Elymas in Wikipedia
is another name for Bar-Jesus (arc. Bar-Yeshua, lat.
Bariesu), a Jewish magician who appears in the New Testament
in the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 13. [1]
Acts of the Apostles calls him a magus, which the King James
Bible here translates as "sorcerer". He is represented as
opposing Paul of Tarsus and Barnabas on the city of Paphos on
Cyprus, when Sergius Paulus, the Roman Proconsul, wishes to
hear Paul and Barnabas speak about Jesus. Because of this
opposition, Paul states that God has decided to make him
temporarily blind. A cloud of darkness immediately begins
blocking his sight;[2] and after this miracle, Sergius Paulus
is converted to Christianity. These events took place during
Paul's first missionary journey. Elymas means "Wise" in
Arabic, while Bar-Yeshua literally means "son of Jesus" in
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