Religious Parties in Ancient Rabbinism
Texts. Judean-Samaritan Feud
56. Assyrians Occupy Samaria [722 BCE]
--- 1 Kings 17:5-6, 24-34
57. Why Jews Exclude Samaritans
--- Kuthim 2.7
58. Samaritan Temple
--- Josephus, Antiquities 11.342-346
59. Temple Rivalry
--- Josephus, Antiquities 13.74, 77-79
60. Samaritans Desecrate Judean Temple
-- Josephus, Antiquities 18.29-30
61. Murdered Galilean Avenged
---- Josephus, Jewish War 2.232-237
Pharisees & Sadducees
62. Three Jewish Sects
--- Josephus, Jewish War 2.119
63. Argument over Oral Torah
--- Josephus, Antiquities 12.297-298
64. Principles & Popularity of Pharisees
--- Josephus, Antiquities 18.12-15
65. Sadducees differ from Pharisees
--- Josephus, Jewish War 2.164-166
66. Rabbinic Lament over Sadducean Brutality
--- Tosefta, Menachoth 13.21
67. Tradition of the Elders
--- Mishna, Aboth 1.1
68. Standards for Disciples
--- Mishna (supplement), Aboth de R. Nathan A 3
69. Hillel justifies Oral Tradition
--- Babylonian Talmud, Shabbath 31a
70. The Yoke of Torah
--- Mishna, Aboth 3.5
71. Deviants from Torah Rejected
--- Mishna, Aboth 3.12
72. Saying & Doing
--- Tosefta, Parah 4.7
73. Torah & Propagation
--- Tosefta, Yebamoth 8.7
74. Seven Types of Pharisees
--- Babylonian Talmud (supplement), Aboth d Rabbi Nathan 37.4
75. False Pharisees
--- Babylonian Talmud, Sotah 22b
Essenes & Dead Sea Scrolls
76. Essenes are Rural Poor
--- Philo, Every Good Man is Free 12.75-77
77. Dead Sea Settlement of Essenes
--- Pliny, Natural History 5.15.73
78. Some Essenes Marry
--- Josephus, Jewish War 2.160
79. Essene Monastic Rules
--- Josephus, Jewish War 2.120-126, 135-147
80. Communal Property at Qumran
--- Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule (1QS) 1.11-13
81. Deviants from Torah Excommunicated
--- Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule (1QS) 8.21-23
82. Directions for the Instructor
--- Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule (1QS) 9.12-16
83. Essene Worship & Communal Meal
--- Josephus, Jewish War 2.128-133
84. Communal Order at Qumran
--- Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule (1QS) 6.2-5
85. Council of Twelve
--- Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule (1QS) 8.1-4
Initiations: Baptism & Unity
86. Essene Initiation
--- Josephus, Jewish War 2.137-142
87. The Qumran Covenant
--- Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule (1QS) 1.1-11
88. Purification of Initiates at Qumran
--- Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule (1QS) 3.6-12
89. Ultimate Agent of the Holy Spirit
--- Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule (1QS) 4.18-23
90. Two Spirits
--- Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule (1QS) 3.15-21
91. Rabbinic Proselyte Baptism
--- Talmud (appendix), Gerim 1.1-5
92. Proselytes likened to Israel
--- Talmud (appendix), Gerim 4.3
93. Christian Baptism
--- Paul, Galatians 3.26-28
94. Christian Unity
--- Paul (?), Ephesians 4.4-7, 13
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