Ahmose (Nebpehtyre)

Ahmose (Nebpehtyre) in Tour Egypt

AHMOSE I, FOUNDER OF THE 18TH DYNASTY AND THE NEW KINGDOM OF ANCIENT EGYPT by Richard Warner. Egypt's 18th Dynasty that established the New Kingdom is, to most people interested in Egypt, a dynasty of stars. It is the dynasty of Tutankhamun who was a fairly minor king, but perhaps the best known of any of the pharaohs. It was also the dynasty of ...

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Ahmose I in Wikipedia

Ahmose I (sometimes written Amosis I, "Amenes" and "Aahmes" and meaning Born of the Moon) was a pharaoh of ancient Egypt and the founder of the Eighteenth dynasty. He was a member of the Theban royal house, the son of pharaoh Tao II Seqenenre and brother of the last pharaoh of the Seventeenth dynasty, King Kamose. During the reign of his father o...

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