -oris, m. a cutter. Transf. a buyer of state property.

sector (2) -ari, dep. to follow eagerly; to accompany, attend; of enemies, to run after, chase; in gen. to strive after, try to get or find.

sectura -ae, f. cutting; 'aerariae secturae', copper mines.

secubitus -us, m. lying alone.

secubo -are -ui, to sleep alone.

secul-; see saecul-.

secum; see se.

secundani -orum, m. pl. soldiers of the second legion.

secundarius -a -um, second-rate.

secundo -are, to favor, assist.

secundum: adv. after, behind; prep., with acc., following, after, along beside; during; in addition to; next after, next to; according to; in favor of.

secundus -a -um. (1) going after, second, following; inferior, second-rate. (2) going the same way, attending, favoring; 'secundo flumine', down- stream; 'res secundae', prosperity, success. As subst.: n. abl. sing., secundo, secondly; f. pl. secundae -arum, the second role, second fid- dle; n. pl. secunda -orum, prosperity, success.

securifer -fera -ferum, carrying an axe.

securiger -gera -gerum, carrying an axe.

securis -is, f. an axe, hatchet; esp. the headsman's axe; hence, supreme power, Roman supremacy.

securitas -atis, f. freedom from care; peace of mind, composure; careless- ness, false confidence. Transf. freedom from danger, security.

securus -a -um, free from care, unconcerned, fearless, tranquil; careless; objectively, safe, secure. Adv. secure.

secus (1), n. indecl., sex.

secus (2), adv. otherwise, not so; foll. by atque (ac), or quam, otherwise than, differently from; 'non secus, haud secus', just so. Transf. not as one would wish, i.e. wrongly, badly. Compar. sequius or setius, otherwise, not so; less; rather badly.

secutor -oris, m. a gladiator armed with sword and shield.

sed (set), but, however; 'sed enim', but in fact; confirming, and indeed, and what is more.

sedatio -onis, f. allaying, soothing.

sedecim, indecl. num. sixteen.

sedecula -ae, f. a low seat, stool.

sedeo sedere sedi sessum, to sit; to sit in council or judgment; to sit about, be inactive; milit. to remain encamped; of things, to be settled, stay fixed; of resolves, to be firmly determined.

sedes -is, f. a seat; a chair, throne; an abode, home; of things, place, seat, base, foundation.

sedile -is, n. a seat, bench.

seditio -onis, f. insurrection, rising, mutiny; dissension, quarrel.

seditiosus -a -um, quarrelsome, turbulent, restless; adv. seditiose.

sedo -are, to settle, soothe, calm, allay; partic. sedatus -a -um, calm, composed; adv. sedate.

seduco -ducere -duxi -ductum, to lead apart, turn aside, separate; partic., seductus -a -um, remote, distant.

seductio -onis, f. leading aside.

sedulitas -atis, f. zeal, application.

sedulus -a -um, busy, diligent; in bad sense, officious. N. abl. as adv. sedulo, busily; purposely, designedly.

seges -etis, f. a cornfield; standing corn, a crop; in gen. field, ground, soil; source, origin; profit.

segmentatus -a -um, adorned with borders or patches.

segmentum -i, n. a cutting, shred; plur. borders or patches of purple or gold.

segnipes -pedis, slow-footed.

segnis -e, slow, tardy, sluggish, lingering. N. acc. as adv. segne, and adv. segniter, slowly, sluggishly.

segnitia -ae, f. sluggishness, slowness.

segnities -ei, f. sluggishness, slowness.

segrego -are, to segregate, separate, remove.

seiugatus -a -um, separated.

seiugis -is, m. a chariot drawn by six horses.

seiunctim, separately.

seiunctio -onis, f. separation.

seiungo -iungere -iunxi -iunctum, to separate, sever, disjoin.

selectio -onis, f. choosing out, selection.

Seleucus -i, m. name of several kings of Syria.

selibra -ae, f. half a pound.

seligo -ligere -legi -lectum, to choose, select.

sella -ae, f. seat, chair, stool; 'sella curulis', a magistrate's seat; 'sella gustatoria', a sedan-chair.

sellisternia -orum, n. pl. religious banquets in honor of goddesses.

sellula -ae, f. a little chair.

sellularius -a -um, a sedentary worker.

semel, once, a single time; for the first time; once for all; indef., once, ever, at any time.

Semela -ae and Semele -es, f. mother of Bacchus.

semen -inis, n. seed; a seedling, scion, shoot; a stock, race; an element; a cause, origin; an author, instigator.

sementifer -fera -ferum, seed-bearing, fruitful.

sementis -is, f. a sowing or planting; plur. sementes, young growing corn.

sementivus -a -um, of seed-time.

semestris (semenstris) -e, of six months, lasting six months.

semesus -a -um, half-eaten.

semiadapertus -a -um, half-open.

semianimis -e, half-alive, half-dead.

semianimus -a -um, half-alive, half-dead.

semiapertus -a -um, half-open.

semibos -bovis, m. half-ox.

semicaper -pri, m. half-goat.

semicrematus -a -um, half-burnt.

semicremus -a -um, half-burnt.

semicubitalis -e, half a cubit long.

semideus -a -um, half-divine; as subst. a demigod.

semidoctus -a -um, half-taught.

semiermis (semermis) -e, half-armed, half-equipped

semiermus (semermus) -a -um, half-armed, half-equipped.

semiesus; = semesus; q.v.

semifactus -a -um, half-done, half-finished.

semifer -fera -ferum, half-animal; half-savage.

semigermanus -a -um, half-German.

semigravis -e, half-overcome.

semigro -are, to go away, depart.

semihians -antis, half-open.

semihomo -hominis, m. half-man; half-wild.

semihora -ae, f. half an hour.

semilacer -cera -cerum, half-mangled.

semiliber -bera -berum, half-free.

semilixa -ae, m. half a sutler.

semimarinus -a -um, half in the sea.

semimas -maris, m. half-male, hermaphrodite; castrated.

seminarium -i, n. a plantation, nursery.

seminator -oris, m. begetter, author.

seminex -necis, half-dead.

seminium -i, n. a begetting; a race or breed.

semino -are, to sow, plant; to beget, produce.

seminudus -a -um, half-naked; ill-protected.

semiplenus -a -um, half-full, half-manned.

semiputatus -a -um, half-pruned.

semireductus -a -um, half bent back.

semirefectus -a -um, half-repaired.

semirutus -a -um, half-ruined, half pulled down.

semis -issis, m. the half of anything; e.g. of an as or iuger; as a rate of interest = 6 per cent per annum.

semisepultus -a -um, half-buried.

semisomnus -a -um, half-asleep, drowsy.

semisomnis -e, half-asleep, drowsy.

semisupinus -a -um, half on the back.

semita -ae, f. a narrow way, footpath.

semitalis -e, of the footpaths.

semitarius -a -um, of the footpaths.

semiustulatus; see semustulatus.

semiustus (semustus) -a -um, half-burnt.

semivir -viri, m. adj. half-man, half-animal; hermaphrodite; castrated; effeminate.

semivivus -a -um, half-dead, very faint.

semodius -i, m. half a modius.

semoveo -movere -movi -motum, to move away, set aside, separate; partic., semotus -a -um, remote, distant.

semper, always, at all times.

sempiternus -a -um, continual, everlasting.

Sempronius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.

semuncia -ae, f. half an uncia.

semunciarius -a -um, of the fraction 1/24; 'faenus', 1/24 per cent monthly; i.e. 1/2 per cent per annum.

semustulatus (semiustulatus) -a -um, half-burnt.

senaculum -i, n. an open space in the Forum, used by the Senate.

senariolus -i, m. a trifling senarius.

senarius -a -um, composed of six in a group; 'senarius (versus)', m. a senarius, a verse of six feet.

senator -oris, m. a member of the senate, a senator.

senatorius -a -um, of a senator, senatorial.

senatus -us, (or -i), m. a council of elders, the Senate;'senatus (senati) consultum', a formal resolution of the senate.

Seneca -ae, f. M. Annaeus Seneca, a rhetoritician from Corduba in Spain; L. Annaeus Seneca, his son, a Stoic philosopher, tutor of Nero.

senectus (1) -a -um, old, aged; f. as subst. senecta -ae, old age.

senectus (2) -utis, f. old age; concr. old men.

seneo -ere, to be old.

senesco senescere senui, to grow old; to flag, wane.

senex senis; compar. senior: adj. old, aged; subst. an old person.

seni -ae -a, six at a time, or six each.

senilis -e, of an old man, senile; adv. seniliter.

senio -onis, m. the number six upon dice.

senior; see senex.

senium -i, n. old age; decline, decay; gloom, grief.

sensiculus -i, m. a little sentence.

sensifer -fera -ferum, producing sensation.

sensilis -e, having sensation, sensitive.

sensim, just perceptibly, gradually, by degrees.

sensus -us, m. sense, sensation; feeling, attitude; judgment, perception, understanding; sense, meaning of words, etc.; a sentence.

sententia -ae, f. a way of thinking, opinion, thought, meaning, purpose; a decision, vote; meaning, sense of words, etc.; a sentence, period; esp., a maxim, aphorism.

sententiola -ae, f. a short sentence, maxim, aphorism.

sententiosus -a -um, pithy, sententious; adv. sententiose.

senticetum -i, n. a thorn-brake.

sentina -ae, f. bilge-water; rabble, dregs of the population.

sentio sentire sensi sensum, to feel, perceive; to experience, feel the force of a thing; to realize a truth; to hold an opinion, judge, suppose; legal, to decide, to vote. N. pl. of partic. as subst. sensa -orum, thoughts, sentiments.

sentis -is, c. a thorn-bush, briar.

sentisco -ere, to begin to perceive.

sentus -a -um, neglected, rough.

seorsum, sorsum, sorsus, apart, separately.

separatim, apart, separately, differently.

separatio -onis, f. separation, severance.

separo -are, to sever, separate; to consider or treat separately. Hence partic. separatus -a -um, separate, distinct; compar. adv. separatius, less closely.

sepelio -pelire -pelivi and -pelii -pultum, to bury; to ruin, destroy; partic. sepultus -a -um, buried, sunk, immersed.

sep-; see also saep-.

sepia -ae, f. cuttle-fish.

sepono -ponere -posui -positum, to put on one side, place apart, reserve; to put out of the way, banish; to distinguish, divide. Partic. sepositus -a -um, distant, remote; choice, select.

sepse; = se ipse; see ipse.

septem, indecl. num. seven.

