Roebuck in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

ro, ro'-buk: the King James Version has "roe" and "roebuck" for tsehi, tsebhiyah. the Revised Version (British and American) usually substitutes "gazelle" in the text (Dt 12:15, etc.) or margin (Prov 6:5, etc.), but retains "roe" in 2 Sam 2:18; 1 Ch 12:8; Song 3:5; 7:3. So the Revised Version (British and American) has "gazelle" for the King James Version "roe" in Sirach 27:20 (dorkas). the Revised Version (British and American) has "roe-buck" for yachmur (Dt 14:5; 1 Ki 4:23), where the King James Version has "fallow deer." In the opinion of the writer, 'ayyal English Versions of the Bible "hart," should be translated "roe-buck," yachmur "fallow deer," and tsebhi "gazelle." See DEER; GAZELLE. Alfred Ely Day

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