
Type of Jesus in The Book of Ecclesiastes

Types and Shadows - In Ecclesiastes Jesus is true fulfillment...

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Solomon's Conclusion

The conclusion which Solomon "the preacher" reaches is that in such an empty and unsatisfying world where disappointment, trouble and death cannot be avoided, a quiet enjoyment of God's gifts is the only real wisdom. The man who is truly wise will "fear God and keep his commandments" (12:13-14), making the best of things as he finds them and t...

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Solomon and Worldly Pleasure

Solomon had thoroughly experienced all avenues of pleasure, all avenues of sensuality, all avenues of wealth, honor, folly, and the pursuit of knowledge. He also sinned in giving way to every excess of life which his position made possible and comes to the realization of the uselessness of it all. He concludes that the result of his efforts ha...

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Theme of The Book of Ecclesiastes

Theme - All pursuits in life are empty except fearing God and obeying His Word...

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Date of The Book of Ecclesiastes

Date - 977 BC Approximately....

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The Book of Ecclesiastes in the Picture Study Bible

Study Bible with information about Ecclesiastes, images, and notes on many important subjects from the ancient world. Archaeological notes, geographical notes, ancient documents and manuscripts, cultural notes, theological notes, articles from scholars, information about ancient history, ancient customs, ancient temples, ancient monuments, and...

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Outline of The Book of Ecclesiastes

Quick Overview of Ecclesiastes. – –1:1-2:26 – – the preachers first sermon: the futility of human wisdom– – 3:1-5:20 – –the preachers second sermon: life's unfulfilling disappointments – – 6:1-8:17 – – the preachers third sermon: the futility of wealth and fame – – 9:1-12:8 – – the preachers fourth sermon: God is in control of the futility's i...

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Summary of The Book of Ecclesiastes

The word Ecclesiastes is the Greek equivalent for the Hebrew word Koheleth, or the preacher. Solomon was the wisest man in the world, people came from all over the world to hear his wisdom. He built the Temple in Jerusalem, he was the son of King David, and he was chosen to impart his wisdom to us in the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon had thor...

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Solomon's Main Messages in The Book of Ecclesiastes

Sermon 1: The vanity of human wisdom, Sermon 2: Appreciate the divine laws governing life, Sermon 3: There is no fulfillment in any earthly pleasures or wealth, Sermon 4: God will deal with the worlds injustices, Conclusion: fear the Lord and to obey his word....

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Author of The Book of Ecclesiastes

Author - Solomon (According to the Bible, Jesus, and Tradition). The book of Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon who was the wisest man in the world, and in fact he was the embodiment of pure wisdom....

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