September -bris, of September; '(mensis) September', the seventh month of the Roman year, September.

septemdecim, seventeen.

septemfluus -a -um, with seven mouths.

septemgeminus -a -um, sevenfold.

septemplex -plicis, sevenfold.

septemtrionalis -e, northern.

septemtriones (septen-) -um, m. pl. the seven stars of either the Great Bear or the Little Bear; in gen. the north; the north wind.

septemvir -viri, m. one of the septemviri, a college or guild of seven persons; adj. septemviralis -e, of septemviri; subst. septemviratus -us, m. the office of septemvir.

septenarius -a -um, containing seven; m. pl. as subst. septenarii, verses containing seven feet, heptameters.

septendecim; = septemdecim; q.v.

septeni -ae -a, seven at a time or seven each.

septentrio; = septemtrio; q.v.

septies (-iens), seven times.

septimanus -a -um, of the seventh; m. pl. as subst. soldiers of the seventh legion.

septimus (septumus) -a -um, seventh; septimum, for the seventh time.

septimus decimus, seventeenth.

septingentesimus (-ensimus) -a -um, seven hundredth.

septingenti -ae -a, seven hundred.

septuagesimus (-ensimus) -a -um, seventieth.

septuaginta, seventy.

septuennis -e, of seven years.

septum; = saeptum; q.v.

septunx -uncis, m. seven-twelfths.

sepulcralis -e, of a tomb, sepulchral.

sepulcretum -i, n. a burial place, cemetery.

sepulcrum -i, n. a place of burial, grave, tomb.

sepultura -ae, f. burial, internment; also the burning of a dead body.

Sequana -ae, m. a river in Gaul (now the Seine).

sequax -acis, following, attending, pursuing.

sequester -tri or -tris, m. a depositary; a go-between, agent, mediator.

sequestra -ae, f. a mediator.

sequius; = secius, compar. of secus; q.v.

sequor sequi secutus, dep. to follow, accompany, attend; to pursue, chase; in time, to follow, ensue; to follow logically, follow as a consequence; of property, to go to, fall to; to conform to; to strive after, aim at.

sera -ae, f. a bar or bolt.

serenitas -atis, f. clear weather.

sereno -are, to make clear, make bright.

serenus -a -um, clear, bright, fair; n. as subst. fair weather.

Seres -um, m. the Chinese, famous for their silks; adj. Sericus -a -um, Chinese; silken.

seresco -ere, to become dry.

seria -ae, f. a large jar.

series, acc. -em, abl. -e, f. a row, chain, series; a line of descent, lineage.

serius -a -um, serious, earnest; n. as subst. earnestness, seriousness; abl. as adv. serio, in earnest, seriously.

sermo -onis, m. talk, conversation; discussion; common talk, report, rumor; a subject of conversation; a conversational style, or prose; any manner of speaking, style, expression, diction, language, dialect.

sermocinor -ari, dep. to converse, talk, discuss.

sermunculus -i, m. rumor, tittle-tattle.

sero (1) serere sevi satum, to sow, set, plant; n. pl. of partic. as subst. sata -orum, standing corn, crops; to beget, engender, bring forth; partic. satus -a -um, sprung, born; in gen. to produce, give rise to.

sero (2) serere serui sertum, to join together, put in a row, connect, partic. sertus -a -um, linked, connected; n. as subst. sertum -i, and plur. serta -orum, a garland, wreath; also f. serta -ae.

serpens -entis, c. a snake, serpent.

serpentigena -ae, m. sprung from a serpent.

serpentipes -pedis, snake-footed.

serperastra -orum, n. pl. bandages or knee-splints.

serpo serpere serpsi serptum, to creep, crawl, advance slowly.

serpyllum (-pillum, -pullum) -i, n. wild thyme.

serra -ae, f. a saw.

serracum -i, n. a kind of wagon.

serratus -a -um, toothed like a saw, serrated; m. pl. as subst., (sc. nummi), milled coins.

serrula -ae, f. a little saw.

sertum; see sero.

serum -i, n. whey.

serus -a -um, late, too late; n. as subst. serum -i, a late hour; n. abl. sing. as adv. sero, late, too late.

serva -ae, f. a female slave.

servabilis -e, able to be served.

servator -oris, m. a preserver, savior; a watcher.

servatrix -icis, f. a preserver, savior; a watcher.

servilis -e, of a slave, servile; adv. serviliter.

Servilius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.

servio -ire, (with dat.), to be a slave, to serve, help, gratify; legal, of buildings, etc. to be subject to certain rights, e.g. to be mortgaged.

servitium -i, n. slavery, servitude, subjection; concr. slaves, servants, a household.

servitudo -inis, f. slavery, servitude.

servitus -utis, f. slavery, servitude; in gen. subjection, obedience; legal, of houses, etc. liability to certain burdens, e.g. a right of way; concr. slaves.

servo -are, to watch over, observe; to keep, retain a promise, etc.; to keep to, stay in a place. Partic. in superl., servantissimus -a -um, most careful, most observant.

servulus (servolus) -i, m. a young slave.

servula (servola) -ae, f. a young slave.

servus -a -um, adj. serving, servile, subject; legal, of lands, etc., subject to other rights; m. and f. as subst. a slave, servant.

sescenaris -e, a year and a half old.

sescenarius -a -um, consisting of six hundred.

sesceni -ae -a, six hundred at a time or six hundred each.

sescentesimus (-ensimus) -a -um, six hundredth.

sescenti -ae -a, six hundred; in gen. countless.

sescenties (-iens), six hundred times.

seselis -is, f. a plant, hartwort.

sesqui, one half more, half as much again.

sesquialter -altera -alterum, one and a half.

sesquihora -ae, f. an hour and a half.

sesquimodius -i, m. a modius and a half.

sesquioctavus -a -um, containing 9/8 of a thing.

sesquipedalis -e, a foot and a half long.

sesquipes -pedis, m. a foot and a half.

sesquiplaga -ae, f. a blow and a half.

sesquiplex -plicis, one and a half times as much.

sesquitertius -a -um, containing 4/3 of anything.

sessibulum -i, n. a seat, stool, chair.

sessilis -e, fit for sitting; of plants, low, dwarf.

sessio -onis, f. the act of sitting; loitering, idling; a session; a place for sitting, seat.

sessito -are, to sit much, sit often.

sessiuncula -ae, f. a little company or assembly.

sessor -oris, m. a sitter; an inhabitant.

sestertius -a -um, consisting of two and a half; m. as subst. sestertius -i, a sesterce, a silver coin, = 1/4 denarius, = 2 1/2 asses.

Sestius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.

set; = sed; q.v.

seta; = saeta; q.v.

seu; see sive.

severitas -atis and severitudo -inis, f. gravity, sternness.

severus -a -um, grave, serious, strict, stern, hard; adv. severe.

sevoco -are, to call aside, withdraw, separate.

sevum; = sebum; q.v.

sex, indecl. num. six.

sexagenarius -a -um, containing sixty; sixty years old.

sexageni -ae -a, sixty at a time, or sixty each.

sexagesimus (-ensimus) -a -um, sixtieth.

sexagies (-iens), sixty times.

sexaginta, indecl. num. sixty.

sexangulus -a -um, hexagonal.

sexcen-; sescen-.

sexdecem; = sedecim; q.v.

sexennis -e, six years old.

sexennium -i, n. a period of six years.

sexies (-iens), six times.

sexprimi -orum, m. pl. a board of six magistrates in a provincial town.

sextadecimani -orum, m. pl. soldiers of the 16th legion.

sextans -antis, m. one sixth.

sextarius -i, m. one sixth, esp. of a congius (about a pint).

Sextilis -e, of the sixth month of the old Roman year; 'sextilis (mensis)', the sixth month, afterwards called Augustus.

sextula -ae, f. 1/72.

sextus -a -um, sixth; sextum, for the sixth time.

sextusdecimus -a -um, sixteenth.

sexus -us, m. sex, gender.

si, if, supposing that; 'quod si', and if, but if; 'si modo', if only; 'si quis', if anybody; 'si non, si minus, nisi', if not, unless.

sibila -orum, n. pl.: as adj. hissing; as subst.=plur. of sibilus(q.v.).

sibilo -are: intransit. to hiss, whistle; transit. to hiss at.

sibilus -i, m. (poet. plur. sibila; q.v.), a hissing, whistling.

Sibylla -ae, f. a prophetess of Apollo, a Sibyl; adj. Sibyllinus -a -um, of the Sibyl, Sibylline.

sic, so, thus, in this way; like this, as follows; in that case, with this limitation; leading up to consecutive clause, so much, to such a de- gree; interrog. sicine, it is thus that?.

sica -ae, f. dagger, dirk, poniard.

Sicani -orum, m. pl. an ancient people of Sicily; adj. Sicanus and Sicanius -a -um, Sicilian; subst. Sicania -ae, f. Sicily.

sicarius -i, m. an assassin, murderer.

siccitas -atis, f. dryness, drought; sound health; of style, plainness, simplicity.

sicco -are, to make dry, to dry; to stanch; to drain.

siccus -a -um, dry; thirsting, thirsty; of health, sound; sober, temperate; of style, plain, simple; adv. sicce.

Sicilia -ae, f.; see Siculi.

sicine; see sic.

sicubi, if anywhere.

Siculi -orum, m. pl. the Sicilians; adj. Siculus -a -um, Sicilian; subst. Sicilia -ae, f. Sicily.

sicunde, if from anywhere.

sicut and sicuti, as, just as; as for example; as it were; with verb in subj. just as if.

Sicyon -onis, f. a city in the Peloponnese; adj. Sicyonius -a -um, Sicyonian; n. pl. as subst. a kind of soft shoes from Sicyon.

sidereus -a -um, of the stars, starry; gleaming.

sido sidere sidi and sedi sessum, to sit or sink down, settle, alight; to remain lying or fixed; naut. to stick fast, be stranded; of feelings, to subside.

