Prof. Societies

Timeline of the Pentateuch

Timeline of Events from Creation to Joshua. According to Usshers chronology there were 1656 years from creation to the flood, 427 years from the flood to the call of Abraham, 430 years from the call of Abraham to the Exodus from Egypt, and 40 years from the Exodus from Egypt to the entering of the land of Canaan by Joshua and the new generatio...

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Hebrew Calendar of Months

In ancient Israel there was the "sacred" or religious year, and also the civil year, and these formed the Hebrew calendar. The religious or sacred year began toward the end of March, which was the Hebrew month of Nisan. The civil year began in October, on the first day of the Hebrew month of Tishri. Therefore the seventh month on the religious...

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Lineage of Jesus in Genesis

The Bible reveals throughout all of its pages that a Messiah was going to come and save mankind. The Old Testament traces the family lineage of the Messiah. This chart reveals that Abrahams father Terah was in the limits of Christ, then out of his three sons Abraham was in the line Messiah, then his son Isaac, and then his son Jacob, and then ...

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Divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures

The Hebrew Scriptures were divided into 3 sections: -The Law (Torah), or Pentateuch, 5 books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. -The Prophets (Nebhim), 8 books: Former Prophets - Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings Latter Prophets - Isaiah , Jeremiah , Ezekiel , The Book of the 12 -The Writings (Kethubim), 11 books: Poetical Bo...

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Gentile Nations in the Old Testament

List of Gentile Nations Named in the Old Testament. This chart contains a long list of the gentile "heathen" nations that are mentioned in Old Testament times. Click on the Bible verse to read the background information....

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Miracles in the Old Testament

The miracles and the Bible verses. God did many miracles throughout the Bible, and in the Old Testament there were many miracles surrounding the nation of Israel that the entire world heard about. Below is a list of several Old Testament miracles. A Miracle is when God intervenes in a situation or event that cannot be explained in scientific ...

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Kings of the Persian Empire

This chart reveals the Kings of the Persian Empire (Achaemenid) from 550 BC to 330 BC. The Persian Empire was founded by Cyrus the Great who conquered Babylon in 536 BC. The Persian Empire succeeded the Babylonian Empire and it was Cyrus, who issued the famous decree for the Jews to return to their homeland to rebuild their Temple. Under Dari...

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Kings of the Babylonian Empire

This chart reveals the Kings of the Neo Babylonian Empire (Chaldean) from 625 BC to 542 BC. The Babylonian Empire began to be a world power in 625 BC after the fall of Assyria. Babylon continued its reign until 536 BC. During this period Babylon, located along the Euphrates River, was the metropolis of the East and called in the Bible the "cit...

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Messages of the Old Testament Prophets

The prophets of ancient Israel were the divine messengers sent by God to communicate to man a message from God. They spoke about the events mentioned in the Old Testament long before they actually happened. Israel was confronted with the choice of blessings or curses. Blessings if they followed the LORD and curses if they forsook him. Moses t...

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Joseph a Type of Jesus

It is nearly impossible to examine the life of Joseph in the Old Testament and not see the similarities of the events in the life of Christ. There are many types and shadows in the Old Testament that prefigure Jesus Christ, and many have believed at the life of Joseph is perhaps the clearest picture of Christ in so many ways....

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