
Bealiah Scripture - 1 Chronicles 12:5

Eluzai, and Jerimoth, and Bealiah, and Shemariah, and Shephatiah the Haruphite,...

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Bealiah in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

be-a-li'-a (be`alyah, "Yahweh is Lord," compare HPN, 144, 287): Bealiah, formerly a friend of Saul, joined David at Ziklag (1 Ch 12:5)....

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Bealiah in Naves Topical Bible

An Ishmaelite who joined David at Ziklag 1Ch 12:5...

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Bealiah in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(Jehovah is lord), a Benjamite who went over to David at Ziklag. 1Ch 12:5 (B.C. 1062.)...

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Bealiah in Easton's Bible Dictionary

whose Lord is Jehovah, a Benjamite, one of David's thirty heroes of the sling and bow (1 Chr. 12:5)....

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Bealiah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Combining Baal and Jah (1 Chronicles 12:5)....

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Bealiah in Hitchcock's Bible Names

the god of an idol; in an assembly...

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