Sidon -onis, f. a city of Phoenicia; adj. Sidonius -a -um; f. adj. Sidonis -idis.

sidus -eris, n. a constellation or a single star; any luminary, heavenly body; time of year, season, weather; in astrology, star, destiny; plur. the heavens. Transf. pride, glory.

sigilla -orum, n. pl. small figures, images; a seal.

sigillatus -a -um, adorned with small figures.

sigma -atis, n. the Greek letter sigma; a semicircular dining-couch.

signator -oris, m. one who seals; a witness.

signifer -fera -ferum, bearing signs or figures; covered with constellations or stars. M. as subst. signifer -feri, a standard bearer; a leader.

significatio -onis, f. indication, sign, token; sign of assent, approbation; emphasis; meaning, signification.

significo -are, to indicate, show; to foreshow; to mean, signify; partic., significans -antis, distinct, clear; adv. significanter.

signo -are, to mark, inscribe; to seal, seal up; to coin, stamp money. Transf. to impress, indicate; to observe, notice.

signum -i, n. a sign, mark, token; a warning, symptom; milit. a standard, banner, ensign; a signal, order, command; a watchword, password; a fig- ure, image, statue; a seal, signet; a group of stars, constellation.

silanus -i, m. a fountain.

silentium -i, n. silence, stillness, quiet; repose; obscurity.

sileo -ere -ui, to be still, silent; with acc. to be silent about; to be still, rest, be inactive; partic. silens -entis, silent, still; pl. as subst. the dead.

siler -eris, n. the brook-willow.

silesco -ere, to become silent, grow still.

silex -icis, m. (rarely f.), any hard stone, such as flint; crag, rock, cliff.

silicernium -i, n. a funeral feast.

siligo -inis, f. wheat; wheaten flour.

siliqua -ae, f. a husk, pod, shell; in plur. pulse.

Silius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.

Silures -um, m. pl. a British people.

silus -a -um, snub-nosed, pug-nosed.

silva -ae, f. a wood, forest; bush; a plantation, grove; a mass, plenty, abundance.

Silvanus -i, m. god of woods and forests.

silvesco -ere, of a vine, to run wild, run to wood.

silvestris -e, of woods; wooded; wild, rural.

silvicola -ae, m. and f. inhabiting woods.

silvicultrix -tricis, f. inhabiting woods.

silvifragus -a -um, shattering the woods.

silvosus -a -um, well wooded.

simia -ae, f. ape, monkey.

similis -e: compar. similior, superl. simillimus; like, resembling, similar (with genit. or dat.); 'veri similis', probable; n. as subst. a resem- blance or comparison; adv. similiter, similarly.

similitudo -inis, f. likeness, resemblance; 'veri similitudo', probabil- ity; intended likeness, imitation; a metaphor, simile; uniformity, mono- tony.

similo; = simulo; q.v.

simiolus -i, m. a little ape.

simitu, together.

simius -i, m. ape, monkey.

simplex -plicis, simple, single; unmixed, pure, plain, absolute; morally simple, straightforward. Adv. simpliciter, simply, plainly; artlessly; frankly.

simplicitas -atis, f. simplicity; straightforwardness, honesty, candor.

simplum -i, n. the simple sum or number (opp. double, etc.).

simpulum -i, n. a ladle.

simpuvium -i, n. a sacrificial bowl.

simul, at once, at the same time, together; 'simul atque (ac)', as soon as.

simulacrum -i, n. an image, likeness, portrait; effigy; a shade, ghost, imitation, phantom, appearance.

simulamen -inis, n. an imitation.

simulatio -onis, f. assumed appearance, pretence, feint.

simulator -oris, m. an imitator; a pretender, feigner.

simulo -are, to make like, cause to resemble; to make a copy of, represent; to play the part of; to pretend a thing is so, simulate, feign; partic., simulans -antis, imitating, imitative; adv. from perf. partic. simulate, feignedly.

simultas -atis, f. a clash, rivalry, feud.

simulus -a -um, rather snub-nosed.

simus -a -um, snub-nosed.

sin, conj. but if, if however.

sinapi -is, n. and sinapis -is, f. mustard.

sinceritas -atis, f. purity, soundness, integrity.

sincerus -a -um, pure, whole, sound, genuine, uncorrupt; adv. sincere, honestly, frankly.

sinciput -pitis, n. half a head; the smoked chap of a pig.

sindon -onis, f. fine cotton cloth, muslin.

sine, prep. with abl. without.

singillatim, singly, one by one.

singularis -e, alone, single, individual, singular; unique, extraordinary. Adv. singulariter, singly; in the singular number; particularly, extraor- dinarily.

singuli; see singulus.

singultim, with sobs.

singulto -are: intransit. to gasp, sob; transit. to sob out, gasp out.

singultus -us, m. a sobbing, gasping.

singulus -a -um, more freq. plur. singuli -ae -a, single, separate, one at a time; distributive, one each.

sinister -tra -trum, left, on the left hand; wrong, perverse; unfavorable, adverse; sometimes, in augury, favorable. F. as subst. sinistra -ae, the left hand; also the left side. Adv. sinistre, wrongly, unfavor- ably.

sinistrorsus (-orsum), to the left.

sino sinere sivi situm, to let alone, leave; to let, allow, permit; partic. situs -a -um, placed, laid down; lying, situated.

Sinopa -ae and Sinope -es, f. a town on the Black Sea.

sinum; see sinus (2).

sinuo -are, to bend, curve.

sinuosus -a -um, winding, sinuous. Transf. roundabout, diffuse.

sinus (1) -us, m. a curve, fold, winding; of dress, a fold, pocket, lap; in a coastline, a bay, gulf. Transf. heart, secret feelings.

sinus (2) -i, m. and sinum -i, n. a large bowl.

siparium -i, n. a curtain; a drop-scene at a theater.

sipho (sifo) -onis, m. a siphon; a fire-engine.

siquando, if ever.

siquidem, if indeed; sometimes since, because.

Siren -enis, f. usually plur. Sirenes -um, the Sirens, nymphs who by their song lured mariners to destruction.

Sirius -i, m. the Dog Star, Sirius.

sis, (1) = si vis; see volo. (2) second sing. of pres. subj. of sum; q.v. (3) dat. or abl. plur. of suus; q.v.

sisto sistere stiti statum: transit. to cause to stand, set, place; legal, to cause to appear in court; 'vadimonium sistere', to appear on the appointed day; to stop, check; to establish firmly; intransit. to place oneself, stand; legal, to present oneself in court; to stand still, to halt; to stand firm. Hence partic. status -a -um, fixed, determined, regular.

sistrum -i, n. a sort of rattle used in the worship of Isis.

sisymbrium -i, n. an aromatic herb, perhaps mint.

Sisyphus -i, m. a robber, condemned in the lower world to roll a stone uphill for ever.

sitella -ae, f. an urn for drawing lots.

siticulosus -a -um, very dry, parched.

sitio -ire: intransit. to thirst, to be thirsty, dry, parched; transit., to thirst for, thirst after; partic. sitiens -entis, thirsty, dry, parched; eager, desirous; adv. sitienter.

sitis -is, f. thirst; dryness, drought; eager desire.

sititor -oris, m. a thirster.

sittybus -i, m. a strip of parchment showing the title of a book.

situla -ae, f. a jar.

situs (1) -a -um, partic. from sino; q.v.

situs (2) -us, m. layout, site, position, situation.

situs (3) -us, m. being left; neglect, dirt, decay; mental dullness.

sive and seu, or if; 'sive (seu)...sive (seu)', whether...or.

smaragdus -i, m. and f. emerald.

soboles; = suboles; q.v.

sobolesco; = subolesco; q.v.

sobrina -ae, f. a cousin on the mother's side.

sobrinus -i, m. a cousin on the mother's side.

sobrius -a -um, sober; without wine; moderate, frugal; sober-minded, reasonable, sensible. Adv. sobrie.

socculus -i, m. a little soccus; q.v..

soccus -i, m. a light shoe or slipper, esp. as worn by comic actors.

socer -eri, m. father-in-law; plur. soceri, father- and mother-in-law.

socia -ae, f., see socius.

sociabilis -e, easily united, compatible.

socialis -e, of partners or allies; conjugal; sociable. Adv. socialiter, sociably.

societas -atis, f. partnership, fellowship, association, alliance.

socio -are, to unite, combine, associate.

socius -a -um, sharing, associated, allied. M. and f. as subst. a partner, comrade, associate, ally.

socordia (secordia) -ae, f. folly, stupidity; negligence, indolence.

socors -cordis, weak-minded, stupid; negligent, slothful, careless; compar. adv. socordius, too feebly.

Socrates -is, m. the Athenian philosopher, put to death in 399 B.C.. Adj. Socraticus -a -um, Socratic; m. pl. as subst. followers of Socrates.

socrus -us, f. mother-in-law.

sodalicium -i, n. an association; esp. a secret society; in gen., comradeship.

sodalicius -a -um, of companionship.

sodalis -is, c. a member of an association, esp. of a priesthood or a secret society; in gen. a comrade; of things, companion, attendant on.

sodalitas -atis, f. an association; comradeship, intimacy.

sodes, if you please, with your leave.

sol solis, m. the sun; poet. a day; personif. the Sun god.

solaciolum -i, n. a small consolation.

solacium -i, n. consolation, comfort, relief.

solamen -inis, n. consolation, comfort.

solaris -e, of the sun, solar.

solarium -i, n. a sundial; a terrace exposed to the sun.

solator -oris, m. a consoler, comforter.

soldurii -orum, m. pl. retainers, vassals.

soldus; = solidus; q.v.

solea -ae, f. a sandal; a kind of fetter; a shoe for an animal; a fish, the sole.

soleatus -a -um, wearing sandals.

solennis; = solemnis; q.v.

soleo solere solitus sum, to be accustomed; 'ut solet', as usual; partic. solitus -a -um, accustomed, habitual, usual; n. as subst., that which is usual.

solers; = sollers; q.v.

soliditas -atis, f. solidity.

solido -are, to make firm or solid.

solidus (soldus) -a -um, dense, solid; whole, complete, entire; firm, endur- ing, real: n. as subst., firm ground, solid substance, entirety. Adv. solide, firmly; 'scire', to know for certain.

soliferreum -i, n. a javelin entirely of iron.

solistimus; see tripudium.

solitarius -a -um, alone, lonely.

solitudo -inis, f. solitude, loneliness; desertion, deprivation, want.

solitus; see soleo.

solium -i, n. (1) a chair of state, throne; hence dominion, regal power (2) a bathtub.

solivagus -a -um, wandering alone; solitary, lonely.

sollemnis -e, yearly, annual, recurring; solemn, festive, religious; usual, customary. N. as subst. sollemne -is, a solemn feast, religious rite; a custom. Adv. sollemniter.

sollers -ertis, clever, skilful; adv. sollerter.

sollertia -ae, f. cleverness, skill.

sollicitatio -onis, f. inciting, instigation.

sollicito -are, to move violently, disturb, agitate; to rouse, vex, disquiet; to incite, instigate, tamper with.

sollicitudo -inis, f. uneasiness, disquiet, anxiety.

sollicitus -a -um, disturbed, agitated, restless; anxious, uneasy, worried; of animals, watchful; in act. sense, disquieting. Adv. sollicite, anxiously, carefully.

solo -are, to make solitary.

soloecismus -i, m. a grammatical error.

