
Type of Jesus in the Book of Lamentations

Types and Shadows - In Lamentations Jesus is the weeping prophet who wept over Jerusalem for her blindness....

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Lamentations in the Picture Study Bible

Study Bible with information, images, and notes on many important subjects from the ancient world. Archaeological notes, geographical notes, ancient documents and manuscripts, cultural notes, theological notes, articles from scholars, information about ancient history, ancient customs, ancient temples, ancient monuments, and a close look at pe...

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Theme of the Book of Lamentations

Main Theme - 5 Poetic laments over the destruction of Jerusalem...

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Date of the Book of Lamentations

Date - 588-586 BC Approximately...

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Outline of the Book of Lamentations

Quick Overview of Lamentations. – –1 – – a destroyed Jerusalem cries out for mercy – – 2 – –the Lord's chastisement and the effects – – 3 – – a cry from the heart of a chastened people – – 4 – – the horrors surrounding the siege and the fall of the city of Jerusalem – – 5 – – a lament and prayer for the restoration of Jerusalem....

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Summary of the Book of Lamentations

The book contains five poems that depict the condition of the forsaken city of Jerusalem which had been burnt to the ground and utterly demolished by the Babylonians on the ninth of Av in the Jewish calendar in 586 BC, in contrast to the magnificent splendor that it once possessed. The reason for God's chastisement on the people of Judah and o...

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The 5 Poems of the Book of Lamentations

The five lament poems are outlined here: Lamentations 1 - Jerusalem's desolation is lamented Lamentations 2 - God's wrath against the city of Jerusalem Lamentations 3 - God's faithfulness is acknowledged Lamentations 4 - God's faithfulness is viewed as chastisement Lamentations 5 - God's faithfulness is worthy of trust...

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Author of the Book of Lamentations

Author - Jeremiah (According to the Bible and Jewish Tradition). The first four poems are arranged in an acrostic form with each containing 22 verses which correspond with the 22 consonants of the Hebrew alphabet. In chapter 3 each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is allotted 3 of the 66 verses which comprise the poem. Some conclude that the reas...

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Hebrew Name and Meaning of the Book of Lamentations

In the Hebrew the word for the name of the book of Lamentations is "Eikah" which means "How." How could this happen?...

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