
Theme of the Book of Judges

Main Theme - 7 cycles of idolatry, oppression, repentance, and deliverance during the first 300 years in the land of Canaan...

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Type of Jesus in the Book of Judges

Types and Shadows - In Judges Jesus is the great judge and deliverer of His people...

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Date of the Book of Judges

Date - From 1425 to 1120 BC Approximately...

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The Book of Judges in the Picture Study Bible

Judges background, archaeology, maps, and images....

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Outline of the Book of Judges

Quick Overview of Judges. – –1-2 – –How the Israelites reacted after the death of Joshua. – – 3-16 – – The sin of the Israelites and the oppression by their enemies, thirteen Hebrew judges and the deliverance they brought. – –17-21 – –a description of how idolatry entered into Israel and how corruption followed during the early history of this...

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Hebrew Name and Meaning of the Book of Judges

Hebrew Name - Shophtim "Judges or Deliverers"...

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Greek Name of the Book of Judges

Greek Name - Krites (Greek form of the Hebrew)...

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Author of the Book of Judges

Author - Samuel (According to Tradition)...

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Summary of The Book of Judges

In the book of Judges we can see the first 300 years of the history of Israel, from the time of the death of Joshua to the time of Samuel the last of the Judges. All of the events mentioned in the book of Judges are not meant to be given in a strict chronological order and it is impossible to determine exact dates. Everything that took place h...

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Outline of the Book of Judges

Quick Overview of Judges. – –1-2 – –How the Israelites reacted after the death of Joshua. – – 3-16 – – The sin of the Israelites and the oppression by their enemies, thirteen Hebrew judges and the deliverance they brought. – –17-21 – –a description of how idolatry entered into Israel and how corruption followed during the early history of this...

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