
Ptolemy IV Coin

Egypt, Ptolemy IV, Ancient Coins Index with Thumbnails...

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Ptolemy V Coin

Egypt, Ptolemy V, Ancient Greek Coins...

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Ptolemy III Coin

Egypt, Ptolemy III: Ancient Greek Coins Ancient Coinage of Egypt, Ptolemy III Ptolemy III Euergetes ("Benefactor"), King of Egypt 246-221 BC....

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Cleopatra VII Coins

Egypt, Cleopatra VII �V Ancient Greek Coins...

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Coin of Hasmoneans Alexander Jannaeus

Prutah of Hasmoneans Alexander Jannaeus. Scarce Prutah of Hasmoneans Alexander Jannaeus. 103-76 BC, Yehonatan the King. Obverse side: Lily surrounded by Hebrew inscription (Yehonatan the King). Reverse side: Inverted anchor within circle and Greek inscription ALEXANDROU BASILEWS (Alexander the king). Reference: Hendin 467....

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Antiochus IV Epiphanes Coin

4 Drachma Silver Coin of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Left side portrayed as Zeus. Right side portrayed as Zeus Enthroned carrying the Goddess Nike (Victory). The legend reads:"King Antiochus. God Manifest, Bearing Victory....

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Hasmonean lepton of John Hyrcanus I

Hasmoneans lepton of John Hyrcanus I Hasmoneans, John Hyrcanus I. 127'104 BC. AE Lepton. Obverse side: Palm branch with Hebrew (Yehochanan the High Priest and the council of the Jews). Reverse side: Lily within circle of dots. Scarce because of its small size. Reference: Hendin 458...

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Ptolemy XII Coin

Ptolemaic Kings of Egypt: Ptolemy XII or XIII Neos Dionysios Tetradrachm Coin Ptolemy XII or XIII Neos Dionysios (80-58; 55-51 B.C.) Silver Tetradrachm Weight 13.4g. Diameter 25 mm. Obverse: Diademed bust of Ptolemy XII or XIII Neos Dionysios right. Reverse: ÂÃÃ"ÉËÅÙÃ" ÃÃ"ÃËÅÌÃÉÃÕ, eagle standing left on thunderbolt. Rare coin of a sc...

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Alexander the Great Coin

Bible History Online - Alexander the Great Coin (Biblical Archaeology) This coin reveals scenes of Alexander the Great's life. The top image depicts Alexander being crowned by Nike, the goddess of victory. The bottom image depicts Alexander on his horse Busephalus at the Jhelum River attacking Porus on his war elephant. Porus was trying to stop Al...

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