Bible Books

Lamentations in the Picture Study Bible

Study Bible with information, images, and notes on many important subjects from the ancient world. Archaeological notes, geographical notes, ancient documents and manuscripts, cultural notes, theological notes, articles from scholars, information about ancient history, ancient customs, ancient temples, ancient monuments, and a close look at pe...

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Jewish Tradition and The Book of Ezekiel

According to Jewish tradition Ezekiel was murdered in Babylon by a Jewish prince whom Ezekiel accused of idolatry, Ezekiel was supposedly buried on the banks of the Euphrates River....

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Decoding Daniel: Insights into Messianic Prophecy from the Book of Daniel

The enigmatic Book of Daniel is a treasure trove of apocalyptic visions and cryptic messages. But nestled amongst the fiery furnaces and fantastical beasts lie intriguing hints about a coming Messiah. This post delves into the world of Daniel, exploring two key passages that have fueled messianic interpretations for centuries. The Son of Man: In Da...

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Hebrew Name and Meaning of The Book of Ezekiel

Hebrew Name - Yehezqel "God is strength"....

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Author of The Book of Ezekiel

Author - Ezekiel (According to the Bible and Jewish Tradition)...

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Summary of The Book of Ezekiel

Ezekiel prophesied to the the Jewish captives in Babylon. The Babylonians had invaded Judah three times and each time they took prisoners back to Babylon. The first invasion was in 607 BC and Daniel was taken as a captive to Babylon. The second invasion was in 597 BC and Ezekiel was taken as a captive to Babylon, and in 586 BC Jerusalem was de...

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Type of Jesus in the Book of Lamentations

Types and Shadows - In Lamentations Jesus is the weeping prophet who wept over Jerusalem for her blindness....

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Outline of The Book of Ezekiel

Quick Overview of Ezekiel. – –1-3 – – the call of Ezekiel as a prophet – –4-24 – – Ezekiel's prophecies against Jerusalem – – 25-32– –Ezekiel's prophecies against the nations– – 33-48 – – Ezekiel's prophecies of the future restoration of Israel....

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History of The Book of Ezekiel

The prophet Ezekiel taken captive during the time when the Babylonians began their captivity of Judah during the time of the reign of king Jehoichin, which was about 11 years before Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem. Ezekiel was one of the Jewish captives who was brought to the land of Babylon and settled on the banks of the river Chebar. Whi...

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Author of The Book of Ezekiel

Author - Ezekiel (According to the Bible and Jewish Tradition)...

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