
Chart of the Prophets of Israel and Judah

God raised up certain "prophets" who were His mouthpieces. They would speak out against their sin and idolatry and would continually warn of God's judgment. Some of the prophets spoke out in the North and some in the South, but God was faithfully warning them of certain catastrophe if they would not turn to him....

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Theme of the Book of Jeremiah

Main Theme - The destruction of Judah...

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Type of Jesus in the Book of Jeremiah

Types and Shadows - In Jeremiah Jesus is the Lord our righteousness...

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The Book of Jeremiah in the Picture Study Bible

Study Bible with information, images, and notes on many important subjects from the ancient world. Archaeological notes, geographical notes, ancient documents and manuscripts, cultural notes, theological notes, articles from scholars, information about ancient history, ancient customs, ancient temples, ancient monuments, and a close look at pe...

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Author of the Book of Jeremiah

Author - Jeremiah (According to the Bible and Jewish Tradition). The book of Jeremiah is recognized as his own writings and a complete book just like the book of Isaiah. In Jeremiah 36:1-2, 4, 8, 32 it is written that Jeremiah collected his own writings and prophecies, some speculate that he put the book together with Baruch in the land of Egy...

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Hebrew Name and Meaning of the Book of Jeremiah

Hebrew Name - Yirmiyahu "Yah is my appointer"...

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Date and Time Period of the Book of Jeremiah

Date - 629 BC Approximately. The prophet Jeremiah began his ministry during the reign of King Josiah, and he prophesied the Word of the Lord until the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC when Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came and destroyed the city and her Temple (Jeremiah 1), and he continued to prophesy even after this event....

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History of the Book of Jeremiah

The prophet Jeremiah began his ministry during the reign of King Josiah, and he prophesied the Word of the Lord until the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC when Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came and destroyed the city and her Temple (Jeremiah 1), and he continued to prophesy even after this event. Jeremiah began ministering in 627 BC during the ...

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Main Prophecies in the Book of Jeremiah

1) The impending destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon; 2) the possibility of averting this destruction by repentance; 3) the submitting to Babylonian rule after it becomes apparent that domination is inevitable; 4) Babylon herself will be destroyed, never to rise again; and 5) Judah will return from captivity and eventually achieve an unsurpas...

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Outline of the Book of Jeremiah

Quick Overview of Jeremiah. – –1 – – the call of Jeremiah– – 1-20– –Jeremiah's prophecies against Judah under the reigns of Josiah and Jehoiachim– – 21-39 – –Jeremiah's prophecies against Judah until the fall of Jerusalem– – 40-45 – – Jeremiah's prophecies after the fall of Jerusalem – – 46-51 – – Jeremiah's prophecies against the surrounding ...

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