Is the Genesis account of creation to be read literally?
The Genesis account is to be accepted as true and as inspired by God. However, other creation accounts in Scripture (Job 38 and Psalm 104) allow us to conclude that, for the Hebrews, it was more important to present an account of origins that would meet the needs of people constantly tempted to lapse into idolatry and paganism. In contrast to the secular accounts of the ancients' many diverse gods and goddesses who fought among themselves and created worlds and systems out of each other's dead carcasses, the Hebrew creation account is orderly, elegant and beautiful to read. The God of Genesis 1 towers over all things that were made. He calls them into being solely by his sovereign will. There is order, beauty and simplicity. Some scholars are convinced that this was done in six literal days and nights as the account reads. Plain Truth MinistriesRead More about Is the Genesis account of creation to be read literally?