Bible Books

Outline of The Book of Joel

Quick Overview of Joel. – – 1: 1-2:27 – – The plague of locusts – – 2:38-3:21 – – the approaching day of the Lord....

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Theme of The Book of Joel

Main Theme - The Kingdom of Judah. Joel 2:1-3 - Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for [it is] nigh at hand; A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great...

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Date of The Book of Joel

Date - 800 BC Approximately. Although it is not certain it seems that he prophesied around 800 BC during a time when Judah was experiencing prosperity and security. God was kind enough to give ample warning before such a devastating judgment....

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Type of Jesus in The Book of Joel

Types and Shadows - In Joel the day of Jesus is at hand!...

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Author of The Book of Hosea

Author - Hosea (According to Jewish Tradition)...

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Introduction to The Book of Hosea

Story of Hosea and his unfaithful wife, Gomer. Represents God's love and faithfulness and Israel's spiritual adultery. Israel will be judged and restored....

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Theme of the Book of Lamentations

Main Theme - 5 Poetic laments over the destruction of Jerusalem...

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Date of the Book of Lamentations

Date - 588-586 BC Approximately...

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Type of Jesus in the Book of Lamentations

Types and Shadows - In Lamentations Jesus is the weeping prophet who wept over Jerusalem for her blindness....

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Decoding Daniel: Insights into Messianic Prophecy from the Book of Daniel

The enigmatic Book of Daniel is a treasure trove of apocalyptic visions and cryptic messages. But nestled amongst the fiery furnaces and fantastical beasts lie intriguing hints about a coming Messiah. This post delves into the world of Daniel, exploring two key passages that have fueled messianic interpretations for centuries. The Son of Man: In Da...

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