Famous Battles

Battle of Issus

Alexander defeated the Persian army with many times more men at the ancient city of Issus about 50 miles west of modern day Adana. While Darius, King of Persia, fled after the battle, Alexander captured Darius family. [Adana, Turkey] 333 B.C....

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Siege of Tyre

This strongly fortified city, built on an island separated from the mainland by a channel 1,000 yards wide, was besieged by the Macedonians under Alexander the Great, B.C., 332. Alexander at once commenced the construction of a mole across the channel but was much hampered by the Phoenician galleys, which issued from the two fortified harbours, and...

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Siege of Gaza

This city, defended by a Persian garrison, under Batis, was besieged by Alexander the Great October, 332 B. C. Utilizing the engines he had employed against Tyre, he succeeded, after some weeks, in breaching the walls, and, after three unsuccessful assaults, carried the city by storm, the garrison being put to the sword....

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Battle of Megalopolis

Fought B.C. 331, in the attempt of the Spartans, aided by the Arcadians, Achieans and Eleians, to shake off the Macedonian yoke, during Alexander's absence in Asia. The allies, under Agis, King of Sparta, were besieging Megalopolis, which had declined to join the league, when they were attacked by the Macedonians, under Antipater, and completely ro...

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Alexander & Macedonian Conquests 338 - 322 BC

Philip II ruled Macedonia from 359 to 336 bc. During this time he battled and subdued the Greeks (the major victory was at Chaeroea in 338.) After his assassination in 336 bc his son Alexander at the age 20 became King of Macedonia. In 334 Alexander began his invasion of Persia in order to fulfill his father's plan to punish Persia for its dominanc...

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Battle of Gaugamela

About 47,000 Macedonians led by Alexander defeated 120,000 Persians led by Darius. Fought October 31, 331 B. C., between 47,000 Macedonians under Alexander the Great, and the Persian army, three or four times as numerous, under Darius Codomannus. Alexander, who led the Macedonian right wing, forced a passage between the Persian left and centre, and...

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Battle of Chaeronea

Philip II defeated the allied force of Thebes and Athens. Fought August B.C. 338 between the Macedonians under Philip, and the Athenians and Thebans under Chares and Theagenes respectively. Philip had 30,000 foot and 2,000 horse, the latter led by Alexander, then a lad of eighteen ; the allies were slightly fewer in number. Philip reinforced his r...

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Battle of Hydaspes

Fought B.C. 326, between 65,000 Macedonians and 70,000 Asiatics, under Alexander the Great, and the army of the Indian king Porus, numbering 30,000 infantry, with 200 elephants and 300 war chariots. Alexander crossed the river- a few miles above Porus' entrenchments, and utterly routed him, with a loss of 12,000 killed and 9,000 prisoners, includin...

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Battle of Thebes

This city was captured by the Macedonians, under Alexander the Great, in September, 335 B.C. The Thebans were blockading the Macedonian garrison, which held the citadel, and the Cadmea ; Perdiccas, one of Alexander's captains, without orders, broke through the earthworks outside the city. Before the Thebans could shut the gates, Perdiccas effected ...

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Battle of Granicus

First major victory of Alexander over the Persians. Fought May, 334 B.C., between 35,000 Macedonians, under Alexander the Great, and 40,000 Persians and Greek mercenaries, under Memnon of Rhodes, and various Persian satraps. Alexander crossed the Granicus in the face of the Persian army, leading the way himself at the head of the heavy cavalry, an...

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