Fallow Deer

Fallow Deer Scripture - Deuteronomy 14:5

The hart, and the roebuck, and the fallow deer, and the wild goat, and the pygarg, and the wild ox, and the chamois....

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Gazelle in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

ga-zel' (tsebhi, and feminine tsebhiyah; compare Tabeitha (Acts 9:36), and Arabic zabi; also Arabic ghazal; Dorkas (Acts 9:36); modern Greek zarkadi): The word "gazelle" does not occur in the King James Version, where tsebhi and tsebhiyah, in the 16 passages where they occur, are uniformly translated "roe" or "roebuck." In the Revised Version...

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Deer in Naves Topical Bible

-Also called, FALLOW DEER, HART, HIND, ROEBUCK -Designated among the ceremonially clean animals, to be eaten De 12:15; 14:5 -Provided for Solomon's household 1Ki 4:23 -Fleetness of 2Sa 2:18; 1Ch 12:8; Pr 6:5; So 8:14; Isa 35:6 -Surefootedness of 2Sa 22:34 -Gentleness of Pr 5:19 -Coloring of Jer 14:5...

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Fallow Deer in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(called fallow from its reddish-brown color) (Heb. yachmur). The Hebrew word, which is mentioned only in De 14:5 and 1Kin 4:23 probably denotes the Alcelaphus bubalis (the bubale or wild cow) of Barbary and North Africa. It is about the size of a stag, and lives in herds. It is almost exactly like the European roebuck, and is valued for its v...

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Roebuck in Smiths Bible Dictionary

The Hebrew words thus translated denote some species of antelope, probably the Gazella arabica of Syria and Arabia. The gazelle was allowed as food, De 12:15,22 etc.; it is mentioned as very fleet of foot, 2Sa 2:18; 1Ch 12:8 it was hunted, Isa 13:14; Pr 6:5 it was celebrated for its loveliness. So 2:9,17; 8:14...

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Fallow-Deer in Easton's Bible Dictionary

Deut. 14:5 (R.V., "Wild goat"); 1 Kings 4:23 (R.V., "roebucks"). This animal, called in Hebrew _yahmur_, from a word meaning "to be red," is regarded by some as the common fallow- deer, the Cervus dama, which is said to be found very generally over Western and Southern Asia. It is called "fallow" from its pale-red or yellow colour. Some in...

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Roebuck in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

ROE or ROEBUCK. Yaalah, "chamois" (Proverbs 5:19) or ibex, the female of the wild goat. Tsebi (masculine), tsebiah (feminine), from whence Tabitha (Greek Dorkas), "loving and beloved": Acts 9:36. The beautiful antelope or gazelle, the Antelope dorcas and Antelope Arabica. Slender, graceful, shy, and timid; the image of feminine loveliness (Son...

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Deer in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

der ('ayyal, feminine 'ayyalah, and 'ayyeleth (compare Arabic, 'ayyal and 'iyal, "deer" and 'ayil, "ram," and Latin caper and capra, "goat," caprea, capreolus, "wild goat," "chamois," or "roe deer"); yachmur (compare Arabic, yachmur, "deer"); ya`alah, feminine of ya`el (compare Arabic, wa`l, "Pers wild goat"); tsebhi, and feminine tsebhiyah (c...

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Roebuck in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

ro, ro'-buk: the King James Version has "roe" and "roebuck" for tsehi, tsebhiyah. the Revised Version (British and American) usually substitutes "gazelle" in the text (Dt 12:15, etc.) or margin (Prov 6:5, etc.), but retains "roe" in 2 Sam 2:18; 1 Ch 12:8; Song 3:5; 7:3. So the Revised Version (British and American) has "gazelle" for the King J...

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Deer in Wikipedia

Deer. - (Hebr., 'áyyãl). Its name is frequently read in the Scriptures, and its habits have afforded many allusions or comparisons, which fact supposes that the deer was not rare in Israel. Its handsome form, its swiftness, its shyness, the love of the roe for her fawns, are alluded to; it seems from Prov., v, 19 and some other indirect indications...

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