Solon -onis, m. a famous Athenian legislator, active about 600 B.C..

solor -ari, dep. to comfort, console; to assuage, relieve troubles, etc..

solstitialis -e, of the summer solstice; of summer; of the sun.

solstitium -i, n. solstice, esp. the summer solstice; summer.

solum -i, n. bottom, floor, foundation; the sole of the foot, or shoe; soil, ground, earth, land, country.

solus -a -um, alone, only, sole; of places, solitary, uninhabited. N. acc. as adv. solum, alone, only.

solutio -onis, f. a loosening; a paying, payment; a solution, explanation.

solvo solvere solvi solutum, to loosen; to untie, release, free; to dissolve, break up; to exempt; to break up, weaken, bring to an end; to pay off, dis- charge a debt; 'solvendo non esse', to be insolvent; to meet engage- ments, perform duties; to break down a restraining influence; to solve a problem, explain a difficulty. Hence partic. solutus -a -um, loosened, unbound, free, unencumbered, independent; in bad sense, unrestrained, unbridled; lax, lazy, neg- ligent; of style, fluent or in prose. Adv. solute, loosely, free- ly, carelessly.

somniculosus -a -um, sleepy, drowsy; adv. somniculose.

somnifer -fera -ferum, sleep-bringing; narcotic, deadly.

somnio -are, to dream; with acc. to dream of; to imagine foolishly.

somnium -i, n. a dream; a fancy, daydream; foolishness, nonsense.

somnus -i, m. sleep, slumber; drowsiness, laziness, inactivity; night.

sonabilis -e, resounding.

sonipes -pedis, sounding with the feet; m. as subst. a horse.

sonitus -us, m. a sound, noise.

sonivius -a -um. sounding; 'sonivium tripudium', the noise of the food falling from the beaks of the sacred chickens.

sono sonare sonui sonitum, to sound, resound, make a noise; to sing of, to celebrate; of words, to mean.

sonor -oris, m. sound, noise, din.

sonorus -a -um, sounding, resonant, loud.

sons sontis, guilty.

sonticus -a -um, important, serious.

sonus -i, m. noise, sound; tone, character, style.

sophia -ae, f. wisdom.

sophistes -ae, m. a sophist.

Sophocles -is and -i, m. the Greek tragic poet; adj. Sophocleus -a -um.

sophos (1) (-us) -i, m. wise; as subst. a wise man.

sophos (2), adv. bravo! well done!.

sopio -ire, to put to sleep, lull to sleep, quieten; to stun, render senseless.

sopor -oris, m. deep sleep; laziness; a sleeping draught.

soporatus -a -um, full of sleep.

soporifer -fera -ferum, causing deep sleep.

soporus -a -um, sleep-bringing.

Soracte -is, n. a mountain in Etruria.

sorbeo -ere, to suck in, drink, swallow.

sorbilo, by sipping, drop by drop.

sorbum -i, n. a service-berry.

sordeo -ere, to be dirty; to appear vile.

sordes -is, f. often plur. sordes -ium, dirt, filth; shabby or dirty garments; low rank; sordid conduct, meanness.

sordesco sordescere sordui, to become dirty.

sordidatus -a -um, wearing shabby or dirty clothes.

sordidulus -a -um, somewhat dirty or mean.

sordidus -a -um, dirty, filthy, shabby; low, base in rank; mean in conduct. Adv. sordide, meanly; stingily.

sorex -icis, m. a shrew-mouse.

soror -oris, f. a sister.

sororicida -ae, m. one who murders a sister.

sororius -a -um, of a sister, sisterly.

sors sortis, f. a lot; a casting of lots; an oracular response, prophecy; official duty as allotted; with genit. share, part; fate, fortune, destiny; money, capital out at interest.

sortilegus -a -um, prophetic, oracular; m. as subst. a soothsayer, fortune-teller.

sortior -iri, dep. and sortio -ire: intransit. to cast lots; transit., to allot, cast lots for; share out; also to obtain by lot; to choose. Hence partic. sortitus -a -um; dep., having obtained by lots or cast lots for; pass., gained by lot; n. abl. as adv. sortito, by lot, by fate.

sortitio -onis, f. casting lots, deciding by lot.

sortitus (1) -us, m. casting lots, deciding by lot.

sortitus (2) -a -um, partic. from sortior; q.v.

sospes -itis, safe, unhurt, uninjured; lucky, favorable.

Sospita -ae, f. the Savior; epithet of Juno.

sospito -are, to keep safe, preserve.

soter -eris; acc. -era; m. a savior.

soteria -orum, n. pl. presents given on recovery from sickness.

spadix -dicis, chestnut-colored.

spado -onis, m. a eunuch.

spargo spargere sparsi sparsum, to scatter, sprinkle, throw about; to spread, circulate, distribute; to disperse, dissipate; with abl. to sprinkle with. Hence partic. sparsus -a -um, spread out, scattered; speckled, spotted.

sparsio -onis, f. a sprinkling.

Sparta -ae and Sparte -es, f. Sparta, the capital of Laconia; adj. Spartanus -a -um, Spartan.

spartum -i, n. Spanish broom.

sparulus -i, m. a fish, sea-bream.

sparus -i, m. a spear with a curved blade.

spatha -ae, f. a broad two-edged sword.

spatior -ari, dep. to walk about, take a walk; of things, to spread out, expand.

spatiosus -a -um, ample, wide; of time, long; adv. spatiose.

spatium -i, n. space, extent, room; distance, interval; dimensions, size; a tract, course, esp. in a race; an open space, a walk. Transf. a space of time, period; leisure, opportunity; metrical time, measure, quan- tity.

specialis -e, individual, particular, special.

species -ei, f.: act. a seeing, view; pass. sight, look; shape, form, outward appearance; beauty; a vision, phantom; a representation, image, statue. Transf. pretext, pretence; notion, idea; kind, species.

specillum -i, n. a surgeon's probe.

specimen -inis, n. a visible mark, example, model; a pattern, ideal.

specio (spicio) specere spexi, to look at, see.

speciosus -a -um, beautiful, handsome, imposing; in bad sense, plausible, specious. Adv. speciose.

spectabilis -e, visible; worth seeing, notable.

spectaculum -i, n. sight, show, spectacle; the seats in the theater or circus.

spectatio -onis, f. looking, watching, viewing; inspection of money.

spectator -oris, m. a watcher, spectator, observer; an examiner, critic.

spectatrix -tricis, f. a watcher, spectator, observer; an examiner, critic.

spectio -onis, f. the right to observe auspices.

specto -are, to look at, contemplate, watch; to test, examine; of places, to look towards, face. Transf. to consider, contemplate, look for; to bear in mind, have in view; of things, to tend, incline. Hence partic. spectatus -a -um, tried, approved; hence esteemed, respected.

spectrum -i, n. a specter, apparition.

specula (1) -ae, f. a look-out, watchtower.

specula (2) -ae, f. a little hope, ray of hope.

speculabundus -a -um, watching, on the watch.

specularis -e, like a mirror; transparent; n. pl. specularia -orum, window panes.

speculator -oris, m.: milit. scout, spy; in gen. observer, investigator.

speculatorius -a -um, of a scout; f. as subst. a spy-boat.

speculatrix -icis, f. a female observer, watcher.

speculor -ari, dep. to look out, spy, watch.

speculum -i, n. a mirror; fig. image, copy.

specus -us, m., f., and n. a cave, hole, hollow.

spelaeum -i, n. a cave, den.

spelunca -ae, f. a cave, den.

sperno spernere sprevi spretum, to remove; to reject, scorn, spurn.

spero -are, to look for, expect; of good things, to hope, hope for; of bad, to anticipate, forebode.

spes -ei, f. expectation; of good things, hope; of bad, anticipation, foreboding.

sphaera -ae, f. a globe, sphere.

sphaeristerium -i, n. a place for playing ball.

Sphinx Sphingis, f. the Sphinx, a mythical monster at Thebes.

spica -ae, f. a spike; an ear of corn; a tuft.

spiceus -a -um, of ears of corn.

spicifer -fera -ferum, carrying ears of corn.

spiculum -i, n. sharp point; sting; spear, dart.

spina -ae, f. a thorn, prickle; a thorn bush; in plur. anxieties, difficulties, perplexities.

spinetum -i, n. thorn-hedge, thorn-brake.

spineus -a -um, of thorns, thorny.

spinosus -a -um, of thorns, thorny, prickly; of style, crabbed, obscure; of feeling, anxious.

spinus -i, m. blackthorn.

spira -ae, f. a coil, twist.

spirabilis -e, that may be breathed.

spiraculum -i, n. an air-hole.

spiramen -inis, n. an air-hole; a breath, puff.

spiramentum -i, n. an air-hole; a breathing-space, pause, interval.

spiritus -us, m. breathing, breath, exhalation; a sigh; the breath of life, life; inspiration; spirit, disposition; a high spirit, pride.

spiro -are: intransit. to breathe, blow, draw breath; to be alive; to have inspiration, be inspired; transit. to breathe out, exhale.

spissesco -ere, to become thick.

spisso -are, to make thick, thicken.

spissus -a -um, close, dense, thick, crowded; slow, tardy, difficult; adv. spisse.

splendeo -ere, to shine, glitter, be bright.

splendesco -ere, to become bright.

splendidus -a -um, shining, bright, brilliant; distinguished, outstanding; showy, specious; of sound, clear. Hence adv. splendide, splendidly, finely, nobly.

splendor -oris, m. brilliance, brightness, luster, distinction; of sound, clarity.

splenium -i, n. an adhesive plaster.

spoliatio -onis, f. plundering, stripping.

spoliator -oris, m. plunderer.

spoliatrix -tricis, f. plunderer.

spolio -are, to strip, despoil, plunder, rob.

spolium -i, n. usually plur. skin or hide from an animal; arms, clothing, etc., taken from an enemy; in gen. spoils, plunder, booty.

sponda -ae, f. a bedstead, bed, sofa, bier.

spondalium -i, n. a sacrificial hymn.

spondeo spondere spopondi sponsum, to pledge oneself to, promise solemnly, vow; to be security, go bail for a person. Partic. as subst. sponsus -i, m. a betrothed man, bridegroom; sponsa -ae, f. a betrothed woman, bride; sponsum -i, n. a covenant.

spondeus -i, m. a spondee.

spondylus -i, m. a kind of mussel.

spongia (-ea) -ae, f. a sponge; an open-worked cuirass.

sponsa -ae, f. subst. from spondeo; q.v.

sponsalis -e, of betrothal; n. pl. as subst. sponsalia -ium or -iorum, a betrothal, betrothal feast.

sponsio -onis, f. a solemn promise, engagement, guarantee; a wager.

sponsor -oris, m. a surety, bail.

sponsu, abl. sing. m. by an engagement.

