Talmudic Tractates
Zera'im ["Seeds"] Agriculture Berakoth ["Blessings"] Prayer
Mo'ed ["Festivals"] Calendar & Ritual Shabbath ["Sabbath"] Sabbath observance
Erubin ["Blendings"] Resolution of problems
Pesachim ["Passovers"] Passover observance
Yoma ["Day (of Atonement)"] Yom Kippur
Rosh HaShanah ["New Year's Day"] Calendar calculations
Ta'anith ["Fasting"] Occasions for fasts
cHagigah ["Festival offering"] Pilgrimage feasts
Nashim ["Women"] Marriage Yebamoth ["Sisters-in-Law"] Kinship & Engagements
Nedarim ["Vows"] Oaths & Annulments
Gittin ["Divorces"] Divorce & remarriage
Sota ["Adultress"] Infidelity
Kiddushin ["Marrying"] Acquiring a wife
Neziqin ["Damages"] Civil & Criminal Law Baba Metzia ["Middle Gate"] Property law
Sanhedrin ["Council"] Criminal law
Aboda Zara ["Alien Worship"] Idolatry
Aboth ["(Sayings of the) Fathers"] Wisdom sayings
Qodashim ["Holy things"] Sacrifices & offerings Menachoth ["Grain Offerings"] Cereal sacrifices
cHullin ["Common things"] Non-kosher animals
Toharoth ["Purities"] Defilement Kelim ["Containers"] Household objects
Nega'im ["Plagues"] Leprosy
Parah ["(Red) Heifer"] Ritual of purification
Toharoth ["Purities"] Temporary defilement
Niddah ["Isolation"] Menstruation
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