Prof. Societies

Table of Nations Mentioned in the Old Testament

List of Nations Descended from Noahs 3 Sons. Shem (Semitic Race). Ham (Turanian Race). Japheth (Aryan Race). This chart contains a list of the nations descending from the three sons of Noah. They formed after the Tower of Babel and are mentioned in Genesis 10 of the Old Testament. Scroll down to see maps, references, and Bible verses for more ...

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Feasts and Festivals of Israel with Dates

The Bible reveals that God appointed certain days of the year to be remembered and celebrated by the congregation of Israel. The word "feast" comes from two Hebrew words that mean (Heb. Moaid) "divinely appointed times" and the other (Heb. Khag ) means "festival" from the verb which means "to dance". There were seven feasts that were observed ...

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Joseph a Type of Jesus

It is nearly impossible to examine the life of Joseph in the Old Testament and not see the similarities of the events in the life of Christ. There are many types and shadows in the Old Testament that prefigure Jesus Christ, and many have believed at the life of Joseph is perhaps the clearest picture of Christ in so many ways....

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Timeline of the Pentateuch

Timeline of Events from Creation to Joshua. According to Usshers chronology there were 1656 years from creation to the flood, 427 years from the flood to the call of Abraham, 430 years from the call of Abraham to the Exodus from Egypt, and 40 years from the Exodus from Egypt to the entering of the land of Canaan by Joshua and the new generatio...

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Background of The Ark of the Covenant

The Hebrew Name and Meaning of the Ark of the Covenant. The Hebrew noun "Ahrohn" (Ark) is used nearly 200 times in the Old Testament to depict the Ark of the Covenant. The word Ahrohn means chest or container and was used in various contexts. For example it was used for a money box (2 Ki 12:9), and also for a coffin (Gen. 50:26), both signify...

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Brief History of the Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant led the way to the Promised Land. After Moses died the children of Israel were led by Joshua into the Land of Canaan. When they came to the Jordan River the waters parted before the Ark of the Covenant. The children of Israel crossed the Jordan and conquered the Promised Land with the Ark of the Covenant leading the wa...

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God Revealed the Design of the Ark to Moses

The Arks Design was Revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai. The Ark of the Covenant (Heb. Ahrohn HaBreet) was a small wooden box or chest (approx. 3.9 feet by 2.3 feet) that contained the covenant made by the LORD to the people of Israel. God revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai the exact specifications for constructing the Ark. It was crafted in acaci...

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The Ark led the Way

Numbers 10:33-36 - And they departed from the mount of the LORD three days journey: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them in the three days journey, to search out a resting place for them. And the cloud of the LORD [was] upon them by day, when they went out of the camp. And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Mos...

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Biblical Description of the Ark of the Covenant

The description of the Ark of the Covenant was revealed to Moses while he was on Mount Sinai (Ex. 25:10-22). The Box was to be made of Acacia wood, it was to be 2.5 cubits (3.9 feet) long and 1.5 cubits (2.3 feet) wide and tall. It was overlaid completely with gold and it had a gold crown around the top of the box. The were gold rings with lon...

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Overview of the Ark of the Covenant

Quick Overview of the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant was a physical sign that the God of all the earth was in Israel "and let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in them" (Ex. 25:8). God made a covenant with Israel and with all mankind that only by the shedding of the blood of Christ would there be forgiveness of sins. Abr...

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