1 John

1 John in Wikipedia

The First Epistle of John, usually referred to simply as First John and often written 1 John, is a book of the New Testament. This fourth catholic or "general" epistle is attributed to John the Evangelist, traditionally thought to be the author of the Gospel of John and the other two Epistles of John. This Epistle was written in Ephesus betwee...

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The Epistles of John pt.1-3 in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

LITERATURE Among the 7 New Testament epistles which from ancient times have been called "catholic" (universal) there is a smaller group of three in which the style alike of thought and language points to a common authorship, and which are traditionally associated with the name of the apostle John. Of these, again, the first differs widely from...

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The Epistles of John pt.4-9 in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

IV. Canonicity and Authorship. 1. Traditional View: As to the reception of the Epistle in the church, it is needless to cite any later witness than Eusebius (circa 325), who classes it among the books (homologoumena) whose canonical rank was undisputed. It is quoted by Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria (247-265), by the Muratorian Canon, Cyprian...

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The First Epistle General of John in Smiths Bible Dictionary

There can be no doubt that the apostle John was the author of this epistle. It was probably written from Ephesus, and most likely at the close of the first century. In the introduction, ch. 1Jo 1:1-4 the apostle states the purpose of his epistle: it is to declare the word of life to those whom he is addressing, in order that he and they might ...

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First Epistle of John in Easton's Bible Dictionary

the fourth of the catholic or "general" epistles. It was evidently written by John the evangelist, and probably also at Ephesus, and when the writer was in advanced age. The purpose of the apostle (1:1-4) is to declare the Word of Life to those to whom he writes, in order that they might be united in fellowship with the Father and his Son ...

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