Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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        1. One of the three giant sons of Anak slain at Hebron or Kirjath Arba (their dwelling place at the time of the spies, Numbers 13:22) by the men of Judah under Caleb (Judges 1:10; Joshua 15:14).
        2. Of the Geshur royal family, son of king Ammihud; father of David's wife Maacah (2 Samuel 13:37); grandfather of Absalom. David formed the unfortunate connection doubtless in his invasion of the Geshurites (1 Samuel 27:8; 2 Samuel 3:3). His passion for beauty at all costs bore its bitter fruits. Talmai harboured Absalom, the beautiful son of a beautiful mother, when fleeing after murdering his brother Amnon.

Bibliography Information
Fausset, Andrew Robert M.A., D.D., "Definition for 'talmai' Fausset's Bible Dictionary". - Fausset's; 1878.

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