Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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amos 1:12 "So I will send fire upon Teman, And it will consume the citadels of Bozrah."

< Amos 1:11
Amos 1:13 >

      12. Teman--a city of Edom, called from a grandson of Esau (Ge 36:11, 15; Ob 8, 9); situated five miles from Petra; south of the present Wady Musa. Its people were famed for wisdom (Jer 49:7).
      Bozrah--a city of Edom (Isa 63:1). Selah or Petra is not mentioned, as it had been overthrown by Amaziah (2Ki 14:7).


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Where in Scripture does it mention Prophecies about Bozrah?

Where in Scripture does it mention Prophecies about the Edomites?

Where in Scripture does it mention Prophecies about Teman?

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