Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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amos 1:9 Thus says the LORD, "For three transgressions of Tyre and for four I will not revoke its [punishment], Because they delivered up an entire population to Edom And did not remember [the] covenant of brotherhood.

< Amos 1:8
Amos 1:10 >

      9. Tyrus . . . delivered up the . . . captivity to Edom--the same charge as against the Philistines (Am 1:6).
      remembered not the brotherly covenant--the league of Hiram of Tyre with David and Solomon, the former supplying cedars for the building of the temple and king's house in return for oil and corn (2Sa 5:11; 1Ki 5:2-6; 9:11-14, 27; 10-22; 1Ch 14:1; 2Ch 8:18; 9:10).


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