
Weaving in Smiths Bible Dictionary

The art of weaving appears to be coeval with the first dawning of civilization. We find it practiced with great skill by the Egyptians at a very early period; The vestures of fine linen" such as Joseph wore, Ge 41:42 were the product of Egyptian looms. The Israelites were probably acquainted with the process before their sojourn in Egypt; but...

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Weaving in Easton's Bible Dictionary

Weaving was an art practised in very early times (Ex. 35:35). The Egyptians were specially skilled in it (Isa. 19:9; Ezek. 27:7), and some have regarded them as its inventors. In the wilderness, the Hebrews practised it (Ex. 26:1, 8; 28:4, 39; Lev. 13:47). It is referred to in subsequent times as specially the women's work (2 Kings 23:7; P...

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Weaving in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

(See LINEN.) The "fine linen" of Joseph (Genesis 41:42) accords with existing specimens of Egyptian weaving equal to the finest cambric. The Israelites learned from the Egyptians the art, and so could weave the tabernacle curtains (Exodus 35:35). In Isaiah 19:9 Gesenius translated choral (from chur, "white") "they that weave white cloth," for...

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Weave Scripture - Isaiah 19:9

Moreover they that work in fine flax, and they that weave networks, shall be confounded....

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Weave Scripture - Isaiah 59:5

They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper....

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Weaving in Naves Topical Bible

General scriptures concerning Isa 19:9; 38:12 -Bezaleel skilled in Ex 35:35 -Performed by women 2Ki 23:7 -Of the ephod Ex 28:32; 39:22 -Of coats Ex 39:27 -Weaver's shuttle Job 7:6 -Beam Jud 16:14; 2Sa 21:19; 1Ch 11:23...

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Weaving in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

we'-ving: Although weaving was one of the most important and best developed of the crafts of Bible times, yet we have but few Biblical references to enlighten us as to the processes used in those early days. A knowledge of the technique of weaving is necessary, however, if we are to understand some of the Biblical incidents. The principle of w...

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Weaving Clothes with the Spindle

WEAVING CLOTH AND MAKING CLOTHES The Jewish women were responsible for making the clothing for the family. The wool which was used came from their flocks. It had to be spun into yarn without the use of modern spinning wheels. Concerning this process, the Book of Proverbs in its tribute to the ideal mother, describes it thus: "She layeth her hands ...

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