Water Supply

Water in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

wo'-ter (mayim; hudor): (1) The Greek philosophers believed water to be the original substance and that all things were made from it. The Koran states, "From water we have made all things." In the story of the creation (Gen 1:2) water plays an elemental part. (2) Because of the scarcity of water in Israel it is especially appreciated by the peo...

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Water in Naves Topical Bible

Creation of Ps 148:4,5 -Covered the whole earth Ge 1:9 -Daily allowance of Eze 4:11 -City waterworks 2Ki 20:20 -Vision of, by Ezekiel Eze 47:1-5 -Of separation Nu 19:2-22 -Libation of 1Sa 7:6 -Irrigation with See IRRIGATION -Miraculously supplied To the Israelites Ex 17:1,6; Nu 20:11 To Samson Jud 15:19 To Jehoshaphat's army 2...

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Water in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

The heat of summer and many mouths of drought necessitated also appliances for storing and conveying water; and remains still exist of the frontPOOLS of Solomon situated near Bethlehem, and of the aqueduct near Jericho which was constructed by the Romans....

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Elisha's Fountain

One of the most important springs in Israel is the one at Jericho. Its water comes from the Judean wilderness mountains located behind the town. This spring contributes to a pool of water adjoining the excavated mound of old Jericho, and this is now called "Elisha's Fountain." It is believed to be the waters healed by the prophet long ago (II Kings...

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Jerusalem's Water Supply

THE SOURCE OF JERUSALEM'S WATER Pools of water in and around the city. Throughout most of its history, the Holy City has depended largely upon private cisterns which its inhabitants have maintained to catch rain water. The city itself has had through the years no living fountain or spring within its walls. [Manners And Customs of Bible Lands]...

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Solomon's Pools

Solomon's Pools and the Temple Area Reservoir. Two miles south of Bethlehem there are three reservoirs of water that have for centuries been called Solomon's Pools, because it is generally believed that he originally constructed them. Josephus indicated that it was probably Pontius Pilate who rebuilt and enlarged them. Water from these pools was br...

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CISTERNS The word "well" to the average native of Israel has meant "spring" or "fountain," but in the Bible account it often means "cistern." Actually the cistern has been a more common source of Israel's water supply than has the well. To drink water out of the family cistern was the proverbial wish of every Jew, and such was the promise that Kin...

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Temple Area Water

Even today water from this source is brought up to the surface at a point between the Dome of the Rock and the Mosque el-Aksa, by an animal skin bucket attached to a rope and running over a wheel. Water carriers using goatskin "bottles" come here to get their water and carry it to many parts of the old city of Jerusalem. During six months of the ye...

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Locations of Wells, Springs and Fountains

Israel Water Supply WELLS, SPRINGS, OR FOUNTAINS WELLS AND THEIR LOCATION. In many cases wells have been depended upon for water in Palestinian towns through the years. Often the well is located outside the city walls, but sometimes the people are fortunate to have the well inside their town. Archaeologists have discovered at least two ancient cit...

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Modern Jerusalem Water Supply

Water for modern Jerusalem. The portion of Israel now included in the new nation of Israel has undergone a marvelous transformation in regard to the supply of water for irrigation purposes as well as for household use. Primitive customs are fast disappearing and modern customs are taking their place in the Jewish sections of the land. The Jewish p...

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