Bible Books

Main Divisions of The Book of Hosea

In Hosea 1-3, the faithless actions of Israel toward God are illustrated by the relationship between Hosea and his adultress wife, Gomer. The names of his children indicate the attitude of God toward Israel. The first is named "Jezreel" after the city which was the scene of Jehu's brutality and which signified that God would punish his people....

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Outline of The Book of Hosea

Quick Overview of Hosea. – – 1 – – Hosea's marriage to a harlot illustrates Israel and their sin – – 2 – – Israel suffers for their harlotry – – 3 – – Israel's future restoration – – 4 – – Ephraim's idolatry – – 5-6 – – God's chastisement and future mercy – – 7-13 – – the Lord's judgment upon Israel – – 14 – – the restoration of Israel....

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History of The Book of Joel

The name "Joel" means "Jehovah is God." Other than his name and the fact that he was the son of Pethuel, there is little known about this man Joel, other than the fact that he wrote a very powerful book. Although it is not certain it seems that he prophesied around 800 BC during a time when Judah was experiencing prosperity and security. God w...

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Date of The Book of Hosea

Date - 785 BC Approximately...

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Chart of the Prophets of Israel and Judah

God raised up certain "prophets" who were His mouthpieces. They would speak out against their sin and idolatry and would continually warn of God's judgment. Some of the prophets spoke out in the North and some in the South, but God was faithfully warning them of certain catastrophe if they would not turn to him....

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Chart of the Prophets of Israel and Judah

God raised up certain "prophets" who were His mouthpieces. They would speak out against their sin and idolatry and would continually warn of God's judgment. Some of the prophets spoke out in the North and some in the South, but God was faithfully warning them of certain catastrophe if they would not turn to him....

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Theme of The Book of Joel

Main Theme - The Kingdom of Judah. Joel 2:1-3 - Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for [it is] nigh at hand; A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great...

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Author of The Book of Hosea

Author - Hosea (According to Jewish Tradition)...

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Joel in the Picture Study Bible

Study Bible with information, images, and notes on many important subjects from the ancient world. Archaeological notes, geographical notes, ancient documents and manuscripts, cultural notes, theological notes, articles from scholars, information about ancient history, ancient customs, ancient temples, ancient monuments, and a close look at pe...

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Summary of The Book of Hosea

The prophet Hosea had a real-life situation that God used to illustrate his problem with the nation of Israel. Hosea's adulterous wife had broken his heart, and this is exactly what the children of Israel had done to God when they played the harlot with other gods. Later when her adulterous affairs had led her to be sold on the slave block, Ho...

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