The Prophets

The Prophet Jeremiah

Jeremiah (626-586 B.C.) "yeremi yauw" (Yaweh will lift up). Prophesied to Judah and against the surrounding nations. He emphasized the folly of idolatry as God pleaded with His people. He continually warned that Jerusalem would be captured and the inhabitants would be exiled to Babylon. He also prophesied against the pagan nations around (Jer ...

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The Prophet Malachi

Malachi (450-400 B.C.) "malachi" (My messenger). A prophet who lived in the fifth century B.C. By this time the Jews had become disillusioned and apathetic. Things were not as good as they had hoped. Drought and crop failures along with opposition from various enemies had made life difficult. They were neglecting the things of God and offeri...

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The Prophet Nahum

Nahum (630-610 B.C.) "nahum" (compassionate). Nahum`s main message was the destruction of Nineveh as a judgement on the Assyrians for their cruel treatment of other nations. He revealed much about the majesty and goodness of God as well as God`s anger and wrath. Nah 1:7 The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those ...

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Persian Period Prophets

Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi were the prophets of the Persian Period....

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The Prophet Jonah

Jonah (790-770 B.C.) "yonah" (dove). Sent to warn the inhabitants of Nineveh (Capital of Assyria) of God`s Judgement. Jonah fled his call because it was the Assyrians who were destroying the Jews. As he was escaping on a ship bound for Tarshish a great storm arose. The sailors discovered that this tempest came on account of Jonah so they thre...

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The Prophet Joel

Joel (790-770 B.C.) "yo el" (Yaweh is God). Joel prophesied during a devastating plague of locusts that was unparalleled in history. He warned all of the inhabitants of the land of Israel of devastation which would sweep across the land in the days soon to come. He called for a season of fasting, mourning, and repentance. Joel seized upon th...

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The Prophet Amos

Amos (780-740 B.C.) "amos" (burden). Amos was born in Judah but prophesied in Israel during the reign of Jeroboam II. He condemned Israel`s neighboring countries for their cruelty, but mostly Israel for breaking God`s laws. He prophesied at Bethel which became the center of idol worship and the residence of king Jeroboam II. He warned that t...

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The Prophet Hosea

Hosea (760-720 B.C.) "hoshea" (deliverer) Israel`s continued unfaithfulness is dramatically illustrated in brokenhearted Hosea`s relationship with his unfaithful wife. God`s love is also illustrated in Hosea`s willingness to buy back his wife after her harlotry had led her to be sold at the slave block. In the years leading up to the fall of ...

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The Prophet Isaiah

Isaiah (745-695 B.C.) "yesha yahu" (Yaweh is salvation). Isaiah lived in Jerusalem at the time Judah was threatened by the Assyrians. He warned Jerusalem about idolatry and foreign alliances, although he was usually scoffed at. He spoke about the miraculous deliverance of Jerusalem from the Assyrians. He also spoke of the destruction and cap...

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The Prophet Micah

Micah (740-700 B.C.) "mika yahu" (who is like Yaweh). Warned of the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions and predicted the fall of both Samaria and Jerusalem, the capital cities of both the northern and southern kingdoms. It is set forth in the form of a lawsuit by God with Micah as the prosecuting attorney and the mountains and hills (places o...

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