Job 25 - New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)

Chapter 25

Bildad’s Third Speech. 1 [a]Then Bildad the Shuhite answered and said:

2 Dominion and dread are his
who brings about harmony in his heavens.
3 Is there any numbering of his troops?[b]
Yet on which of them does his light not rise?
4 How can anyone be in the right against God,(A)
or how can any born of woman be innocent?
5 Even the moon is not bright
and the stars are not clean in his eyes.
6 How much less a human being, who is but a worm,
a mortal, who is only a maggot?(B)


  1. 25:1 At this point any structure in the dialogues disappears. Bildad’s speech is very short, and there follow two speeches attributed to Job, with significantly different introductions in 27:1 and 29:1, and with no intervening third speech of Zophar.
  2. 25:3 His troops: the heavenly host, or army, the stars (cf. Jgs 5:20), later understood as angels.

Cross references

  1. 25:4 : Jb 4:17; 9:2; 35:2.
  2. 25:6 : Jb 4:19; 15:16.