
Chart of the Prophets of Israel and Judah

God raised up certain "prophets" who were His mouthpieces. They would speak out against their sin and idolatry and would continually warn of God's judgment. Some of the prophets spoke out in the North and some in the South, but God was faithfully warning them of certain catastrophe if they would not turn to him....

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The Two Main Divisions in the Book of Isaiah

SECTION 1: Isaiah 1-39 1 ) Prophecies centered around Judah and Jerusalem (Isaiah 1:1-12:6). Included in this section are a description of the glories of the Messianic Age (Isaiah 2-4 ) and the account of the call of Isaiah (Isaiah 6 ). In Isaiah 7-12, although Isaiah is dealing primarily with various invasions which threaten Judah, reference ...

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Theme of the Book of Isaiah

Main Theme - The kingdom of the Messiah...

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Greek Name of the Book of Isaiah

Greek Name - Esaias (Greek form of the Hebrew)...

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Author of the Book of Isaiah

Author - Isaiah (According to the Bible, Jesus, and Jewish Tradition). There was only one Isaiah according to the Hebrew Scriptures. There is little information about the personal life of the Prophet Isaiah. He was married to a woman called the prophetess (Isaiah 8:3), she bore him two sons (Isaiah 7:3 and Isaiah 8:3). According to Jewish trad...

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Type of Jesus in the Book of Isaiah

Types and Shadows - In Isaiah Jesus is the Lord on the throne in Isaiah 6 and the suffering servant of Isaiah 53...

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Date and Time Period of the Book of Isaiah

Date - 760 - 720 BC Approximately. Isaiah prophesied during the reign of King Uzziah, King Jotham, King Ahaz, King Hezekiah, and probably King Manasseh of Judah. His prophetic ministry lasted from about 760 BC until about 720 BC....

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Was There a Deutero Isaiah?

Was There a Deutero-Isaiah or Second Isaiah? There have been many critics who challenged the historicity of the Scriptures, and implied that the Bible is not the word of God. This is also true with the book of Isaiah, critics have identified problems in the books unity and authorship. A large number of critics make a case that Isaiah 1-39 and ...

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Summary of the Book of Isaiah

Isaiah prophesied during one of the worst times in the history of Israel. The Israelites had become so corrupt God was going to remove them out of His sight. He raised up the Assyrian army to be an unmerciful, barbaric, ruthless, an unstoppable war machine. Their military tactics are still applauded today by those who understand the art of war...

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Outline of the Book of Isaiah

Quick Overview of Isaiah. – –1-12 – – Isaiah's prophecies regarding Judah and Jerusalem– – 13-23 – –Isaiah's prophecies against the enemies of Judah– – 24-27– – Isaiah's prophecies concerning establishing the kingdom – – 28-35 – – Isaiah's prophecies regarding Judah and Assyria– – 36-39 – – historical appendix – – 40 – – Isaiah's prophecies co...

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