
Elymas Scripture - Acts 13:8

But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith....

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Elymas in Wikipedia

is another name for Bar-Jesus (arc. Bar-Yeshua, lat. Bariesu), a Jewish magician who appears in the New Testament in the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 13. [1] Acts of the Apostles calls him a magus, which the King James Bible here translates as "sorcerer". He is represented as opposing Paul of Tarsus and Barnabas on the city of Paphos on Cypru...

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Elymas in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

el'-i-mas (Elumas, "wise"; Acts 13:8)....

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Elymas in Naves Topical Bible

A false prophet, punished with blindness Ac 13:8,10...

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Elymas in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(a wise man), the Arabic name of the Jewish magus or sorcerer Bar-jesus. Ac 13:6 ff. (A.D. 44.)...

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Elymas in Easton's Bible Dictionary

magician or sorcerer, the Arabic name of the Jew Bar-jesus, who withstood Paul and Barnabas in Cyprus. He was miraculously struck with blindness (Acts 13:11)....

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Elymas in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Arabic (alim, "wise," related to ulema) for Barjesus, the Jew sorcerer associated with Sergius Paulus. proconsul of Cyprus at Paul's visit (Acts 13:6, etc.). Struck blind for "seeking to turn away the deputy (proconsul) from the faith." As he opposed the gospel light, in significant retribution he lost the natural light. Contrast Paul's simult...

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