1 Chronicles

The Book of 1 Chronicles in the Picture Study Bible

Study Bible with information, images, and notes on many important subjects from the ancient world. Archaeological notes, geographical notes, ancient documents and manuscripts, cultural notes, theological notes, articles from scholars, information about ancient history, ancient customs, ancient temples, ancient monuments, and a close look at pe...

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Type of Jesus in of the Book of Chronicles

Types and Shadows - In Chronicles Jesus is the builder of the house of God...

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Theme of the Book of Chronicles

Main Theme of 1 Chronicles - The reign of King David...

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Outline of the Book of 1 Chronicles

Quick Overview of 1 Chronicles. – –1-9 – –Genealogical tables from Adam to the time of Ezra. – – 10-29– –the dual history of King Saul and King David (in connection with the book of Samuel)....

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Summary of the Book of 1 Chronicles

The Book of First Chronicles covers a series of genealogies and then the history of the last days of King Saul and the early years of King David. Some of the main events include: 2) The return of the ark to Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 13-16). Included in this section is the account of the misfortune of Uzzah, who was killed when he reached forth t...

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Hebrew Name and Meaning of the Book of Chronicles

Hebrew Name - Divrei Hayamim "Words of the Days". The books of Chronicles were originally one book, as in the case of Samuel and Kings. The Hebrew title is translated the "words of the days", yet the word Chronicles is mainly adopted by a theologian named Jerome who thought that they ought to bear the title from the Greek word for time which i...

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Greek Name of the Book of Chronicles

Greek Name - Paralipomenon (Greek form of the Hebrew)...

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Author of the Book of Chronicles

Author - Ezra (According to Tradition). Hebrew tradition credits Ezra has the author of the books of Chronicles, in the beginning of the books trace the genealogical records all the way back to Adam which took place in approximately 4004 BC....

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Date of the Book of Chronicles

Date - From 4004-536 BC Approximately....

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Books of Chronicles in Wikipedia

The Books of Chronicles (Hebrew Divrei Hayyamim, דברי הימים, Greek Paralipomenon, Παραλειπομένων) are part of the Hebrew Bible. In the Masoretic Text, it appears as the first or last book of the Ketuvim (the latter arrangement also making it the final book of the Jewish bible). Chronicles largely parallels the Davidic narratives in the Books o...

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