
Coins of Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great gold stater, silver tetradrachm, and bronze hemiobol. These were powerful coins. They not only influenced the future of all subsequent coinage on three continents, they also depicted some powerful symbols, most notably Herakles (Hercules to the Romans), the ancient world's most powerful mythological hero, Zeus, king of the Olymp...

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Alexander tyhe Great Macedonian Kingdom, 336 - 323 B.C.

Alexander III The Great, Macedonian Kingdom, 336 - 323 B.C. Silver tetradrachm, Price 3857, M��ller -, SNG Cop -, EF, Susa mint, 17.182g, 26.2mm, 225o, posthumous, c. 316 - 311 B.C.; obverseHerakles' head right, clad in Nemean lion scalp headdress tied at neck; reverse BASILEWS ALEXANDROU, Zeus enthroned left, eagleextended in right, long vertical...

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Gold Stater 320 BC, Alexander the Great

Obv: Athena. Rev: Nike placing Wreath. Diameter: 18 mm diameter (about the size of a US Penny)...

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Ptolemy as Satrap of Egypt TETRADRACHM

SILVER TETRADRACHM - 310 BC, Minted by Ptolemy as Satrap of Egypt The Ptolemaic empire was founded by Ptolemy I after the death of Alexander the Great. Ptolemy I was a boyhood friend of Alexander and his most trusted general. After Ptolemy successfully completed the Persian war, Alexander granted him the area of Egypt. He founded an empire that la...

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Alexander the Great Coin

Bible History Online - Alexander the Great Coin (Biblical Archaeology) This coin reveals scenes of Alexander the Great's life. The top image depicts Alexander being crowned by Nike, the goddess of victory. The bottom image depicts Alexander on his horse Busephalus at the Jhelum River attacking Porus on his war elephant. Porus was trying to stop Al...

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