Ancient Documents

Religious Parties in Ancient Rabbinism

Texts. Judean-Samaritan Feud 56. Assyrians Occupy Samaria [722 BCE] --- 1 Kings 17:5-6, 24-34 57. Why Jews Exclude Samaritans --- Kuthim 2.7 58. Samaritan Temple --- Josephus, Antiquities 11.342-346 59. Temple Rivalry --- Josephus, Antiquities 13.74, 77-79 60. Samaritans Desecrate Judean Temple -- Josephus, Antiquities 18.29-30 61. Murdere...

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Food and Fellowship Texts

Writings of the Rabbi's: Where Two or Three are Gathered, Daily Bread, Blessing the Meal, Blessing Wine & Bread, The Way of Torah, Price of Loose Discipline, Aqiba's Cautions, Frequent Feasting, Preparing for the Real Banquet, One who Serves....

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Talmudic Tractates

Zera'im ["Seeds"] Agriculture Berakoth ["Blessings"] Prayer Mo'ed ["Festivals"] Calendar & Ritual Shabbath ["Sabbath"] Sabbath observance Erubin ["Blendings"] Resolution of problems Pesachim ["Passovers"] Passover observance Yoma ["Day (of Atonement)"] Yom Kippur Rosh HaShanah ["New Year's Day"] Calendar calculations Ta'anith ["Fasting"] ...

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Social Order Texts

Sacred Days and Seasons 154. Sabbath Rest --- Exodus 20:8-11 155. Covenanters' Sabbath Rules --- Dead Sea Scrolls, Damascus Covenant (CD) 10.17-23 156. Covenanters: No Aid for Animals --- Dead Sea Scrolls, Damascus Covenant (CD) 11.13-14 157. Rabbinic Definition of Work --- Mishna, Shabbath 7.2 158. Postponing the Sabbath --- Mishna, Shabba...

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Sin and Justice Texts

Writing of the Rabbi's: Atonement for Sins, Life or Death?, Composition of a Court, Cases for the Supreme Court, Capital & Non-capital Cases, Court Protocol, Warning to Witnesses, Offenders Sentenced to Stoning, What constitutes Blasphemy?, Sabbath Violators Stoned, Hidden Witnesses, Prelude to Stoning, Stoning & Hanging, Parable of the Twi...

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Purity and Social Relations Texts

An Unclean Cup, What Defiles?, Whose House is Dirty?, Tax Collectors Visit, A Leper's Visit, Passing Lepers, Sin causes Sickness, Gentiles & Heretics, Who profanes?, Other Interpretations of Torah, Disciples of Abraham and Balaam, Who is Hostile?, Against Trusting Secular Types, Kosher Marriage, A Woman with Child, Reason for Divorce, Letter of...

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Rabbinic Wisdom Texts

Mishnaic writings, Hillel, Shammai and others....

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Pharisees and Sadducees

Josephus, Mishna and Talumdic quotes...

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Prayer and Piety Texts

Quotes from the ancient rabbi's...

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Exegesis & Eschatology Texts

Rabbinical texts on the study of the Torah and about the future and Messiah. Jewish Scholarship, Targum & Midrash, Messianic Exegesis, New Covenant Eschatology,...

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