Temptation of Jesus

The Angels Came and Ministered to Him

The Bible says that after the temptations were over that the devil left and the angels came and ministered to Him. The angels are called "ministering spirits" in the Bible and God sends them to help every man, they cannot be seen unless God allows it....

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Jesus Led by the Holy Spirit

According to the Bible Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. The Spirit of God chose to make the very first mission of the Messiah a contest between the king of this world and the real King. The devil could only use the things of this world, the things that all men are enslaved by, the enticing pleasu...

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The Devil Departed Until an Opportune Time

After the devil had ended his assault the Bible says that he departed for a season. The New King James translation says the devil "departed from Him until an opportune time. Satan`s attacks are strategically planned, he looks for a moment of weakness and begins his assault. This time he met the Son of God who commanded him, "Get thee behind me...

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The Wilderness

The Spirit of God chose the barren wilderness as the place where this battle would take place. A place of solitude, a place of contemplation, a place of no worldly comforts and where loneliness and hunger abounds. The cold nights and the heat of the day, with no friends except scorpions and snakes, and the wild beasts, this was the chosen plac...

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The Devil

The "devil" is an interesting title, it means "slanderer". The word explains very clearly how Satan operates. He slanders and distorts man`s understanding of God. Man CANNOT know God unless God reveals Himself by the Holy Spirit. Many times man`s mind can believe certain things about God and form a belief based on our five senses and the worl...

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Jesus Fasts 40 Days and 40 Nights

Jesus went into the wilderness and "ate nothing" for 40 days and then the "tempter came to Him" with the main 3 temptations. Luke tells us that Jesus was being tempted throughout the 40 days....

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The First Temptation - DO NOT TRUST GOD

Jesus became hungry and He desired bread and there was none. The temptation was to perform a miracle since He was the Son of God and provide bread for Himself, rather than trusting God and waiting for what God would bring Him. The Word of God clearly teaches us that God will provide all of our needs, and we are to trust Him and not worry or fe...

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The Second Temptation - PUT GOD TO THE TEST

The second temptation was for Jesus to jump off the Pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem, which was a very high portion of the Temple overlooking the Kidron Valley perhaps a 700 foot drop. He was to voluntarily expose Himself to a situation that would certainly destroy Him, unless God delivered Him. Jump from the Pinnacle and watch God`s angel...

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The next temptation the devil tempts Jesus with the power and the glory of world domination. Many powerful rulers sought to conquer and rule the world, Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar. Jesus could have it all right now, without dying for man`s sins, if he would worship the devil. It is interesting that Jesus did not dispute...

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