
Persona in Rabbinic Tradition

Rabbis. Abba Arika Gamaliel I Jeremiah Samuel bar Abba Abtalion _______ II Johanan bar Nappacha ______ the Small Acha bar Jacob _______ III ________ ben Zakkai ______ ben Nachmani Alexandri Jonathan ben Eleazar Shammai Aqiba ben Joseph Hanan ha Nechba José ben Halaphta Shemaiah cHanania ben Teradion ____ the Priest Shila Dosa ben Harkinas c...

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List of Ancient Rabbis

Simeon the Just 140 BCE high priest ; Simeon ben Shetach 80-50 BCE led Pharisees to power ; cHoni the Circle-drawer 60-50 BCE wonder-worker ; Abtalion 60-30 BCE taught 7 ; Shemaiah 50-30 BCE taught 7 ; Shammai 40 BCE- rigorist ; 20 CE rival of 7 ; HILLEL (the elder) 30 BCE- forms middoth ; 20 CE school prevails ; Hilkiah 20-10 BCE wonder-worke...

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Tosefot RI"D 13th century

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Rabbenu Gershom (Mainz Commentary)

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The Mishnah - A Brief Explaination

The Hebrew root "ShNH" means "to repeat," and refers to memorization by repetition. Mishnah can refer in a general way to the full tradition of the Oral Torah, as formulated by the Rabbis in the first centuries of the Common Era. These traditions could not be written down, but had to be transmitted and learned by word of mouth. [Texts][Rabinnical W...

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The Gemara (Talmud) - A Brief Explanation

The Gemara (Tamud) both are synonymous and derive from words meaning "study" or "learning." "Talmud" is Hebrew, whereas "Gemara" (in the present sense) is found only in the Aramaic dialect of the Babylonian Talmud. The Talmud is composed in a mixture of Hebrew and Aramaic (which was the spoken vernacular of Babylonian Jews). The Talmud is a comment...

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Rashi (1040-1105)

A Brief Explaination of Rashi's Commentary on the Talmud. Rabbi Solomon ben Isaac (or: Shlomo Yitzhaki) is known by the acronym: RaSh"I[Commentaries][Rabinnical Works]...

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Tosafot suppliment to Rashi

A Brief Explaination. The Tosafot were composed by many scholars in different schools throughout the 12th and 13th centuries. The word "Tosafot" translates as "additions" or "supplements." [Commentaries][Rabinnical Works]...

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Rabbenu Hananel 990-1050

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Sefer Ha-Mafteah 1020-1050

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