sponsus -i, m. and sponsum -i, n. subst. from spondeo; q.v.

sponte, abl. f.: of persons, willingly, of one's own accord; unaided; of things, by itself, automatically; in itself, alone.

sporta -ae, f. a basket, hamper.

sportella -ae, f. a little basket.

sportula -ae, f. a little basket; a dole, given by the great to their clients.

spretio -onis, f. contempt, disdain.

spretor -oris, m. a despiser.

spuma -ae, f. foam, froth.

spumesco -ere, to begin to foam.

spumeus -a -um, foaming, frothy.

spumifer -fera -ferum, foaming.

spumiger -gera -gerum, foaming.

spumo -are, to foam, froth.

spumosus -a -um, foaming, frothy.

spuo spuere spui sputum, to spit out; n. of partic. as subst. sputum -i, spittle.

spurcitia -ae, f. filthiness, dirt.

spurcities -ei, f. filthiness, dirt.

spurco -are, to make dirty, defile; partic. spurcatus -a -um, foul.

spurcus -a -um, dirty, filthy, unclean; adv. spurce.

sputo -are, to spit, spit out.

sputum -i, n. subst. from spuo; q.v.

squaleo -ere, to be rough, stiff; to be overgrown or dirty from neglect; to wear mourning.

squalidus -a -um, rough, stiff, scaly; squalid, dirty; in mourning; of style, rough; adv. squalide.

squalor -oris, m. roughness, stiffness; dirt caused by neglect; mourning; of style, roughness.

squalus -i, m. a kind of fish.

squama -ae, f. a scale; scale armor; a fish.

squameus -a -um, scaly.

squamiger -gera -gerum, scale-bearing, scaly; m. pl. as subst. fish.

squamosus -a -um, covered with scales, scaly.

stabilimentum -i, n. a stay, support.

stabilio -ire, to make firm; to establish.

stabilis -e, firm, steady, stable; adv. stabiliter.

stabilitas -atis, f. firmness, stability; durability.

stabulo -are: transit. to stable cattle; intransit. to have a stall.

stabulum -i, n. standing-room, quarters, habitation; a pothouse, brothel.

stacta -ae and stacte -es, oil of myrrh.

stadium -i, n. a stade, a Greek measure of length; a race-course.

stagno -are: intransit. to be stagnant, stagnate: of places, to lie under water; transit. to overflow, inundate.

stagnum -i, n. standing water; a pond, march, swamp; a lake, strait.

stamen -inis, n. the warp of a loom; the thread hanging from a distaff; 'stamina ducere', to spin; any thread or woven cloth.

stamineus -a -um, full of threads.

stannum -i, n. an alloy of silver and lead.

statarius -a -um, steady, stable, stationary; f. as subst. stataria -ae, a quiet kind of comedy; m. pl. statarii -orum, the actors in this.

statera -ae, f. a steelyard, a balance.

statim, firmly, steadfastly; on the spot, at once.

statio -onis, f. a standing still; a place of abode; milit. post, station, or picket; naut. roadstead, anchorage.

Statius -i, m.: Caecilius Statius, a comic poet, born 168 B.C.; P. Papinius Statius, a poet of Domitian's time.

stativus -a -um, standing still, fixed; n. pl. as subst. a permanent camp.

stator -oris, m. a magistrate's attendant.

Stator -oris, m. stayer of flight, a surname of Jupiter.

statua -ae, f. a statue, image.

statuarius -a -um, of statues; f. as subst. the art of sculpture; m. a statuary.

statumen -inis, n. stay, support; in pl. the ribs of a ship.

statuo -uere -ui -utum, to cause to stand, place, set up; to establish, settle a point; to give a ruling, make arrangements; to decide (on a course or a matter of fact).

statura -ae, f. stature, height.

status (1), partic. from sisto; q.v.

status (2) -us, m. a standing posture, position, condition, state; rhet., the answer to an action.

stella -ae, f. a star; 'stella comans', a comet.

stellans -antis, starry, set with stars, bright.

stellatus -a -um, set with stars, starry, bright.

stellifer -fera -ferum, star-bearing, starry

stelliger -gera -gerum, star-bearing, starry.

stellio (stelio) -onis, m. a spotted lizard.

stemma -atis, n. a garland, chaplet; a genealogical tree.

stercoro -are, to dung, manure.

stercus -oris, n. dung, manure.

sterilis -e, barren; bare, empty; fruitless, vain.

sterilitas -atis, f. barrenness.

sternax -acis, throwing to the ground.

sterno sternere stravi stratum, to stretch out, to spread; 'se sternere', to lie down; to strike down, lay down, overthrow; to make smooth; to calm, allay; to strew, spread a thing (with something else); 'lectum', to make, make up; 'equos', to saddle; 'viam', to pave. N. of partic. as subst. stratum -i, a coverlet, blanket; a bed; a saddle-cloth, saddle; a pavement.

sternumentum -i, n. a sneeze.

sternuo -uere -ui, to sneeze; of a light, to sputter.

sterquilinium -i, n. a dung-heap.

sterto -ere, to snore.

stibadium -i, n. a semicircular seat.

stigma -atis, n. a brand put upon slaves; in gen. infamy, stigma.

stigmatias -ae, m. a branded slave.

stilla -ae, f. a drop.

stillicidium -i, n. dripping moisture; rainwater falling from the eaves of houses.

stillo -are: intransit. to drip, drop; transit. to drop, let drop; to instil feelings or ideas.

stilus -i, m. a stake, pale; the pointed instrument with which the Romans wrote on wax tablets; hence writing, composition; mode of writing, style.

stimulatio -onis, f. spurring on, stimulating.

stimulo -are, to goad, prick; to vex, annoy; to incite, stir up.

stimulus -i, m. a goad; a sting, torment; spur, incentive; milit. a pointed stake.

stinguo -ere, to extinguish, annihilate.

stipatio -onis, f. a crowd of attendants, retinue.

stipator -oris, m. an attendant, follower; in plur. train, retinue.

stipendiarius -a -um. (1) liable to taxes, tributary; m. pl. as subst., tributaries. (2) of soldiers, serving for pay.

stipendium -i, n. (1) a tax, tribute, contribution. Transf. punishment. (2)the pay of a soldier; military service; a year's service, campaign.

stipes -itis, m. a log, stump, tree-trunk; a branch, post, club; a block- head.

stipo -are, to press closely, compress; to crowd a place; to press round a person, accompany, attend.

stips stipis, f. a small coin, gift, fee.

stipula -ae, f. stalk, haulm, stubble; a reed-pipe.

stipulatio -onis, f. agreement, covenant, stipulation.

stipulor -ari, dep. to make demands, bargain, stipulate.

stiria -ae, f. an icicle.

stirpitus, root and branch, thoroughly.

stirps (stirpes, stirpis) stirpis, f. rarely m. the stock or stem of a plant; a young shoot; of men, stock, source, origin; of things, root, found- ation.

stiva -ae, f. a plow-handle.

stlatarius -a -um, brought by the sea; hence costly.

stlis; archaic, = lis; q.v.

sto stare steti statum, to stand, stand still, remain standing; to stand up stiffly; milit. to be stationed or stand firm; naut. to lie at an- chor; of abstr. things, to remain, be fixed, stand firm, persist; to be resolved; with ab, cum, pro, to stand by, support, favor; with abl. of price, to cost; 'per hominem stare', to happen through a person's fault, be due to a person.

Stoicus -a -um, Stoic; m. as subst. a Stoic; n. pl. the Stoic philosophy; adv. Stoice, like a Stoic, stoically.

stola -ae, f. a long outer garment, worn by Roman matrons and musicians.

stolidus -a -um, stupid, dull, obtuse; adv. stolide.

stomachor -ari, dep. to be angry.

stomachosus -a -um, angry, peevish, cross; compar. adv. stomachosius.

stomachus -i, m. the gullet, oesophagus; the stomach; 'stomachus bonus', a good digestion; hence good humor; taste, liking; distaste, cha- grin, anger.

storea (storia) -ae, f. a rush mat.

strabo -onis, m. a squinter.

strages -is, f. an overthrow; debris; slaughter, massacre, carnage.

stragulus -a -um, covering, serving as a cover; n. as subst. stragulum -i, a covering, carpet, mattress.

stramen -inis, n. straw, litter.

stramentum -i, n. straw, litter; a saddle, housing (for mules).

stramineus -a -um, made of straw.

strangulo -are, to choke, strangle, throttle.

stranguria -ae, f. strangury.

strategema -atis, n. a piece of generalship, a stratagem.

stratum -i, n., subst. from sterno; q.v.

strena -ae, f. a favorable omen; a new year's gift.

strenuitas -atis, f. briskness.

strenuus -a -um, brisk, active, vigorous; in bad sense, turbulent, restless; adv. strenue.

strepito -are, to rustle, rattle, clatter.

strepitus -us, m. clattering, crashing, creaking, rumbling.

strepo -ere -ui -itum, to clatter, creak, clash, rumble; of persons, to cry out; of places, to resound.

strictim, so as to graze; superficially, slightly, summarily.

strictura -ae, f. a mass of iron.

strictus -a -um, partic. from stringo; q.v.

strideo stridere stridi and strido stridere, to make a harsh noise; to creak, grate, hiss.

stridor -oris, m. a creaking, grating or hissing noise.

stridulus -a -um, creaking, hissing, grating.

strigilis -is, f. a scraper used at the baths.

strigo -are, to halt, stop.

strigosus -a -um, lean, thin: of style, meager.

stringo stringere strinxi strictum. (1) to draw tight together, to bind, tie. (2) to strip off, pluck, prune; esp. to draw a weapon from its sheath. (3) to graze, touch lightly; to affect, injure; in speech, to touch upon. Hence partic. strictus -a -um, close, tight; strict; of style, brief, concise.

stringor -oris, m. a shock, a twinge.

strix strigis, f. a screech-owl.

stropha -ae, f. a trick, artifice.

strophium -i, n. a breast-band; a head-band, chaplet.

structilis -e, used in building.

structor -oris, m. (1) a builder, mason, carpenter. (2) a waiter, carver.

structura -ae, f. the act of building; concr. a building; of style, arrangement, putting together.

strues -is, f. a heap.

struma -ae, f. a scrofulous tumor.

strumosus -a -um, scrofulous.

struo struere struxi structum, to put together, arrange; to pile up; to build, erect, construct; to devise, contrive.

studeo -ere -ui, to be eager, take pains, strive after (usually with dat.); to side with, support, favor a person; to study a subject.

studiosus -a -um, eager, zealous, keen; favoring a person or side, partial, devoted; esp. devoted to learning, studious. Adv. studiose, eager- ly.

studium -i, n. zeal, eagerness, application, enthusiasm; devotion to, goodwill towards a person or cause; application to learning, study.

stultitia -ae, f. foolishness, silliness.

stultus -a -um, foolish, silly; m. as subst. a simpleton, fool; adv. stulte.

stupa; = stuppa; q.v.

stupefacio -facere -feci -factum, pass. stupefio -fieri, to make senseless, benumb, stun.

stupeo -ere -ui, to be stunned, astounded, amazed; of inanimate things, to stand still, halt, cease.

stupesco stupescere stupui, to become amazed, astounded.

stupiditas -atis, f. dullness, senselessness.

stupidus -a -um, senseless, stunned; stupid, dull.

stupor -oris, m. senselessness, insensibility; astonishment; dullness, stupidity.

stuppa (stupa) -ae, f. tow, oakum.

stuppeus -a -um, of tow.

stupro -are, to ravish, defile, pollute.

stuprum -i, n. disgrace, defilement; esp. ravishing, violation.

sturnus -i, m. a starling.

