Ahmose (Nebpehtyre) in Tour Egypt
by Richard Warner.
Egypt's 18th Dynasty that established the New Kingdom is, to most people interested in Egypt, a dynasty of stars. It is the dynasty of
Tutankhamun who was a fairly minor king, but perhaps the best known of any of the pharaohs. It was also the dynasty of the well known
Akhenaten, and of Queen Hatshepsut.
The founder of this Dynasty is less well known to the general public, but unquestionably of major importance to Egyptian history. He was
Ahmose I, during who's reign Egypt was finally and completely liberated from the Hyksos. Various scholars attribute different dates to his
reign, but he probably became ruler of Egypt around 1550 BC at the age of 10, and ruled for a period of around 25 years before his death
(examination of his well preserved mummy suggest he was about 35 when he died).Ahmose I (Amosis to the Greeks) was given the birth name Ah-
mose (The Moon is Born). His thrown name was Neb-pehty-re (The Lord of Strength is Re). He was probably a boy when he assumed the thrown,
having lost his father Seqenenre Taa II and his brother Kahmose within three years of each other. His mother was Queen Ashotep, a powerful
woman who was perhaps his co-regent during his early years.Egyptologists believe that during his very early reign, little was probably
accomplished and perhaps the Hyksos may have even gained some ground, recapturing Heliopolis. However, by the end of his first decade in
power, we know from an Autobiography of Ahmose, son of Ibana, a naval officer from El-Kab, that he laid siege on Avaris (The tomb of Ahmose
Pennekheb, another soldier also records the campaigns). This was a long battle interrupted by the need to put down insurrections in already
liberated territories, but appears to have been successful sometime between his 12th and 15th year as ruler. Afterwards, he attacked the
southwest Palestinian fortress of Sharuhen in a six year siege that would finally put an end to Hyksos control of Egypt.
A Stele of Ahmose INext, he turned his attention to Nubia (Kush) and, while Kamose (his predecessor) may have gained some ground prior to
his death, Ahmose I pushed the boundaries south to the Second Cataract. Here, he established a new civil administration at Buhen probably
initially headed by a Viceroy named Djehuty.
Ahmose I's Battle AxApparently, while Ahmose I was in Nubia, former Hyksos allies again attempted a few uprising in the north lead by an
arch enemy of Kamose named Teti-en. In this instance, Ahmose I's mother, Ahhotpe, was probably responsible for putting down the rebellion
and for this she was awarded the gold flies, an award for valor that was found on her mummy in her intact tomb at Thebes.After Ahmose I's
campaigns in Nubia, he once again returned to Palestine during his 22nd year in power and may have fought his way as for as the Euphrates,
according to information on a stela of Tuthmosis I.
Ahmose I married his sister, Ahmose-Nefertiri, who became Egypt's first great God's Wife of Amun, and had a number of children including:
Merytamun - eldest daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (died young)
Tair - daughter of Kasmut
Satamun - 2nd daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (died infant)
Sapair - eldest son of Ahmose-Nefertari (died young)
Saamen - 2nd son of Ahmose-Nefertari (died infant)
Aahotep - 3rd daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (Queen)
Amenhotep I - 3rd son of Ahmose-Nefertari (King)
Satkames - 4th daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (died aged ~30)
Henttameh- daughter of Thenthapi
Ahmose - daughter
We also know from Ahmose, son of Ibana that he supported his reign and rewarded local princes who had supported the Theban cause during the
Second Intermediate Period by gifts of land (as recorded in Ahmose, son of Ibana's tomb at el-Kab). We also know that he initiated some
temple building projects, notably at Abydos. However, though we know he reopened the Tura limestone quarries, little survives of his
construction apart form a few additions to the temples of Amun and Montu at Karnak. However, a recent Dutch-Egyptian team of archaeologists
believe they may have unearthed the remains of Ahmose's palace in the Al-Dabaa area in the Sharqiya Governorate of Egypt, a location that
was probably the ancient Hyksos capital.
Pyramid of Ahmose IHe was buried in the Dra Abu el-Naga area, but his tomb has yet to be found. His actual mummy was found in the Deir el-
Bahari cache. He did have a cenotaph at South Abydos, consisting of a cliff temple and a pyramid and temple on the edge of the Nile valley.
The pyramid which measures about 70 meters square is the last known royal example built in Egypt. Some battle scene decorations within the
pyramid may have depicted his wars with the Hyksos. In these scenes are some of the earliest representation of horses in Egypt.
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