
Ptolemy I Soter (367 BC–283 BC)

Ptolemy I Soter was the ruler of Egypt (323 BC - 283 BC) and founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty. In 305 BC he took title of King.The son of Lagus, a Greek nobleman of Eordaea, he was one of Alexander the Great's most trusted generals, and among the seven "body-guards" attached to his person. He played a principal part in the later campaigns of Alexan...

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Ptolemy IV Philopator

Ptolemy IV Philopator: king of the Ptolemaic Empire, ruled from 222 to 204....

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Ptolemy III Euergetes

The Third, The Third King Of Egypt's Ptolemaic Dynasty. Ptolemy III Euergetes (Benefactor), the third ruler of Egypt'sPtolemaic Dynasty, was the son of Ptolemy II Philadelphus by one of his early wives named Arsinoe. However, his father apparently abandoned this first Arsinoe to marry his full sister, who was also named Arsinoe and who is frequentl...

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Ptolemy II Philadelphus

The Second King of Egypt's Greek Period. By Jimmy Dunn. In about 285 BC, Ptolemy I Soter probably took as his co-ruler one of his sons by Berenice, Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who became the sole ruler of Egypt and the rest of his father's empire upon the elder king's death in about 282 BC. He took the Egyptian name, Meryamun Setepenre, which means "B...

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(106 BC - 48 BC) Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus is best known in history as a member of the First Triumvirate with Gaius Julius Caesar and Marcus Licinius Crassus. He was awarded the cognomen MAGNUS as a result of extraordinary military skill demonstrated at a very early age. His interest was less in politics than in military endeavors and as a result he b...

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Ptolemy IV Philopator

The Fourth King of Egypt's Greek Period. Under the Ptolemies, there was no real national foundation established for their rule in Egypt as the successor and son ofPtolemy III Euergetes, Ptolemy IV Philopator took the throne. These kings had been viewed by the local Egyptians with nothing more positive than resentful acquiescence. Basically, the Pto...

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Ptolemy I Soter

The First King of Ancient Egypt's Ptolemaic Dynasty. By Jimmy Dunn In the ancient world, there is no surprise that military men often became rulers. These men, most of whom rose through the military ranks, usually had considerable administrative skills and had proved themselves to be leaders. Almost certainly the first man to unite Egypt at the daw...

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Ptolemy III Euergetes

Ptolemy (Ptolemaios) III Euergetes (Benefactor) Ptolemy III Euergetes I, (Ptolemaeus III) (Evergetes, Euergetes) (246 BC-222 BC). The third ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt, he was the eldest son of Ptolemy II of Egypt Philadelphus and Arsinoe II of Egypt. He came to power in 246 BC upon the death of his father. He is most noted for his inva...

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Ptolemy II Philadelphus

[308-246 BCE] Son of Ptolemy I who consolidated Alexandria's control of Israel & north Africa and developed it as a major center of Greek culture. Yet, in politics Ptolemy II was less influenced by Greek tradition than the Egyptian cult of the Pharaohs. Not only did he promote the worship of his deceased parents as gods, he also portrayed himse...

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Macedonian King of Thrace. Lysimachus (c. 361-281 B.C.) was a member of Alexander's Companion cavalry who particularly distinguished himself in India. Following Alexander's death he became governor of Thrace. After Perdiccas had rejected the hand of Antipater's daughter Nicaea, Lysimachus married her and in 315 he joined the coalition of Ptolemy, S...

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