Herod Antipas

Conclusion about Herod Antipas

Herod illustrates well, the need of man for a Savior. His royalty and great wealth allowed him to live a large life. As a magnified cut away of a city map helps us to see the territory in greater detail, the largeness of Herod’s fallen nature can also help us see our own condition. A humble seeker of God may be able to find portions of his own fall...

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The Family Background of Herod Antipas

Herod was the name of a variety of members of the royal dynasty which originated in Edom or Idumea after it had been forced to adopt the Jewish religion by John Hyrcanus in 125 B.C. This family ruled in Palestine as vassals of the Romans. The history of this dynasty, which succeeded that of the Maccabees, largely relates to the political history of...

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Map of New Testament Israel

Political map of Palestine during New Testament times, when Pontius Pilate was procurator of Judea and Herod was Tetrarch of Galilee (Luke 3:1). The primary locations mentioned in the New Testament are listed; those with an underline are not found in the New Testament but were important in Old Testament times....

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Antipas and Archelaus

The only significant event that occurred early in Antipas' career was in 6 A.D. when a delegation of Jews and Samaritans as well as Philip and Antipas went to Rome to bring about the downfall of his brother Archelaus. Although Antipas remained a tetrarch, he at least gained the dynastic title "Herod" which was of great significance both to his su...

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Herod Antipas Coin

This coin of Herod Antipas was struck at Tiberias with the name of Herod the Tetrarch and a palm-branch (28 A.D.)...

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Herod Antipas Timeline

40 BC Herod the Great appointed King of Judea by Marc Anthony in Rome. 20 BC Herod begins to rebuild the Great Temple in Jerusalem in an attempt to restore it to its former splendor as under Solomon. 20 BC Antipas is born to Herod the Great (an Idumaean) and Malthace ( a Samaritan) 4 BC Jesus of Nazareth born in Roman Palestine (by some es...

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Herod Antipas the Tetrarch

Herod Antipas ruled from 4 B.C.-39 A.D. He was the son of Herod and Malthace ( a Samaritan) born 20 B.C. and the younger brother of Archelaus. Of all the Herodians, Herod Antipas is the most prominent in the New Testament, for he was the tetrarch over Galilee and Perea, the two areas in which John the Baptist and Christ did most of their ministry...

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Antipas and John the Baptist

The situation for which Herod Antipas was remembered most was with the imprisonment and death of John the Baptist (Matt 14:3-12; Mark 6:1729; Luke 3:19, 20; Jos. Antiq. xviii. 5. 2 ; 116-119) . Antipas had married the daughter (name unknown) of Aretas IV, the Nabatean king, which probably was instigated by Augustus who was known to favor intermar...

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Herod Antipas on Bible History Online

Antipas and Archelaus , Antipas and Jesus , Antipas and John the Baptist ,t Antipas and Rome , Antipas the Tetrarch , Coin of Herod Antipas , Family Background , , Genealogy Chart , Map of New Testament Israel , Maps and Images , Overview , Scriptures , The Question About Philip , Timeline ,...

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Antipas and Jesus

Antipas' relationship to Jesus is seen in three events. The first event is when Herod Antipas first began to hear about Jesus and concluded that this one is "John the Baptist resurrected from the dead" (Matt 14:1, 2; Mark 6:14-16; Luke 9:7-9). It may have been that he was plagued with his own guilt and the possibility that perhaps God had anointe...

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