Stygialis; see Styx.

Stygius; see Styx.

stylus; see stilus.

Styx Stygis and Stygos; acc. Stygem and Styga; f. a river in Arcadia; also a river in the infernal regions; adj. Stygialis -e and Stygius -a -um, Stygian, infernal.

suadela -ae, f. persuasion.

suadeo suadere suasi suasum, to recommend, advise (a course of action to a person).

suadus -a -um, persuasive; f. as subst. persuasion.

suasio -onis, f. advice, recommendation; persuasive eloquence.

suasor -oris, m. an adviser, recommender; one who advocates a law.

suasorius -a -um, of persuasion; as subst. persuasive discourse.

suasus -us, m. persuasion.

suaveolens -entis, sweet-smelling.

suavidicus -a -um, sweetly speaking.

suaviloquens -entis, sweetly speaking.

suaviloquentia -ae, f. sweetness of speech.

suaviolum; = saviolum; q.v.

suavior; = savior; q.v.

suavis -e, sweet, pleasant; adv. suaviter.

suavitas -atis, f. sweetness, pleasantness.

suavium; = savium; q.v.

sub, prep. (1) with abl.: underneath, under; close under, at the foot of; in time, at, near to; in the power of, under; under cover of; (2) with acc.: to (or along) the underside of; up under, down under; along under; close up to; in time, towards, just before, also immediately after; into the power of.

subabsurdus -a -um, somewhat absurd; adv. subabsurde.

subaccuso -are, to accuse a little.

subactio -onis, f. preparation, discipline.

subadroganter, somewhat arrogantly.

subagrestis -e, somewhat rustic or boorish.

subamarus -a -um, somewhat bitter.

subausculto -are, to listen secretly.

subc-; see succ-.

subdifficilis -e, somewhat difficult.

subdiffido -ere, to be somewhat distrustful.

subditicius -a -um, supposititious, substituted, counterfeit.

subditivus -a -um, supposititious, substituted, counterfeit.

subdo -dere -didi -ditum, to put, place or lay under; to subject, subdue; to put in the place of another, substitute; to counterfeit.

subdoceo -ere, to teach as an assistant.

subdolus -a -um, with secret guile; sly, crafty.

subdubito -are, to doubt or hesitate a little.

subduco -ducere -duxi -ductum, to draw up from under, pull up, raise, remove; to take away stealthily, steal; naut. to draw a ship up on shore;milit. to withdraw; of accounts, to balance, cast up.

subductio -onis, f. the drawing up of a ship on dry land; a reckoning, computing.

subedo -esse -edi, to eat from under, wear away.

subeo -ire -ii or -ivi -itum. (1) to go under, pass under; of a bearer, to go under and support; to undergo, submit to, take upon oneself. (2) to come from under, approach, advance, mount, climb; of thoughts, etc. to come into, or come over, the mind. (3) to come on after, to follow; sometimes to come and support. Hence partic. subitus -a -um, as adj. sudden; coming suddenly, taking by surprise; pass. suddenly done, hastily contrived, improvised. N. as subst., a sudden occurrence, emergency. N. abl. as adv. subito, suddenly.

suber -eris, n. cork tree; cork.

subf-; see suff-.

subg-; see sugg-.

subhorridus -a -um, somewhat rough.

subiaceo -ere -ui, to lie under; to be subject to, be connected with.

subicio -icere -ieci -iectum. (1) to throw or place under; to submit, subject; in speech or writing, to append, reply. (2) to throw up from below, raise, lift; to put into a mind, suggest. (3) to sub- stitute, insert by guile, counterfeit. Hence partic. subiectus -a -um, subjected; of places, lying near, adjacent; superl. adv. subiectissime, most submissively.

subiectio -onis, f. a laying under, placing under; a counterfeiting, forging.

subiecto -are, to put under; also to throw up from below.

subiector -oris, m. forger, counterfeiter.

subigo -igere -egi -actum, to drive under; to subject, constrain, subdue, compel; to drive up from below, to propel; to work the soil; in gen., to work at; to train, discipline.

subimpudens -entis, somewhat impudent.

subinanis -e, somewhat vain.

subinde, immediately afterwards; repeatedly.

subinsulsus -a -um, somewhat insipid.

subinvideo -ere, to envy somewhat; partic. subinvisus -a -um, somewhat hated.

subinvito -are, to invite mildly.

subirascor -irasci -iratus, dep. to get a little angry.

subitarius -a -um, hastily contrived.

subito; see subeo.

subitus; see subeo.

subiungo -iungere -iunxi -iunctum, to yoke beneath; to join on, attach; to subdue, subjugate.

sublabor -labi -lapsus, dep. to glide up; to glide from beneath, slip away.

sublatio -onis, f. lifting up, elevation.

sublatus -a -um, partic. from tollo; q.v.

sublego -legere -legi -lectum, to gather from below, pick up; to carry off secretly; to choose in the place of another.

sublevatio -onis, f. a relieving, lightening.

sublevo -are, to raise, lift, support; to encourage a person; to alleviate troubles.

sublica -ae, f. a pile, stake.

sublicius -a -um, resting upon piles.

subligaculum -i, n. a loincloth, kilt.

subligar -aris, n. a loincloth, kilt.

subligo -are, to bind below, bind on.

sublimis -e, (archaic sublimus -a -um), high, raised, lofty; elevated, sublime. N. acc. sing. as adv. sublime, on high, aloft.

sublimitas -atis, f. loftiness, height, sublimity.

sublimus; see sublimis.

subluceo -ere, to gleam faintly, glimmer.

subluo -luere -lutum, to wash below; of rivers, to flow beneath.

sublustris -e, gleaming faintly, glimmering.

subm-; see summ-.

subnascor -nasci -natus, dep. to grow up out of or after.

subnecto -nectere -nexui -nexum, to tie on, bind on beneath.

subnego -are, to deny a little, partly refuse.

subnixus (subnisus) -a -um, propped up, supported.

subnoto -are, to mark beneath, write underneath; to notice secretly.

subnuba -ae, f. a rival.

subnubilus -a -um, somewhat cloudy.

subo -are, to be in heat.

subobscaenus -a -um, somewhat obscene.

subobscurus -a -um, somewhat obscure.

subodiosus -a -um, rather unpleasant.

suboffendo -ere, to give some offence.

suboleo -ere (only in 3rd person), to emit a smell; hence to make itself felt.

suboles -is, f. a sprout, shoot, offspring, progeny.

subolesco -ere, to grow up.

suborior -oriri, dep. to arise after or in succession.

suborno -are. (1) to furnish, equip, provide. (2) to instigate secretly, suborn.

subortus -us, m. an arising after or in succession.

subp-; see supp-.

subrancidus -a -um, somewhat putrid.

subraucus -a -um, somewhat hoarse.

subrectus (surrectus), partic. from subrigo; q.v.

subremigo (surremigo) -are, to row underneath.

subrepo (surrepo) -repere -repsi, to creep up or crawl up to from below.

subrepticius; = surrepticius; q.v.

subrideo (surrideo) -ridere -risi -risum, to smile.

subridicule, somewhat laughably.

subrigo (surrigo) -rigere -rexi -rectum, to raise, lift up.

subringor -i, dep. to make a wry face.

subripio; = surripio; q.v.

subrogo (surrogo) -are, to suggest that a person be chosen as substitute for another.

subrostrani -orum, m. pl. loungers about the rostra, idlers.

subrubeo -ere, to blush slightly, be rather red.

subruo -ruere -rui -rutum, to undermine, overthrow, destroy.

subrusticus -a -um, somewhat clownish.

subscribo -scribere -scripsi -scriptum, to write under, write beneath; to sign a document; to complete an indictment, hence to prosecute, accuse; with dat. to support, assent to; to note down, make a note of.

subscriptio -onis, f. a writing beneath, signature; the completion of an indictment; a record, register.

subscriptor -oris, m. the signer of an indictment; an accuser.

subsecivus; = subsicivus; q.v.

subseco -secare -secui -sectum, to cut away below.

subsellium -i, n. a bench, seat, esp. in the courts.

subsentio -sentire -sensi, to notice secretly.

subsequor -sequi -secutus, dep. to follow after; to support a cause, etc..

subservio -ire, to be subject to, comply with.

subsicivus (subsecivus) -a -um, left over; extra, superfluous, spare.

subsidiarius -a -um, in reserve.

subsidium -i, n.: milit. reserve troops, auxiliary forces; in gen., support, help, assistance.

subsido -sidere -sedi -sessum, to crouch down, settle, sink, subside; to stay, remain; to lie in wait, lurk in ambush.

subsignanus -a -um, serving beneath the standard; 'milites', reserve legionaries.

subsigno -are, to write under, endorse; to enter on a list, to register.

subsilio -silire -silui, to leap up, spring up.

subsisto -sistere -stiti, to stand; to make a stand, to withstand; to come to a stand, stop, halt, cease; to stay, remain.

subsortior -iri, dep. to choose by lot as a substitute.

subsortitio -onis, f. the choice of a substitute by lot.

substantia -ae, f. substance, essence; property, means of subsistence.

substerno -sternere -stravi -stratum, to spread beneath, lay under; to set out, provide.

substituo -uere -ui -utum, to put next; to put under, to put in the place of another, to substitute.

substo -stare, to stand firm.

substringo -stringere -strinxi -strictum, to draw together, bind up: partic. substrictus -a -um, narrow, contracted, small.

substructio -onis, f. a base, foundation.

substruo -struere -struxi -structum, to build beneath, lay a foundation.

subsulto -are, to spring up, leap up.

subsum -esse -fui, to be near, be close at hand; to be under; to be subject; to be there, to exist.

subsutus -a -um, fringed, edged below.

subtegmen -inis, n. the weft or woof in weaving.

subtemen; = subtegmen; q.v.

subter (supter), adv. and prep., beneath, below, underneath.

subterfugio -fugere -fugi, to escape.

subterlabor -labi -lapsus, dep. to glide under, flow under; to slip away, escape.

subtero -terere -trivi -tritum, to wear away underneath.

subterraneus -a -um, underground, subterranean.

subtexo -texere -texui -textum, to weave beneath; to connect, join on; to cover, darken.

subtilis -e, finely woven, slender, fine; of senses, etc. plain, simple, unadorned. Hence partic. subtiliter, by fine links or passages; of judgment, with discrimination; of style, plainly, simply.

subtilitas -atis, f. fineness, minuteness; of judgment, discrimination; of style, plainness, simplicity.

subtimeo -ere, to be a little afraid.

subtraho -trahere -traxi -tractum, to draw up from beneath; to draw away secretly, remove, steal away.

subturpiculus -a -um, rather on the disgraceful side.

subturpis -e, rather disgraceful.

subtus, adv. beneath, below, underneath.

subtusus -a -um, somewhat bruised.

subucula -ae, f. a shirt.

subula -ae, f. a shoemaker's awl.

subulcus -i, m. a swineherd.

