2 Peter

2 Peter in Wikipedia

The Second Epistle of Peter, usually referred to simply as Second Peter and often written 2 Peter, is a book of the New Testament of the Bible, traditionally ascribed to Saint Peter, but in modern times widely regarded as pseudonymous. It is the first New Testament book to treat other New Testament writings as scripture, 2 Peter was one of the ...

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Second Epistle of Peter in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

The Second Epistle of Peter comes to us with less historical support of its genuineness than any other book of the New Testament. In consequence, its right to a place in the Canon is seriously doubted by some and denied by others. There are those who confidently assign it to the Apostolic age and to the apostle whose name it bears in the New T...

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Second Epistle of Peter in Smiths Bible Dictionary

The following is a brief outline of the contents of this epistle: The customary opening salutation is followed by an enumeration of Christian blessings and exhortation to Christian duties. 2Pe 1:1-13 Referring then to his approaching death, the apostle assigns as grounds of assurance for believers his own personal testimony as eye- witness of ...

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Second Epistle of Peter in Easton's Bible Dictionary

The question of the authenticity of this epistle has been much discussed, but the weight of evidence is wholly in favour of its claim to be the production of the apostle whose name it bears. It appears to have been written shortly before the apostle's death (1:14). This epistle contains eleven references to the Old Testament. It also cont...

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The Epistles of Peter in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

SECOND EPISTLE. Authenticity and genuineness. "Simon Peter a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ" stands at its heading. He reminds us at the close of his life that he is the Peter who was originally "Simon" before his call. In 2 Peter 1:16-18 he mentions his presence at the transfiguration, and Christ's prophecy of his death; and 2 Peter ...

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