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What is Baalath-beer?
        (lord of the well). Josh 19:8. See Bealoth. BAALBEC' or BAALBEK (bul'bek), a magnificent city of Coele Syria, and called by the Greeks Heliopolis, or "city of the Sun." It is situated in a plain near the foot of the Anti-Libanus range, about 42 miles north-west of Damascus and 3800 feet above the level of the sea. Its origin and early history are unknown. It is now famous for its colossal ruins, consisting chiefly of two magnificent temples. The lesser of the two was 225 feet in length by 120 feet in breadth; it was surrounded by rows of immense columns, 45 feet high, standing about 9 feet from the temple walls, the distance between the columns being from 8 to 12 feet. Robinson counted 19 of these columns still in place in 1852. The larger temple, that of the Sun, was an immense structure, 324 feet long, and was surrounded by a peristyle of 54 vast Corinthian columns, about 7 feet in diameter, and, including capital and pedestal, 89 feet high. Over these Corinthian capitals the temple was bordered with a frieze. The temples were constructed of limestone or marble and granite. Some of the stones used in them are 64 feet long and 12 feet thick. The temple of the Sun was built by Antoninus Pius, about a.d. 150. Baalbec has been identified by some Columns of Great Temple. Ruins of Baalbec. with Baal-gad, Josh 11:17; Acts 12:7; Josh 13:5; by others with Baalath or Baal-hamon, but these identifications are uncertain, and the last is very improbable.

Bibliography Information
Schaff, Philip, Dr. "Biblical Definition for 'baalath-beer' in Schaffs Bible Dictionary". - Schaff's

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