Subura -ae, f. a part of Rome, northeast of the Forum.

suburbanitas -atis, f. nearness to the city.

suburbanus -a -um, near the city (Rome), suburban; n. as subst. an estate near Rome.

suburbium -i, n. a suburb.

suburgeo -ere, to drive close.

subvectio -onis, f. carrying up, conveyance, transport.

subvecto -are, to carry up, convey, transport.

subvectus -us, m. a carrying up.

subveho -vehere -vexi -vectum, carry up, convey, transport.

subvenio -venire -veni -ventum, to come up to aid, succor, relieve.

subvereor -eri, dep. to be rather anxious.

subversor -oris, m. overthrower.

subverto (subvorto) -vertere -verti -versum, to overthrow, overturn, destroy.

subvexus -a -um, sloping upwards.

subvolo -are, to fly up.

subvolvo -ere, to roll up.

succavus -a -um, hollow underneath.

succedo -cedere -cessi -cessum. (1) to go under; to submit to. (2) to go from under, ascend, mount. (3) to come after; to succeed, relieve, follow; of things, to turn out well, prosper, succeed.

succendo -cendere -cendi -censum, to set on fire from below; to kindle, inflame.

succenseo; = suscenseo; q.v.

succenturio (1) -are, to put in the place of another, to substitute.

succenturio (2) -onis, m. an under-centurion.

successio -onis, f. succeeding, succession.

successor -oris, m. a successor, follower, heir.

successus -us, m. (1) an advance uphill, approach. (2) success.

succidia -ae, f. a flitch of bacon.

succido (1) -cidere -cidi, to fall under; to sink, flag, fail.

succido (2) -cidere -cidi -cisum, to cut from under, cut down.

succiduus -a -um, sinking, failing.

succingo -cingere -cinxi -cinctum, to gird below, gird up; to equip, arm, provide, surround; partic. succinctus -a -um, as adj. concise, succinct

succingulum -i, n. a girdle.

succino -ere, to sing to, accompany; in speech, to chime in.

succlamatio -onis, f. shouting in reply.

succlamo -are, to shout back.

succontumeliose, somewhat insolently.

succresco -crescere -crevi, to grow up, increase; to grow up to, match.

succumbo -cumbere -cubui -cubitum, to lie down under, sink down, give way, succumb, surrender.

succurro -currere -curri -cursum. (1) to run beneath, go under; to undergo; of ideas, to come into the mind. (2) to come to aid, succor, help, assist.

succutio -cutere -cussi -cussum, to shake from beneath, fling aloft.

sucidus -a -um, juicy, full of sap.

sucinus -a -um, of amber.

suco -onis, m. a sucker.

sucus (succus) -i, m. juice, sap; a draught; flavor, taste; sap, vigor, energy.

sudarium -i, n. handkerchief, towel.

sudatorius -a -um, of sweating; n. as subst. a sweating-room.

sudatrix -tricis, f. causing perspiration.

sudis -is, f. a stake, pile; a spike, point.

sudo -are: intransit. to sweat, perspire; to make a great effort; to drip with moisture; to drip from, distil; transit. to sweat out, to exude; to soak with sweat.

sudor -oris, m. sweat, perspiration; great exertion; any moisture.

sudus -a -um, dry; of weather, bright, cloudless; n. as subst. fine weather.

Suebi (Suevi) -orum, m. pl. a Germanic tribe.

suemus, 1 plur. as from sueo, we are accustomed.

suesco -suescere -suevi -suetum: intransit. to become accustomed; transit. to accustom. Hence partic. suetus -a -um, accustomed; customary, usual.

Suetonius -i, m. C. Suetonius Tranquillus, author of the Lives of the Caesars.

suetus -a -um, partic. from suesco; q.v.

Suevi; = Suebi; q.v.

sufes (suffes) -fetis, m. the chief magistrate of Carthage.

suffarcino -are, to stuff, cram.

suffero sufferre, to hold up, support; to endure, suffer.

sufficio -ficere -feci -fectum: transit. to put under; hence to stain, steep, suffuse; to provide, supply; to put in place of another, to sub- stitute, choose as a substitute; intransit. to be adequate, suffice; with infin. to be able.

suffigo -figere -fixi -fixum, to fix up, fasten.

suffimen -inis, n. incense.

suffimentum -i, n. incense.

suffio -ire, to fumigate, perfume; to warm.

sufflamen -inis, n. a brake, drag, hindrance.

sufflo -are: intransit. to blow; transit. to blow up, inflate.

suffoco -are, to strangle, choke, suffocate.

suffodio -fodere -fodi -fossum, to pierce underneath, excavate, undermine.

suffragatio -onis, f. voting in favor, support.

suffragator -oris, m. a voter in favor; a (political) supporter.

suffragatorius -a -um, relating to the support of a candidate.

suffragium -i, n. a voting tablet, a vote; the right to vote, franchise; in gen. judgment; approval, support.

suffragor -ari, dep. to vote for; to favor, approve, support.

suffringo -ere, to break beneath.

suffugio -fugere -fugi, to flee, escape.

suffugium -i, n. a shelter, place of refuge.

suffulcio -fulcire -fulsi -fultum, to support beneath, undergo, underprop.

suffundo -fundere -fudi -fusum, to pour over, spread through, suffuse; to steep, stain, cover.

suffuscus -a -um, brownish, dark.

Sugambri (Syg-, Sig-) -orum, m. pl. a Germanic tribe.

suggero -gerere -gessi -gestum, to bring up, supply, provide; to add, attach; to place next.

suggestum -i, n. a raised place, height, elevation; esp. a platform.

suggestus -us, m. a raised place, height, elevation; esp. a platform.

suggrandis -e, somewhat large.

suggredior -gredi -gressus, dep. to go up to, approach, attack.

sugillatio -onis, f. a bruise; mockery, insult.

sugillo -are, to beat, insult.

sugo sugere suxi suctum, to suck.

suillus -a -um, of swine.

sulcator -oris, m. a plower.

sulco -are, to furrow, plow; to wrinkle.

sulcus -i, m. a furrow; plowing; a trench or ditch; a track, path.

sulfur (sulpur) -uris, n. sulphur; lightning.

sulfuratus -a -um, containing sulphur.

sulfureus -a -um, sulphurous.

Sulla (Sylla) -ae, m. a name of a family in the gens Cornelia; adj. Sullanus -a -um; verb sullaturio -ire, to wish to imitate Sulla.

Sulmo -onis, m. birthplace of Ovid; adj. Sulmonensis -e.

sulpur; = sulfur; q.v.

sultis; = si vultis; see volo.

sum esse fui, to be, to exist, be there; be so; with dat. to be in one's possession; copulative, to be, with complement; fut. partic. futurus -a -um, future, about to be; n. as subst. the future.

sumen -inis, n. the udder of a sow.

summa -ae, f.; see summus.

summatim, adv. summarily, briefly.

summatus -us, m. supremacy, chief authority.

summergo -mergere -mersi -mersum, to plunge under, to sink.

sumministro -are, to help by supplying.

summissio (submissio) -onis, f. a letting down, lowering.

summitto (submitto) -mittere -misi -missum. (1) to let down, send under, lower; subject, subordinate; with animum, or se, to condescend, sub- mit. (2) to send up from below, to raise, rear, make to grow. (3) to send as help. (4) to send secretly. Hence partic. summissus (submissus) -a -um, let down, lowered; mild, gentle, humble; in bad sense, mean, abject; Adv. summisse, softly, calmly; modestly, humbly.

summolestus (submolestus) -a -um, somewhat troublesome; adv. summoleste, with some vexation.

summoneo (submoneo) -ere, to remind secretly.

summopere (summo opere), very much, exceedingly.

summorosus (submorosus) -a -um, somewhat peevish.

summoveo (submoveo) -movere -movi -motum, to move up from below; to move away, drive off, expel; esp. of the lictor, to clear a way for a mag- istrate, to keep back the crowd; to force away from, compel, to give up; pass. partic. summotus -a -um, lying out of the way, remote.

summuto (submuto) -are, to exchange.

sumo sumere sumpsi sumptum, to take, choose, obtain, buy; of clothes, etc., to put on; to exact a punishment; to take upon oneself, claim; to take for granted, assume.

sumptio -onis, f. the premise of a syllogism.

sumptuarius -a -um, relating to expense, sumptuary.

sumptuosus -a -um: of things, costly, expensive; of persons, lavish, extravagant; adv. sumptuose, expensively, sumptuously.

sumptus -us, m. cost, expense.

suo suere sui sutum, to sew, stitch together, join together.

suomet; see suus.

suopte; see suus.

suovetaurilia -ium, n. pl. a sacrifice of a sheep, pig and bull.

supellex -lectilis, f. household furniture.

super (1) -a -um; see superus.

super (2). Adv. over, above; besides, beyond, moreover; remaining, over and above. Prep.: with abl., of place, over, above; of time, at; con- cerning, about; besides, beyond; with acc. of place, over, above, upon; of time, during; of superiority, above, more than.

supera; see supra.

superabilis -e, that can be surmounted; conquerable.

superaddo -addere -additum, to add as well, put on besides.

superator -oris, m. a conqueror.

superbia -ae, f. pride; haughtiness, arrogance.

superbio -ire: of persons, to be proud, pride oneself; of things, to be splendid, superb.

