Valentinian I

Valentinian I in Roman Biography

Val-en-tin'i-an [Lat. Valenttnia'nus ; Fr. Vai.entinien, vi'loN'te'ne-aN'] I., (Flavius,) born in Pannonia in 321 A.D., succeeded Jovian as Emperor of Rome in 364, and, having made his brother Valens his colleague, reserved for himself the western part of the empire. He carried on wars with the Franks, Allemanni, and other German tribes, over whom...

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Valentinian I in Wikipedia

Flavius Valentinianus (321 – 17 November 375), commonly known as Valentinian I or Valentinian the Great[1], was Roman Emperor from 364 to 375. He was the last emperor to have de facto control of the entire empire. Upon becoming emperor he made his brother Valens his co-emperor, giving him rule of the eastern provinces while Valentinian retaine...

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Valentiniānus in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

A Roman emperor (A.D. 364- 375), was the son of Gratianus, and was born A.D. 321, at Cibalis in Pannonia. His first wife was Valeria Severa, by whom he became the father of the emperor Gratianus. He held important military commands under Julian and Jovian; and on the death of the latter, in February, 364, Valentinian was elected emperor by the tr...

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