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What is a Beggar?
        BEG'GAR or BEG'GING
        The poor among the Hebrews were much favored. They were allowed to glean in the fields, and to gather whatever the land produced in the year in which it was not tilled. Lev 19:10; Lev 25:5-6; Deut 24:19. They were also invited to feasts. Deut 14:29 and Deut 26:12. The Israelite could not be an absolute pauper. His land was inalienable, except for a certain term, when it reverted to him or his posterity. And if this resource were insufficient, he could pledge the services of himself and family for a valuable sum. Those who were indigent through bodily infirmities were usually taken care of by their kindred. A beggar was sometimes seen, however, and was regarded and abhorred as a vagabond. Ps 109:10. In later times they were accustomed, it would seem, to have a fixed place at the corners of the streets, Mark 10:46, or at the gates of the temple, Acts 3:2, or of private houses. Luke 16:20. Hippopotamus. (After Wood. "Animal Kingdom.")

Bibliography Information
Schaff, Philip, Dr. "Biblical Definition for 'beggar' in Schaffs Bible Dictionary". - Schaff's

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