superbus -a -um, haughty, exalted, proud; arrogant, overbearing; brilliant, splendid. Adv. superbe, haughtily, proudly.

supercilium -i, n. an eyebrow; the eyebrows; a nod (as expression of will); arrogance, censoriousness; of things, ridge, summit.

superemineo -ere, to overtop.

superficies -ei, f. top, surface.

superfio -fieri, to be left over.

superfixus -a -um, fixed on the top.

superfluo -fluere, to flow over, overflow, be superfluous.

superfundo -fundere -fudi -fusum, to pour over, pour upon; pass. to overflow; in gen. to spread about, spread over.

supergredior -gredi -gressus, dep. to step beyond, overstep; to exceed, surpass.

superiacio -iacere -ieci -iectum or -iactum, to throw over, throw upon; to overtop, exceed, go beyond.

superimmineo -ere, to overhang.

superimpendens -entis, overhanging.

superimpositus -a -um, laid over, placed upon.

superincidens -entis, falling on top.

superincubans -antis, lying over or upon.

superincumbo -cumbere -cubui, to lie on, lie over.

superinicio -inicere -inieci -iniectum, to throw upon.

superinsterno -sternere -stravi, to spread over, lay over.

superior -oris, compar. of superus; q.v.

superlatio -onis, f. exaggeration, hyperbole.

superlatus -a -um, exaggerated, hyperbolic.

supernus -a -um, above, upper, high; adv. superne. above or from above.

supero -are: intransit. to go above, overtop, project; to prevail, conquer; to abound; to remain, be over; esp. to remain alive, survive; to be too much, to exceed; transit. to rise above, surmount, overtop, pass; to surpass, excel, exceed; to overcome, conquer. Compar. of pres. partic., superantior -oris, more dominant.

superobruo -uere, to overwhelm.

superpendens -entis, overhanging.

superpono -ponere -posui -positum, to place over, or upon; to put in authority.

superscando -ere, to climb over.

supersedeo -sedere -sedi -sessum, to sit above, sit out; hence to forbear, refrain.

superstagno -are, to spread out into a lake.

supersterno -sternere -stravi -stratum, to spread over or upon.

superstes -stitis, standing over or near; present, witnessing; surviving, living on.

superstitio -onis, f. superstition, fanaticism.

superstitiosus -a -um, superstitious; adv. superstitiose.

supersto -are, to stand over or upon.

superstruo -struere -struxi -structum, to build upon.

supersum -esse -fui -futurus, to be over and above; to be left, remain, survive; to be plentiful, to abound; to be superfluous, be redundant.

superurgeo -ere, to press from above.

superus (rarely super) -a -um, situated above; upper, higher; m. pl. as subst. the gods above; also men on earth; n. pl. heights or heav- enly bodies. Compar. superior -ius, higher, upper; of time, earlier, former, past; of rank, etc. higher, greater. Superl. supremus -a -um, highest, uppermost; in time, last, final; of degree, highest, greatest; of rank, highest; n. sing. as subst. the end; n. pl., suprema -orum, death, funeral rites, last will and testament. Used as another superl. summus -a -um, highest, uppermost, at the top; 'summa urbs', the highest part of the city; of the voice, highest, loudest; of time, last; of rank, etc. greatest, highest, most distinguished. F. as subst. summa -ae, the highest place, the main thing, most important point; a summary, the gist, the sum total of an amount. N. as subst. summum -i, surface, top; acc. as adv. at most. Adv. summe, in the highest degree, extremely.

supervacaneus -a -um, superfluous, unnecessary, extra.

supervacuus -a -um, superfluous, unnecessary, extra.

supervado -ere, to go over, surmount.

supervehor -vehi -vectus sum, to ride or sail past.

supervenio -venire -veni -ventum, to come upon, rise above; to arrive, come up, esp. unexpectedly.

superventus -us, m. coming up, (unexpected) arrival.

supervivo -ere, to survive.

supervolito -are, to fly over, fly above.

supervolo -are, to fly over, fly above.

supino -are, to put face upwards, throw on the back.

supinus -a -um, lying on the back, face-upwards; 'manus', with palm upwards; of streams, flowing up, returning; of ground, sloping upwards; of chacacter, negligent, lazy.

suppaenitet -ere, to cause slight regret.

suppar -paris, almost equal.

suppeditatio -onis, f. abundant provision.

suppedito -are: intransit. to be at hand, be ready, suffice; transit., to provide, supply, give.

suppernatus -a -um, lamed in the hip.

suppetiae -arum, f. pl. help, aid.

suppetior -ari, dep. to help, assist.

suppeto -ere -ivi and -ii -itum, to be in store, be at hand; to suffice, be enough.

supplanto -are, to trip up.

supplementum -i, n. filling up, completion: milit. a body of recruits, reinforcements.

suppleo -plere -plevi -pletum, to fill up, make complete.

supplex -plicis, kneeling; entreating, suppliant; adv. suppliciter.

supplicatio -onis, f. solemn public prayer or thanksgiving; a religious festival or fast.

supplicium -i, n. (1) a humble entreaty, supplication, prayer. (2) punishment; esp. capital punishment.

supplico -are, to kneel, beseech, entreat; esp. to pray to the gods.

supplodo -plodere -plosi, to stamp.

supplosio -onis, f. a stamping.

suppono -ponere -posui -positum. (1) to put under; to subject. (2) to put next to, to add. (3) to put in the place of; to substitute, counterfeit, forge.

supporto -are, to carry up.

suppositicius -a -um, substituted, spurious.

suppressio -onis, f. embezzlement.

supprimo -primere -pressi -pressum, to press under; to hold down, check, restrain; to keep back, suppress, conceal; 'pecuniam, nummum', to embezzle. Partic. suppressus -a -um, checked, restrained; of the voice, low, subdued.

suppudet -ere, to cause some shame.

suppus -a -um, head-downwards.

supputo -are, to count up, compute.

supra. Adv. over, on the top; of time, before, previously; in writing, above; of amount, etc. over, more, beyond; 'supra quam', more than. Prep. with acc. above, over; of time, before; of amount, more than, above, beyond.

suprascando -ere, to climb over, surmount.

supremus -a -um; see superus.

sura -ae, f. the calf of the leg.

surculus -i, m. a young shoot, sprout, twig; a slip, sucker.

surdaster -tra -trum, somewhat deaf.

surditas -atis, f. deafness.

surdus -a -um, deaf; unwilling to hear, insensible; not heard, still, silent; of sounds, etc. indistinct, faint.

surgo surgere surrexi surrectum, to rise, get up; to spring up, arise.

surr-; see also subr-.

surrepticius (subrepticius) -a -um, stolen, secret, surreptitious.

surripio -ripere -ripui -reptum, to take away secretly; to steal, filch.

sursum (sursus), upwards, on high; 'sursum deorsum', up and down, back- wards and forwards.

sus suis, c. a sow, swine, pig, hog; a kind of fish.

suscenseo -ere -ui, to be angry, bear a grudge.

susceptio -onis, f. undertaking.

suscipio -cipere -cepi -ceptum, to take up, catch up; to support, raise; to accept, receive, esp. to acknowledge a child as one's own; to take upon oneself, undertake, begin; to maintain a point, be ready to prove.

suscito -are, to stir up, arouse, excite.

suspecto -are, to keep looking at, gaze upon; to look upon with suspicion, suspect.

suspectus (1) -a -um, partic. from suspicio; q.v.

suspectus (2) -us, m. looking upwards; respect, esteem.

suspendium -i, n. a hanging of oneself.

suspendo -pendere -pendi -pensum, to hang up; to prop up, support; to keep in suspense, leave undecided; to check, break off. Hence partic. suspensus -a -um, hovering, hanging, suspended; dependent; ambiguous, doubtful, in suspense.

suspicax -acis: act. suspicious, suspecting; pass. suspicious, suspected.

suspicio (1) -spicere -spexi -spectum, to look from below, look upwards; to look up to, esteem, respect; to look askance at, suspect.

suspicio (2) -onis, f. mistrust, suspicion; a faint idea, imperfect conception.

suspiciosus -a -um, feeling suspicion, suspecting; exciting suspicion, suspicious; adv. suspiciose, in a suspicious manner, suspiciously.

suspicor -ari, dep. to suspect; to conjecture, suppose, surmise.

suspiratus -us, m. a deep breath, a sigh.

suspiritus -us, m. a deep breath, a sigh.

suspirium -i, n. a deep breath, a sigh.

suspiro -are: intransit., to draw a deep breath, to sigh; transit., to sigh for, long for.

susque deque, up and down.

sustentaculum -i, n. a prop, support.

sustentatio -onis, f. forbearance.

sustento -are, to hold up, support, sustain; to maintain; to put off, hinder, delay.

sustineo -tinere -tinui -tentum, to hold up, support, sustain; with infin., to endure to, have the heart to; to maintain; to put off, delay; to hold back, check, restrain.

sustollo -ere, to lift up, raise; to take away, remove, destroy.

susurrator -oris, m. a mutterer.

susurro -are, to murmur, mutter, whisper; of bees, to hum.

susurrus (1) -i, m. a murmur, muttering, whisper, hum, buzz.

susurrus (2) -a -um, whispering, muttering.

sutilis -e, stitched together, fastened together.

sutor -oris, m. a shoemaker, cobbler.

sutorius -a -um, of a shoemaker.

sutrinus -a -um, of a shoemaker.

sutura -ae, f. a seam, suture.

suus -a -um, reflexive possessive pronoun of 3rd person, his, her, its, their (own); often strengthened by -pte or -met; somtimes proper, due, suitable; favorable; independent. As subst. one's own people, property, etc..

Sybaris -ris, f. a town in Lucania, famous for luxury.

sycophanta -ae, f. an informer, trickster. 1

Sylla; = Sulla; q.v.

syllaba -ae, f. a syllable; in plur. verses, poems.

syllabatim, syllable by syllable.

syllogismus (or -os) -i, m. a syllogism.

symbola -ae, f. a contribution for a common feast.

symphonia -ae, f. a concert, musical performance.

symphoniacus -a -um, of or for a concert.

synedrus -i, m. a Macedonian councillor.

syngrapha -ae, f. a bond, agreement to pay.

synodus -ontis, m. a fish, perhaps bream.

synthesis -is, f. a dinner-service; a suit of clothes; a dressing-gown.

Syracusae -arum, f. pl. the chief town of Sicily.

Syria -ae, f. Syria; adj. Syrius, Syrus, Syriacus -a -um, Syrian; subst. Syri -orum, the Syrians.

syrma -matis, m. a long robe, worn by tragic actors.

syrtis -is, f. a sandbank, quicksand; esp. one on the coast of North Africa