Answers & Evidence2

Following the Light - Scriptural Truths

The objective of Following the Light is to offer unbiased, scripturally based evidence to help people discover what God requires of them; bring hope to mankind, restore faith in God's promises, and bring glory to the Father and Son in Heaven....

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The Book That Changed History

By Jay Rogers. It is subversive literature. It has led to the overthrow of governments, sparked mass migrations across oceans, and more than once changed the course of history. Governments - from the 16th-century English monarchy to the Communist Soviet Union - have gone to great lengths to restrict or even prevent its printing and distribution. Y...

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The Influence of the Bible

One writer has aptly noted that if every Bible in every city of the world was destroyed, the entire book could be restored by piecing together quotations from books on the shelves of public libraries. This example was given to show how often the Bible has been cited in the works of literature....

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Criticism of the Bible

" Got a Problem With the Bible?"...

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The Bible: Reliable Enough for Matthew Fontaine Maury

The Bible: Reliable Enough for "the Father of Modern Navigation"...

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The Anvil that Has Worn Out Many Hammers

Nineteenth century writer H.L. Hastings once forcibly illustrated the unique way in which the Bible has withstood the attacks of skepticism....

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What About All the "Contradictions" in the Bible?

There's a typical argument heard on campus, particularly in the religion department: "You can't trust the Bible because its full of inconsistencies and contradictions." Religion professors and skeptics of Christianity capitalize on the fact that there are thousands of various readings of both the Old and New Testaments ... leaving Christian faith w...

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Scientific Accuracy of the Bible

David M. Skjaerlund. The Bible, passed down through many generations of recorded history, is the basis of Christianity and contains God's instructions for man. The Bible also describes the origin of life on earth. Many have questioned whether a book written thousands of years ago could still be found accurate when scrutinized by modern science. But...

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The Book That Has Survived Its Enemies

The Bible, like no other book in history, has withstood vicious attacks from its enemies. Many have tried to ban it, burn it and outlaw it ... from the days of the Roman emperors to the present-day tyrant-dominated nations. Sidney Collett, in All About the Bible, says, "Voltaire, the noted French infidel who died in 1778, said that in one hundred ...

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