Rabbinical Works

Classical Resources

Links, organizations, languages, materials, resources, journals and more....

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Summary of the Torah

The Summary of the Torah by Dr. James D. Tabor. Based on Deuteronomy and Leviticus....

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613 Mitzvos

according to Sefer Hamitzvos of Rambam. 248 Positive Mitzvos and 365 Negative Mitzvos....

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The Laws Of The Basic Principles Of The Torah


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Branches or Subdivisions of Judaism

In broad historical perspective...

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Rabbinical Works Ancient Documents

Rabbinical Works Ancient Documents refers to a valuable collection of writings and manuscripts produced by Jewish scholars and rabbis throughout history. These documents are essential to understanding the development of Jewish thought, law, ethics, and theology, offering insights into the evolution of Jewish culture and religion. Rabbinical works e...

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Ancient Documents

Ancient documents are invaluable artifacts that provide glimpses into the lives, cultures, and histories of civilizations that existed in times long past. These documents encompass a diverse range of written records, inscriptions, manuscripts, and texts that offer insights into the beliefs, practices, governance, and everyday experiences of ancient...

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The Romans

HTML Version of BKA 40a "The Romans" - Part one. Bible History Online...

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The Hebrew New Testament

The Hebrew New Testament refers to the translation of the New Testament of the Christian Bible into the Hebrew language. The New Testament contains the teachings, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and it is an integral part of Christian scripture. The translation into Hebrew is of particular significance for scholars, historians, and i...

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Mishnah Tractate Avot

Mishnah Tractate Avot, also known as "Pirkei Avot" or "Ethics of the Fathers," is a distinctive section within the Mishnah, the foundational text of Jewish oral law. Avot stands out from other tractates by focusing on ethical teachings, wisdom, and moral principles that guide individuals in leading virtuous lives and nurturing harmonious relationsh...

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