Valentinian I in Roman Biography
Val-en-tin'i-an [Lat. Valenttnia'nus ; Fr. Vai.entinien,
vi'loN'te'ne-aN'] I., (Flavius,) born in Pannonia
in 321 A.D., succeeded Jovian as Emperor of Rome in 364, and,
having made his brother Valens his colleague,
reserved for himself the western part of the empire. He
carried on wars with the Franks, Allemanni, and other
German tribes, over whom he gained several important
victories. The Picts and Scots were also defeated, and
a rebellion in Africa was suppressed by his general
Theodosius. While marching against the Quadi and
SvBiaUe, who had invaded Pannonia, Valentinian died
suddenly, (375 a.d.) He was a Catholic, but tolerated
the Arians.
See Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire;" Tn.-
LBHONT, "' Histoire des Empereurs;" Bakonius, "Annales;"
" Nouvelle Biographie GeneVale."
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